The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Speedsters of Manga World Chapter 198.

However, before he could complain about anything in front of his men, a resignation letter was handed to him. Issued by Mia, the resignation letter, this cup of drama in the Star Group was called a disaster from the sky, because you never knew what it was that you were being fired for not doing something right, and nothing seemed to be able to hide it from the group's top brass.

Computers were designed in the first place to calculate data, and as for all the other functions that came later, why is artificial intelligence so sought after by everyone? Not because it was cool, and not because of any bullshit about creating life or anything like that, but simply because the AI's computational data was intergenerational and was not comparable to any supercomputer today.

Why was Zhang Wen able to confidently hand over the management of the company he had created to an outsider? It is because of having Mia this small ability to check accounts, in the group, whether it is corruption, or work is not dedicated, or even the heart complains will be recorded by Mia, and then according to the threat level classification, from time to time dismissed some high-risk employees.

With this kind of outsider, how could Zhang Wen's Star Group not grow and expand? Even if Zhang Wen never cared about the company, his company would not have any major problems, that was why .

This large-scale staff transfer was also a channel to check the employees within the company, and some of the companies with higher risk factors would be fired straight away, Zhang Wen's Star Group was already strong enough and didn't need to expand. The next thing to do was just to seek stability.

As for Stern's dismissed men, this was just the tip of the iceberg. Similar situations were constantly playing out within the Star Group, but Mia had a good plan and would not cause serious consequences to the operation of the Star Group.

Anyway, the Star Group had already abandoned many projects, and didn't need so many employees to simply take advantage of this time to clean up some, face of these people in the future trouble. Although therefore paid out a lot of severance pay, but the Star Group family big business is not very concerned, and these money and the future to spend compared to, absolutely a lot less.

The day after Zhang Wen's conference, hero associations all over the world put up signboards to officially start operating. But so far it was just an empty shell, and there weren't any so-called heroes going anywhere to join, as if what Zhang Wen had established overnight was just a joke.

Zhang Wen didn't really care about this!

Chapter 294 - A Hero's Association with No Improvements

"I hear you've made a lot of noise, but not a single employee?" With a hint of a smile on his face, Tony then brought Zhang Wen a cup of homemade drink.

After taking a sip of it, Zhang Wen put Tony's homemade drink aside and never touched it again. Perhaps Tony's drink was to his own taste, but Zhang Wen was still being more of a tea drinker.

"It's normal, and I'm just trying to do something, no one is going to go without it, there are still fewer active superhumans in the entire society." Zhang Wen waved his hand and said indifferently.

"It's not as simple as you think, is it!" Tony wasn't convinced by Chang's rhetoric, and he was cautious and even a little overly worried about Chang.

"I'm just not too fond of those government guys messing around with things! How does it feel to have the Avengers split? Even though you and Steve didn't get into a fight, you two aren't in touch now are you!" Zhang Wen said as if he was inscrutable.

Tony laughed bitterly and did not answer Zhang Wen's question. For him, the Avengers League he had done a lot of hard work, but he did not expect that in the end his efforts would be worthless. This was a blow to the arrogant him.

"Someone from the government came to see me yesterday because of you!" Tony opened his mouth to say that before he became Iron Man, he never took care of the annoying guys, but now he was

"Don't mind them! By the way, how's your research on the suit coming along?" Zhang Wen said without a care in the world.

"Sort of a success!" Tony was silent for a moment, then said.

"In that case, how about joining my Hero Society?" Zhang Wen said as if he was a pimp.

"Did you come here for this?" Tony looked at Chang Man speechlessly, not knowing what to say.

"Or what?"


The next day, the story of Tony Stark joining the Heroes Society made headlines, which finally saved a little dignity for the unpopular Star Group's new project

In fact, it was a very normal thing for such a situation to occur, after all, the population of super-powered people in this world was too small, knowing that there weren't any mutants or the like here, there were only some magicians or because of other accidents long ago.

These people either lived like hermits or had their own circles, how could they join a newly formed hero association of some sort, it was simply impossible.

On the internet, the reports on this matter had also changed from praise at the beginning to sarcasm now, as if the entire world was laughing at Zhang Wen and this newly formed so-called hero association.

"Boss, I'm not quite sure how this project works, what are we going to test the Hero Association to earn money? And now hardly any of the heroes have joined in, and the staff transferred from HQ don't know what to do instead!" A large group of Star Group's managers walked up to Zhang Wen's villa façade and started complaining to him.

Zhang Wen just quietly listened to them, not saying a word. Gradually, this group of people also realized that something was wrong and consciously began to shut up, and it only took a moment for the entire room to go from noisy to deathly quiet inside.

"Keep talking! Why don't you say it?" Zhang Wen said with a bad face, although he was able to restrain his temper well, but that did not mean that he did not have anger towards this group of guys.

A group of the company's management looked at me, I looked at you, and for a moment they didn't know what to say. After all, no matter what they said at this time, they would be adding fuel to the fire, and they weren't so idiotic as to bump into a gun.

"Everyone will be fined two months' salary, and those who have an opinion will just get out! Remember! The Hero Association is not a profit-making project, but a charity industry. Anyone who joins the Hero Society and is disruptive in their fight against criminals is our responsibility to fix it!"

"In addition to that, the Hero Association also undertakes various charitable projects, so you guys can figure out what to do. Remember alone, there is absolutely no room for falsifying things. By the way, tell your men that the pay is inconvenient, and if you don't want to do this kind of thing, you can choose to resign!"

After speaking to them, Zhang Wen just kicked them out of the villa without even letting them have a cup of tea.

"Wen, it looks like it's still too early to execute this plan, and there are still many heroes that haven't shown up yet!" Watching the group leave, Mia walked over to Zhang Wen with a cup of tea.

"I know, this world is missing mutants after all, I don't know if it's a universe without mutants or if something has changed, but as far as I know it seems to have disappeared once because of Wanda mutants!" Chang Wen was a little tired and lay down on the couch.

"No is best, the mutant timeline is even more special, and if it is, then it will be busy again then." Mia trailed off and spoke up.

"Uh, Mr. Chang Man, what's the matter mutants!" Just then, Wanda walked in holding a magic book, accompanied by the white puppy-looking three-headed dog of hell.

"Did you hear what I just said?" Zhang Wen furrowed his brow, thinking that he still felt that he should have just told Wanda the truth, and then spoke, "That's parallel worlds for you, there are many parallel worlds in this world, and one of them possesses a special race of people, mutants!"

Next, Zhang Wen gave Wanda a good science lesson on what the multiverse is, what mutants are, and what the X-Men are, and told her the general story of the X-Men, except that Zhang Wen was talking about the movie version, and as for the comic book version? Sorry, Chang Man doesn't know.

It opened the door to a new world for Wanda, a world she'd never thought of as having another self, albeit with subtle differences, but that didn't matter to Mia. The multi-dimensional viability of the multiverse was important, but could it not feel desirable to imagine someone just like herself, but engaged in a completely different kind of life?

"Mr. Zhang Wen, I want to go to the other world!" Wanda said very much yearning for that fantasy world, perhaps because of the years of geeky girl life that Wanda had been living.

"Wanda! Traversing other worlds is not as easy as you think, knowing that every moment in this world has a different world born and every moment has a different world die, putting aside these, the speed of time between worlds is not the same, perhaps you are in the other world for a second, this world has already passed a thousand years!" Chang Wen threatened to Wanda, he was indeed telling the truth, but only in parallel worlds that were far away, it would be completely fine if they were very close.

"So!" Wanda was a little lost, she said.

Chapter 295 - Sensing Magic

Zhang Wen's blundering didn't scare Wanda because she had a teacher other than Zhang Wen, but this teacher Wanda had never met, and only taught Wanda some chaos magic through a magic book.

Returning to her room, Wanda could never forget the parallel world that Zhang Wen described, the other self that existed in this world, which made her yearn for it and wanted to see it.

Slightly hesitantly looking at the magic book in her bosom, Wanda placed it on the surface of the table and then began to communicate with the magic book. The magic book in Wanda's bosom was very special, every time Wanda opened the magic book and saw a different content, kind of like the book of darkness that was collected by Zhang Wen, except that Wanda's magic book did not have the ability to read minds and needed Wanda to use chaos magic to consult it herself.

After Wanda finished casting her magic, the magic book remained silent for some time. Suddenly the book emitted a red energy, and Wanda smiled a little bit when she saw this, she knew there was an answer in the book.

With anticipation, she opened the magic book, but what came into her eyes was not the crossing magic she had imagined, but a kind of sensing magic, in addition to this it also detailed the dangers of the parallel world, although not as dangerous as Zhang Wen said, but with her strength there was also no way to successfully travel to the multiverse.

Wanda pouted somewhat disappointedly and was not in a happy mood. But she had no choice but to learn the perception magic on top of the magic book, perhaps this magic would bring her some surprises.

"That guy told Wanda the truth!" Mia fiercely opened her eyes and said to Zhang Wen.

Zhang Wen didn't care about this, ever since he had brought that magic book from where Ancient One was, he had defaulted to that teacher of Wanda's, so he didn't worry too much about Wanda's safety, compared to Pietro who was the one who's father didn't love and mother didn't love.

"What did he do?" Although Moxie approved of the other teacher's actions, it didn't mean that this Wen would let him teach him indiscriminately, knowing that Zhang Wen hated it when the other suddenly got a hellish three-headed dog over here.

"What he passed over should be a sense magic! And it won't hurt Wanda!" Mia carefully recalled what she saw and then spoke.

Mia had quite a bit of magical data stored inside her mind, but even though she didn't know how to use it and she wasn't going to learn it, it was still easy to judge what to do when judging a magic.

"In that case, it's no problem then! I'm really regretting saying those things to her just now!" Zhang Wen said somewhat helplessly, only by experiencing it would he understand that some times the world wasn't as beautiful as he thought.

"What has Pietro been doing lately? It feels like I haven't seen him for a long time except for dinner!" After settling Wanda's matter, Zhang Wen only then remembered Pietro who had been haunting the past few days.

These past few days, Pietro seemed to be particularly busy, some times even coming home in time for dinner, Zhang Wen had already noticed it but had ignored it, after all, the two of them had grown up, let's do whatever they like to do.

"He, ah, joined your hero association, but it's even earlier than Stark, he's busy being a hero these days!" Mia smiled slightly, then spoke up.

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