The Speedmaster of Marvel World

Speedsters of the World of Comics Chapter 197.

"Uh, okay. I seem to know you a little better, and that's good for my healing!" Xu Wanru flinched, then spoke.

"I'll find a way, until next time we'll start!" Zhang Wen was quite a bit rather un-receptive.

"Well, yes!" Hearing Zhang Wen's words, it was as if Xu Wanru had put down a large stone that was pressed down on her heart.

Chapter 292 - Hero Association

"Welcome to all of you, the reason for this conference today is because the Star Group is about to make an announcement. Me! Chang Wen! It was decided to form the world's first hero association!"

Zhang Wen stood on the stage, looking at the black crowd below and which flashing cameras there were, and spoke up without the slightest bit of timidity. This was something that he had wanted to do a long time ago, but had given up at that time for various reasons.

The timing was perfect now, his own company in this world had a lot of money, enough to complete this massive project, and it would bring a little different change to the world, maybe better, maybe worse. But it would be better than the boring world of old.

"The Hero Society?"

"Mr. Zhang Wen, could you explain what you're doing?"


Zhang Wen's words made the reporters below seem like vicious dogs that had found food, excitedly chasing after Zhang Wen to ask about the Star Group's plans, although it was still unclear about the specific matters, but the word related to the word hero is very hot right now, and will definitely be able to come to a large number of clicks and traffic for their own company.

"Since 2008, the world has changed a little bit. It seems to have become a little stranger to us, and all kinds of superhumans have appeared on the internet, some of them fictional. And some of them are real!" Zhang Wen said over and over again, while different images appeared on top of the display behind him, all of which were things that Mia had collected on top of the network.

"But the world is still maintaining his balance for the time being, it hasn't been destroyed by those driver high-tech criminals, has it been wiped out by the sudden appearance of magical monsters, and the so-called heroes aren't spreading on top of the network as they are now!" The display behind Chang dutifully showed the unsung heroes, and some of the monsters that had suddenly appeared, like the Hulk! Another example is Iron Man's suit!

"But 2012 was a year to be remembered as the year that aliens invaded Earth! The humans on Earth also got their first glimpse of what aliens looked like. Although, because of the presence of the Avengers, that one crisis was averted! But the changes in this world didn't stop there!"

"The Scovia Accords from a while back were very poignant, and he made the otherwise righteous and good Captain America a wanted man. I'm not a big fan of Steve as a person, but this situation made me think! It happened to be at this time that my secretary told me that my company seemed to be very rich!"

"So, I've decided to start the world's first Hero Society! Anyone with abilities beyond those of a normal human can participate in becoming a practicing hero. We'll protect your privacy, and we'll protect your family! I'll also help you with the damage done in confronting the perpetrator!"

"But I digress! Being a hero isn't that easy!"


Zhang Wen spoke on stage for a long time, and by the time he came down, he was surrounded by the FBI, and there were even many members of the differently abled team on guard at the perimeter, as if they were going to formally capture Zhang Wen in the next second.

Obviously, this action of his made the US government very unhappy! However, the United States government was nothing in Zhang Wen's eyes, and Zhang Wen didn't care about the agents who surrounded him, walking past them without a care in the world.

"How does it feel to be a successful person!" Mia came over and inquired about Zhang Wen. As for those FBIs, they had already been forcibly controlled by Mia, but they didn't kill because of Zhang Wen's explanation.

"Not bad, a bit tempting! But I'm not interested." Chang Wen casually took off his suit jacket, which he didn't really like.

"What do we do with these people?" Mia took a look at the framed FBI around and asked Zhang Wen.

"Just drive them out and forget it, if they dare to shoot, then just kill them!" Zhang Wen thought about it briefly and then said.

Regarding the Superhero Association, he really should communicate with the United States, but not with these minions. If he couldn't communicate, then he could consider changing the leader of the country.

"Mia, what do you think the United States would call itself if it changed its name?" Suddenly, Zhang Wen inquired at Mia.

"What! Hero Society! Have I spent too much time in the basement?" Tony Stark, very shocked at Jarvis' report, activated the micro-jet that had been on the table, making a mess of the entire lab.

"No! Sir, this is what just happened!" Jarvis's voice came in unhurriedly.

"Don't bother with that yet, help me stop him!" Where was Tony in the mood for anything else at this point, knowing that there was an out of control micro jet banging around his chassis at the moment.

"Yes sir." Jarvis replied calmly, even having the leisure to comment on Tony's new look.

Tony felt a deep sense of helplessness regarding his Jarvis, even though he had done many upgrades to Jarvis, he still couldn't match Zhang Wen's skills. This caused a huge sense of frustration to appear in Tony's heart.

"Sir, the Secretary of State is calling!"

"Say I'm not!" Tony said immediately, without a hint of hesitation.

"What about those fbi who went to trouble Zhang Wen?" It was the National Ability Squad that was lurking around the conference that was speaking, and they were not here to trouble Zhang Wen, but to stop the FBI, or at least not to make things serious.

As for why the FBI would come to trouble Zhang Wen against the wishes of their superiors, it was necessary to mention the fact that not everyone in this world was smart, even the executives of government departments, there were times when the long life of power made certain people's IQs go a bit wrong.

"It doesn't even take a second to be solved by someone!" A semi-mechanical reformer said, the technology on his body at a glance was not Earth's technology, but it wasn't high end, it was probably a transformation of the trash left on Earth by the Kree or some other aliens.

The planet Earth was very small in the universe, although many powerful guys knew the name Earth, but in the eyes of ordinary aliens, Earth was just a planet with scarce resources.

Many aliens had come to Earth, some hadn't encountered any obstacles, while others had just been beaten back.

"Watch them, don't have any accidents. Zhang Wen is a very dangerous person, very dangerous!" The guy who looked like the leader said again.

"Why don't you make this information public, the FBI wouldn't make such a wrong decision if it were public!" A woman on the other side who was watching the launch intently said.

"The world doesn't need gods! Besides, they don't know nothing!"

Chapter 293 - Changes in the Star Group

Zhang Wen's press conference was a success, although Zhang Wen hadn't cared about what happened afterwards, he left the conference directly after his speech, naturally there were company hands to do what needed to be done below.

Those media were excited though, this was a big news after all, and it was something to be happy about for them. It wasn't that easy to grab headlines nowadays.

The so-called press conference was more like a company meeting where Zhang Wen just said a few words and then his staff started to get busy.

The company's first and foremost focus was on the development of the new product. The specific implementation plan is designed by Mia, directly sent to the company group's personal mailbox, the specific how to do or those employees to do, Zhang Wen's company some time ago to expand the recruitment of employees is because of this matter.

At the same time, the Star Group gave up a lot of its original market share, in order to free up manpower at this point in time. This was a relief to the traditional enterprises that were overwhelmed by the capital, but it was only a relief.

Zhang Wen's action this time immediately caused the global wind to blow and change unpredictably. Putting aside the outside world for the time being, the Star Group's inner circle was going crazy busy. Especially Dr. Stern, whose drug-controlled big head was about to explode.

Sten was just a very sad villain in the original timeline, and had a rough time before he became a villain, with an empty title of Doctor but no famous scientific research, and could only work as a teacher at a university. Perhaps being a teacher is a good enough career for the average person, but Stern's ambition is much more than that.

Otherwise he wouldn't have been able to connect with Banner in his online avatar as Mr. Blue. Once he saw the Hulk Serum as a goal worthy of his life's work, but now his whole life began to change because he met Zhang Wen.

How much does Zhang Wen have mastered? And not caring about the fame, casually taking out something would easily enable Stern to realize his lifelong dream of winning the Nobel Prize.

That's right, because of what Zhang Wen provided, Stern not only won the Nobel Prize, but also became a rich man, an important high-ranking member of the Star Group, enjoying the flamboyant life of high society. As for whether the Nobel Prize was real or not? Shi Deng didn't care, and Zhang Wen naturally didn't care just the same.

The company has just adapted to the life of its rich people, and before a few days of leisure, Zhang Wen's side began, the entire group's manpower transfer, basically more than half of the group's leadership were transferred out of their jobs, which made the manpower under Sten severe shortage, Sten also had to come down from the mansion yacht to continue to work.

Unlike those idiots in the movies who didn't know whether they were dead or alive and full of resentment, Sten knew very well who gave him the honor of his current life, and if Zhang Wen wanted to, he could turn it all to dust in an instant.

"Doctor, we've had half of our staff reassigned, and the lab is simply too busy right now!" Stern's men looked aggrieved at him.

"Overtime if you can't get busy! Don't think I don't know what you guys do every day! Too busy? You guys are too busy making small talk!" Sten didn't have the good sense to reprimand him, he knew his men well and wasn't one of those who were happy to work, and the usual times were fine, but now he was still coming to him to complain. If it wasn't for his ability to still be able to be fired long ago.

The original guys who were used to take over Sten's work were all transferred, and now Sten was in charge of both the development of Fear Gas and the operation of the second world, and his entire body was going crazy busy, so how could he have the time to worry about those idle matters.

Seeing Sten's appearance, the person who had complained earlier couldn't say anything and left in a huff. The group's transfer did make him work a lot more, but not a lot more, just the normal range.

But having gotten used to the easy work of the past, it was naturally a little hard to accept this now.

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