After Chang Wei got up the next morning, he resumed his running habit.

Under the faint sky light, Chang Wei jogged, passing the park that became clear under the morning fog, passing by the old first middle school campus where the wake-up call sounded, and in the footsteps, he seemed to hear the pulse of the real city, and this big living guy was gradually waking up.

After running around, I came home and said that it was all fake, it was really tired, but it was also very happy.

After taking a bath, Chang Wei changed his clothes and bypassed Lao Yi Middle School to buy vegetables at a vegetable market he was familiar with.

After returning, he made breakfast for himself, and after eating, Chang Wei drove to the “chopsticks” building of the Food Association.

The seasonal lecture activity has ended, and Chang Wei plans to go to talk to the old man Ji Nian, which can be regarded as a report on the work.

After arriving here, Chang Wei parked the car in the open-air parking area next to the square, although he had to walk a section after parking, but there was no reason, he had a psychological shadow of the underground parking here.

After signing his name on the first floor, Chang Wei took the elevator up, and Ji Nian really stayed in the corner of the empty hall, but what surprised Chang Wei was that he met an acquaintance, Baigu Porridge Tiantian.

He was not familiar with this woman at all, and even subconsciously wanted to hide away when he saw this person.

Tian Tian was sitting opposite Chairman Ji chatting and drinking tea, and Ji Nian greeted with a smile after seeing Chang Wei.

“Oh, our gold medal instructor is here, sit down.”

Chang Wei looked at the distribution of sofas around the table, and then chose a position farthest from Tian Tian to sit down.

Seeing this, Tian Tian immediately snorted and rolled his eyes.

Ji Nian couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows when he saw the reaction of the two, and even paused in the action of washing the tea cup in his hand.

What is the situation, Chang Wei, this kid has a hand, and the two have interacted with each other.

He poured a cup of tea for Chang Wei and pushed it over, and then said with a smile: “Since the two of you already know each other, I don’t have to spend time introducing it.”

“But Changwei, my eldest niece is not a bully, if you let the family suffer grievances, you can’t please me here!”

Chang Wei suddenly looked at Ji Nian with a bitter face and said, “Then I have to have that guts too!” ”


Tian Tian snorted softly when he heard this, expressing his disdain for Chang Wei, turned his head away from him, but smiled sweetly at Ji Nian.

Chairman Ji burst out laughing.

Chang Wei thought to himself why I came so early, this blazing star himself will not come here earlier.

A few people then talked about the seasonal lecture activities, about Chang Wei, a guy who no one paid attention to, gave Mshi a long face, Yiyue became the gold medal lecturer in the first issue of this season, about Tian Tian being harassed by the young master from his provincial boss’s family, and the latest eight-finals competition in M City.

At this time, Chang Wei was surprised: “The latest quarterfinals have begun? ”

Chang Wei was a little depressed, and he planned to collect information about his opponent!

“Yes, just the week you leave, tomorrow there will be another match, and then the semi-finals.” Ji Nian replied.

Chang Wei silently decided to go back to the Internet to find the rebroadcast program, but he looked at Ji Nian and suddenly realized that this old man in front of him was the number one behind the program group!

“No, Uncle Ji, you see that I was sent by you to carry out such an important mission, but the information of my opponent has not yet been collected, what do you think about this!”

Ji Nian glanced at Chang Wei, thinking that your kid still needs to collect opponent information at this level?

Chang Wei’s level is really outstanding, in Ji Nian’s opinion, Chang Wei’s level can be just strong even if he gets the country.

“Then when you leave, I’ll ask the program team to give you a copy of the recorded disc!” However, no leakage is allowed. ”

Chang Wei raised his eyebrows, the old man seemed to rarely speak!

“Look what, I tell you, don’t think about any crooked ideas from me, I can help you with such a trifle, but don’t think about things that violate the principles!”

The old man’s expression became serious, Xiang Changwei’s young man and talent were good, but the old man was afraid that he would go astray.

“That can’t be, I’m also a principled person, I said old man, you can’t think so badly of me!” Didn’t I just look at you more, and you misunderstood me! ”

Ji Nian’s heart suddenly lifted, and he reacted and realized that his thoughts were a little serious, but he was worried that it was true, and he hoped that by that time, this kid might come in handy!


But what he thinks in his heart is one thing, how to do it is another, Ji Nian also snorted softly and turned his head, and the action was the same as Fang Cai’s eldest niece.

Immediately looked at the astonished gaze of the two young people in front of him and laughed, and after laughing, he coughed with his hand in vain.

“Ahem! Haha, staying with you young people, I feel that the old man and I are also a lot younger! ”

Young in mentality? Perhaps, but today is a rare joy.

Ji Nian looked at the steaming steam that overflowed from the teapot in front of him, and thought in a daze.

In fact, when it comes to Ji Nian’s position, there are not too many things that occupy his time too much, but the old man’s determination is still magnificent, and he is willing to spend most of his time in this place for which he has fought for half his life.

The morning time always flies by extremely quickly, time flies, and no one can catch the tail of time forever young.

For chefs, people in this industry are always very sensitive to meals, and certainly not everyone, but the old man is clearly one of them.

“Okay, I won’t leave the two to eat, Changwei, you take my eldest niece out for a stroll, she is going to stay in M City for a while when she comes back this time, it’s not good to accompany me this bad old man, you young people, find some fun for your young people.”

After Ji Nian said that, he quietly winked at Chang Wei.

Chang Wei’s heart was a little confused, and he felt that he might not understand the meaning of the old man’s words.

“No, you’re talking about me? Let me take ‘her’ out? ”

Ji Nian’s face pulled down, “Of course it’s you, as a man, you have to take this responsibility!” ”

“No, Uncle Ji, how can this be related to responsibility…”

“You young people communicate more, you are not annoyed, okay, that’s it, I’m leaving.”

Tian Tian was embarrassed on the side and wanted to find a seam to get into, she stood up abruptly, stomped her foot, and walked away.

Ji Nianren also stood up, straightened his collar, and then reached out and patted Chang Wei’s shoulder.

“Changwei, the elders give you some advice, don’t like to listen, men sometimes have to learn to put down their faces, and don’t hurry up to chase!”

Chang Wei stood in place and watched the two leave one left and one right, what is this, I have a girlfriend!

Thinking of Shangguan, Chang Wei sighed invisibly.


After Chang Wei came out, Tian Tian didn’t know where to go, and he didn’t bother to pay attention to it if he didn’t see anyone.

This woman has always lived in the stars and moon, maybe she is not very sociable person can attract the attention of the other party for a while, but this emotion will not last long.

Chang Wei is not unaware of many times, but people will always subconsciously maintain a personality.

At noon, he walked forward carelessly under the harsh sun, through the huge square with few figures, and Chang Wei walked in the direction of his car.

When he was lecturing in JX City, the sound of rain on the day he lectured on the first class suddenly broke into his mind, the heavy rain in his memory and the scorching sun under the moment, the time was really fast, he had not contacted the girl for more than a week.

It’s not very long, the week is a wonderful set of hours, seemingly short, but always very unobtrusive, much more hidden than any unit of time.

Chang Wei subconsciously drove to the periphery of the “Cake” Food City, and he looked at the four-story gorgeous building at the end of the snack street.

The speaker in front of a shop on the side of the road played soothing music, and colorless notes drifted through the scorching air into Chang Wei’s ears.

“All I have is a fluke, all I have lost is life…”

What is love and is he really in love with this mysterious girl?

Chang Wei put his head on the backrest, habitually stretched out his left hand to pinch Qingming between his eyes, and turned on the air conditioner in the car a little bigger with his right hand.

The first person to let go of the unfulfilled status of the lover between the two was him, and the idea at that time was to want a higher status to approach this girl, but just a week later, he was already beginning to wonder if he really liked this girl.

What is this!

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