“Oh?” Chang Wei looked at Erinai with a smile, “Then Erina, as the Ten Masters of the Far Moon, doesn’t she want to be sent to war every day?” How about we have a good fight? ”

“There is a corresponding price to pay for launching a halberd to the Yuanyue Ten Jie, and the Yuanyue Ten Jie are all students in school, and the lecturer cannot become the Yuanyue Ten Master.”

Alice’s eyes rolled around, and the thief smiled and said: “But if Teacher Chang initiates a halberd to your sister, you can mention some other conditions, hehe…”

She let out the laughter of an old driver.

“Alice!” Erina’s face flushed, “Believe it or not, I tore your mouth out!” ”

The little secretary was also smiling happily: “The teacher challenges the students, Teacher Chang, you are a bully.” ”

To put it bluntly, it’s just a joke, of course, Chang Wei doesn’t plan to be cheeky to beat up children, and he doesn’t want to be some Yuanyue Shijie.

After saying goodbye to everyone, calculating that there was still some time before lunch, Chang Wei planned to stroll around the school casually first.

On the side of the road, students set up stalls with a variety of dishes and snacks, which are served free of charge to passing students. It’s a way for various culinary research societies to recruit new ones – and of course it’s a great place to settle for lunch.

In addition to specializing in cooking, Engetsu Gakuen is no different from ordinary schools, and there are various activity clubs, but all of them are clubs that study various types of cuisine.

I was worried that I had no food at noon, and sticky bean buns fell from the sky. Isn’t lunch a solution, and it doesn’t cost money.

Well, this is testing the students’ culinary skills. Can the business of teaching people be called greedy and cheap?

“Oh? What about fellow travelers! ”

Chang Wei, who was holding a bunch of snacks, felt that someone had hit his shoulder, turned his head and looked, only to see a red-haired girl in a small cape uniform looking at him with a smile, and also holding a bunch of various snacks in his hand, and chewing it in his mouth.

“Naa, with so many kinds of dishes, it’s a crime not to eat them all, right, Zhiyin!”

“You’re so right.” Chang Wei nibbled on the bun and nodded, “Not eating all of them is a shame on the chef’s hard work.” ”

“That’s great, soulmate!” The red-haired girl smiled and nodded, “Let’s get to know, I’m Xiaolin Longbiao, a third-grade student, and the second of the current ten masters.” Meeting is fate, if you have difficulties, you can find me. ”

Oh, this girl is really not small.

“Chang Wei, a young chef from Huaxia, is now working as a teacher at Yuanyue Academy.”

“Ha, I know.” It didn’t seem surprising, the girl’s cheeks bulged, and she chewed like a hamster, and she said vaguely: “The silver noodles just now, but it opened my eyes.” ”

It turns out that I just listened to my own class… Such a gluttonous girl, but her figure showed no signs of blessing at all, perfect and bumpy, which really made Chang Wei sigh.

Laboriously swallowing the food in her mouth, the girl seemed to think of something, rolled her eyes, and clapped her little hands.

“So Teacher Chang, let’s go to the stall in front, I know a great stall of the Chinese cuisine research society.”

Chinese cuisine? Chang Wei was instantly interested.

The schoolwork of Engetsu Gakuen is still mainly based on Western food and Japanese education. Training such as French cuisine is compulsory from junior high school, and transfer students like Kohei Sojin are forced to make up for this coursework.

Although Chinese food, or Chinese cuisine, plays an important role in the world cuisine, it is not a must-study at Engetsu Gakuen, but a choice for expanding interests. There are even fewer students who use Chinese cuisine as their main sect.

In a word, Chinese food is just an elective course.

Chang Wei was also curious to see what level of Chinese food the students of Yuanyue Academy could reach.

“Okay, let’s go check it out.”

The girl smiled secretly, the plan worked, and she took the bait.

She gathered her little tiger teeth again and greeted Chang Wei: “Just ahead, it will be there soon.” Their president is also the eighth in the top ten rankings. ”

Then holding a bunch of snacks, the figure rushed forward like a ghost.

It’s the eighth seat of the Ten Masters again… Is there really only ten people in the Yuanyue Shijie, how do you feel like you can pick up a dustpan. Chang Wei grinned and hurried to follow the girl.

And is this girl really a high school student, this figure is really full of support, and it is not inferior to Erina. Sure enough, what a great body.

Chang Wei, who turned into an old driver, was still scanning the red-haired girl’s figure, but saw that the girl suddenly stopped and almost made contact with Chang Wei at a negative distance.

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