The girls stopped what they were doing and looked at Chang Wei, who was singing without saying a word, but jumped up and shouted in the next second, and they were all stunned.

“That… Senior Sister Xiaolin, is Chang Weige a magic barrier? ”

“I don’t know… What do you mean by asking me, do I usually go crazy like this? ”

“Alice, did you give Chang Weige something strange!”

“No, sister, and what are the strange things you said?”

“Stop, stop, I just thought of a little inspiration, you guys keep doing it, let me think about it for a while.”

Chang Wei waved his hand and sat on a stool to pretend to be a thinker.

“Is he really all right…”

“It should be… It looks like I’m thinking about something…”

“It is said that genius and intellectual disability are often in one thought, let’s do it first…”

Chang Wei closed his eyes and remained motionless.

“Star Core, if you dare to let me undress again, I will melt your body kitchen knife.”

Chang Wei silently chanted, “Cooking small universe, open!” ”

The star nucleus shines brightly, maintaining a slow rotation, and the four small meteorites also emit blue light.

The newly discovered planet is only a little lit, and it seems that it will take a long time to recharge.

But it doesn’t matter, the ability to have a small meteorite is enough. The most important thing in this kaiseki cuisine is to highlight the theme.

Chang Wei turned on all the small meteorites, and suddenly the meteorites rotated rapidly, and the star core trembled slightly.

Chang Wei’s mind instantly became ethereal, and his thinking leaped.

Kaiseki cuisine… Tea…… Cuisine…… Flavouring…… Seafood…… Tea ceremony….

In my mind, the thin lines connected by several completely unrelated words gradually appeared.

Finally put it into a string!

Chang Wei clapped his hands and suddenly got up.

He walked to the counter, making something quickly, and the movements were dizzying and dazzling.

Every time he made something, he shouted at the girls.

“Erina, add these to your steamed fish.”

“Alice, garnish a little of this on tofu.”

“Gentians, these deserve tempura.”

“Little secretary, put these miso soup and stew for a while.”

“Erina, add a little of this to the roasted oysters.”


After all the dishes were prepared, Chang Wei set about making an aperitif .

In general, the aperitif of kaiseki cuisine can be made with fruit wine such as plum wine for an appetizer effect, or you can choose traditional sake as a base and then further processed.

However, Chang Wei chose a dark reddish-brown color similar to a flower sculpture, but it was a tea wine made from black tea.

He put some crystals in the wine and slowly boiled the wine.

After he was done, Chang Wei turned around and found that the girls had prepared all the dishes, and gathered around him to wait for the order.

He smiled and waved his hand: “Go.” ”

In the hall of Xue Che’s mansion, little loli was eating cake, and the chief marshal was talking to Ling censor.

“It’s done!”

Chang Wei walked in with the girls, smiled and gave a thumbs up, and the commander-in-chief smiled at Chang Wei.

“This, so fast?”

Ling looked at Chang Wei’s face and couldn’t believe it, “Then start the review!” ”

The commander-in-chief clapped his hands, and a maid dressed in a delicate kimono served the dishes one after another in order.

Kaiseki cuisine is the first aperitif to appear.

Looking at the reddish-brown wine in the red lacquered and white porcelain dish in front of her, Ling asked with some uncertainty: “This… Is this rice wine from Huaxia? ”

“No, it’s tea wine.”

Chang Weiwei smiled slightly, “The black tea preparation liquid is added to sucrose, that is, it becomes a tea sugar mixture, and then baker’s yeast, fruit wine yeast, sake yeast and brewer’s yeast are fermented.” ”

Ling nodded and took the wine plate and tasted it slowly.

“This… This taste…” she looked at the saucer in her hand.

“It’s not so much wine as a warm cup of black tea, fragrant and pleasant, not spicy at all. There is also a hint of salty and sour taste, so you can’t wait to start enjoying the dishes. ”

“This sweetness should be cane sugar, but this sour and salty taste…”

“This sour taste is actually sour algae juice, I added a little sour algae extract into it.”

Chang Wei smiled and said, “And this faint salty taste is sea salt.” ”

“Sea salt?!” Ling was surprised.

The commander-in-chief put down the wine plate and nodded.

“Sweet and salty with a slightly sour taste, both refreshing and appetizing. Boiled wine that is still warm can also warm the stomach and intestines, which is really a rare aperitif. ”

“In particular, there is also sour algae juice and sea salt, which are rich in minerals and trace elements.”

“It’s not so much an aperitif, it’s almost a tonic…” Ling stared blankly at the reddish-brown liquid.

“This tea wine is really amazing!”

The next one is the appetizer, that is, the appetizer.

“This dish is made by Alice, please ask Miss Alice to explain it below.”

Chang Wei pushed Alice on both shoulders and stepped forward, and Alice waved her hand repeatedly.

“Hey, I can go by myself…”

Rei looked at the small plate in front of her, and in the middle was a small square piece of tofu, all green. The top is garnished with a little mustard and the bottom is the sea urchin fried sauce.

“This tofu… This should be tofu…,” Ling sniffed gently, “The fresh aroma emitted by this tofu is extraordinary, it doesn’t look like it was made of beans, and it doesn’t have the astringency characteristic of tofu.” ”

“It’s tofu, it’s more like a concentrated piece of MSG…” she closed her eyes intoxicated, “just smell it… It’s so fresh. ”

“Looks like this isn’t supposed to be made of beans.” The chief marshal looked up at Alice and laughed, “It’s molecular cuisine.” ”

“Molecular cuisine?” Ling’s eyes suddenly opened.

“That’s right, Grandpa.” Alice smiled and said, “This is sea tofu made with starch extracted from kelp and mixed with the concentrated juice of sea cabbage!” ”

“And the broth below is made with green tea and sea urchin decoction!”

It’s mouthwatering to listen to… Rei thought as she scooped up a spoonful into her mouth – because the tofu was too tender to hold with chopsticks.

“Hmm!” Ling resisted the urge to shout, “Is this MSG, this is obviously a stimulant!” ”

“This umami taste, as if every taste bud has been stimulated! However, there is no excessive feeling, and the taste that was about to explode is precipitated into a rich feeling because of the tea and sea urchin decoction! ”

“It’s obviously not an exaggeration as a banquet…” the commander-in-chief savored it, “but this perfect taste offensive, as well as this ingenious punch at the end, make people can’t help but continue to taste it…”

The punch that is retracted can not only lead the next dish, but also do not become the protagonist of the substitution, but it is like an unfinished fire, igniting the passion in the heart of the person who tastes it.

Chang Wei patted Alice’s shoulder.

Rei slapped the table in disdain, not feeling the slightest of being an IGO examiner.

“My taste buds are screaming for the next dish!”

She wanted to live like flying in the vast sky.

It’s like walking through the boundless wilderness, with the power to break free.

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