The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Speedsters of Manga World Chapter 177.

"Get out of here! Humans! This is the final warning." Saying that, Lucifer directly expelled Zhang Wen out of this world.

This made Zhang Wen seem a bit helpless, for these hell demons, hell was basically equivalent to their domain, where not only were they powerful, but they were also able to do things that were difficult to achieve, such as now banishing Zhang Wen directly from this hell.

"Hey~! It's so petty! Lucifer, you know that old man Mephisto didn't throw me out!" Of course, repelling such things didn't have much effect on Zhang Wen, or else Murpheisto wouldn't have fought Zhang Wen in his hell.

"Murpheisto? He fought you?" Lucifer originally didn't want to pay attention to Zhang Wen at all, but when he heard what Zhang Wen said, he got some interest, because of the fact that they belonged to the same Hell plane, these Hell monarchs would also fight with each other, and even other monarchs could sense if something happened, but right now he didn't sense what happened to Mephisto.

"Uh, that's not true, not yet. Probably not long from now, which would be a few years in human timeline?" Zhang Wen suddenly sounded something awkward and said.

"Are you saying that you want to challenge Mephisto later? It's kind of fun, remember to send me an invitation!" Lucifer this person is obviously different from Murpheisto, and also different from the demons that Zhang Wen had seen in the dc universe before, in his body Zhang Wen actually did not feel greed or a desire for souls, perhaps because he was originally an angel, although he was a fallen angel, but he had not yet fallen into a real demon.

"Well let's say this happening is the past for me, but it's the future for you, so unless I change the timeline you won't be able to see it, after all, as far as I know you weren't there when I fought Mephisto at the time!" Chang chimed in, then said to Lucifer.

"Past? The future? You possess the power of time?" Lucifer froze, then said in great shock.

"Yes, I'm actually sort of a time keeper, after all I wouldn't want the timeline to change except for myself!" Zhang Wen nodded, not caring at all about the surprise on Lucifer's face.

"You said you wanted a human girl's soul right, what are you going to trade with me for!" Lucifer didn't continue this topic, even though there were things he wanted Zhang Wen to do, but there was no way he would agree to such things.

"If you want me to modify the timeline, then no deal, if there's anything else you want I can get it for you." Although Zhang Wen didn't care much, he didn't want anyone to count himself out, especially someone like Lucifer who seemed to want to redeem something, this kind of person was the most terrifying, capable of doing anything for what he wanted!

Because that's what Zhang Wen was like.

"Not everything can be redeemed using the power of time!" There was a silence, and Lucifer seemed to have a very sad past for saying so.

"Yeah." Zhang Wen responded, and for a moment actually felt a little bit like this Lucifer guy

Huh? Zhang Wen suddenly remembered the other party's sexual orientation that was the same as that of Java Kang and shivered all over.

Angels didn't have a male and a female, but humans did. For a guy like Lucifer, he was a little fed up. This guy should never look at himself ah, it would take a lot of God Speed Force to kill him himself!

"If you want to claim your soul, then take it in exchange!" For some reason, Lucifer suddenly made this offer, as if he wanted to embarrass Zhang Wen?

"Souls? Is a soul coin okay? It's not the soul of this world, but I think it should be fine!" Zhang Wen casually pulled out a large amount of soul coins in the God Speed Force Space.

This operation looked like Lucifer was stunned.

Chapter 258 - Leaving Hell.

"I thought you'd be a nice guy?" Lucifer looked at Zhang Wen with some surprise, there were many people who had come to his place over the years to try to save someone, but that group of guys would rarely do that to Zhang Wen.

"Good guys? I am, why else would I come to save a little girl I've never met before?" Hearing Lucifer's words, Zhang Wen was flabbergasted, how does it feel against the grain for a human demon to say that I'm not a good person.

"I didn't know that good people would still carry around so many soul coins, you know that's a very cruel thing to do!" Lucifer said with a hint of curiosity, as the Monarch of Hell he naturally wouldn't have any kindness, but it still felt curious to see a guy who had come to Hell to save people but had Hell on his body.

That's right, in fact, the soul coin could also be called a mini hell, the coin was just what it looked like, the real function was to imprison a soul in a tiny hell to be tortured. If it wasn't for the fact that it was filled with souls and hells, the coin would still be a nice control treasure.

"I'm intrigued that a hell monarch would still talk about cruelty! Are you really sent to hell by that God guy?" Zhang Wen was not willing to mock him.

"God? It's really been a long time since I've heard that name, hasn't it? For me, maybe where is the real hell!" Lucifer wasn't angry, he said very calmly, as if he was talking about someone else.

"Well, that's actually what I think. How about it, pick one of these many coins!" Zhang Wen said as if he was showing off.

Lucifer casually took one and then tossed Sydney's soul straight to Zhang Wen. When Zhang Wen took a look at Sydney's soul, he found that she had already been covered in some of the scents from hell, and although these wouldn't cause her any great harm, it wasn't good to have such things.

Therefore, Zhang Wen directly took out a feather and stuck it in Sydney's soul before taking it away.

"An angel's feather?" Lucifer looked at Zhang Wen quietly, then didn't say anything until Zhang Wen had finished all his movements.

"Well, not of this world." Zhang Wen casually responded, not taking it to heart at all.

"By the way, do you want to change that soul you took just now?" Suddenly, Chang Man said to Lucifer.

"Well?" Lucifer was stunned at Zhang Wen's words and took a strange look at the Soul Coin in his hand, but didn't notice any difference.

"This soul coin is holding a guy named Joker inside!" Chang had no choice but to explain it to Lucifer.

"Joker?" Lucifer was a little confused as to what a circus clown had.

"In that world of mine, the Joker was a sinful, multi-segmented soul who seemed to have nothing he was afraid to do, and nothing he couldn't do, but after being put in here by me it's just a normal soul, completely devoid of all the madness, and while I don't really care about this guy, the Joker might cause you a little trouble! " Chang explained.

There were countless clowns in the world of dc, some times clowns were just crazy, but some times clowns were even capable of destroying the world, but only Zhang Wen himself knew that after the death of a clown there was no more craziness, it was as if none of the original craziness existed.

"Do you think I would be worried?" Lucifer felt a little amused and then a little angry he thought Chang Man was underestimating him.

"In that case, I'm leaving. Bye!" Saying that, Zhang Wen waved his hand and directly left the place.

Although he left the place directly, the environment did not change when Zhang Wen arrived at his destination, as he simply returned to his normal time flow.

"You're still here, huh? I almost thought I was in the wrong place!" Zhang Wen looked at Lucifer, who had barely changed before his eyes, and spat out.

"Was that just time travel?" Lucifer seemed to understand something, but he still didn't look too good.

"Yeah, what's up with that attitude you didn't have the last time you saw me, are you a clown?" Zhang Wen looked at Lucifer's livid face, as if he had remembered something.

"You're right!" Lucifer seemed to recall something that was a little hard to say.

Time didn't flow at the same rate in Hell as it did on Earth, and a day past Hell on Earth might have been hundreds of years ago, so time wasn't really important to the demons in Hell.

"It must have been a disaster, then!" At this point, Zhang Wen suddenly felt some sympathy for Lucifer, that Joker guy wasn't something anyone could deal with, his thoughts were completely different from normal people.

"I've taken care of it, but next time don't give me something so dangerous!" Lucifer took a deep breath, if he had a choice, he really wanted to quickly bar his soul to Zhang Wen when he first arrived here, without saying a word to him.

"Actually, I still have quite a few Joker souls here, do you want to put some towards where your dead enemy is?" Zhang Wen didn't know what he did when he lost consciousness, but there were a lot of things like souls in Zhang Wen's hands.

"Forget it, that thing of yours is too dangerous, you can't see much of a threat in the early stages, but" at this point, Lucifer suddenly couldn't go on and just shut up, allowing Zhang Wen to poke around without finding out what was going on.

"Well, what a bummer." Zhang Wen said somewhat helplessly, Zhang Wen was still somewhat curious about what the Joker had done, although the Joker was a guy who was no threat to Zhang Wen, but for the others, the Joker was an uncertainty.

"Continue to stay inside your hell, I'm leaving!" Zhang Wen casually waved his hand and then returned directly to Earth.

For Zhang Wen, the huge barrier between hell and earth was completely non-existent, and he didn't encounter any obstruction, but for a hell monarch like Lucifer, going to Earth was a huge price to pay, and even then, his body on Earth couldn't use much power.

Except for that guy Mephisto, there were very few Hell Monarchs who would run to Earth, and of course, fighting on Earth didn't count.

Although he could return to Earth directly, it was Hell after all, and Zhang Wen had no way to determine the exact coordinates.

Casually finding an island, Zhang Wen took out Sydney's soul and then used the energy of the Reality Gem to reshape a body for her.

Zhang Wen didn't bring the Reality Gems with him, now those two Infinity Gems were in Mia's hands, Zhang Wen was merely extracting some energy from the gems in advance, this level was still very simple for Zhang Wen.

Sydney's body didn't have any special abilities, it was just an ordinary Earthling. Although Zhang Wen had saved her, he did not have the slightest idea of adopting her.

He casually found an orphanage and slipped in a large sum of money. Then, Zhang Wen came out alone.

Chapter 259 - Each has a hidden agenda

After resolving this matter, Zhang Wen's mood was also much more relaxed. Although he did not consider himself to be a nosy Madonna, but if he met one, he always wanted to take care of it, and could not do anything to make the world a beautiful place, but at least he should not let his eyes be covered with stains.

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