The world of Pokemon, cloaked in a child-friendly painting style, is actually a high-level world with high upper and lower limits, and even more powerful than the Hokage world.

Ordinary people in the Hokage world, then they are really ordinary people, and water and fire are ruthless and will easily die.

On the contrary, Pokemon even ordinary people can resist a million-ton punch (a masterstroke, not a punch of million-ton power) without dying.

And the divine beasts of the Pokemon world, in addition to the divine beasts of the general ethnic group, also have the divine beasts with the name of the gods, and these divine beasts with the name of the gods, just like the dragon king mountain gods and wind and rain masters in earth mythology, all control the authority of the world and have the power to subvert the world.

For this alone, the world of Pokemon is not simple.

[Mewtwo, a pokemon created by manipulating genetics, is the result of a doctor’s continuous genetic research over many years. 】

[July 1st, Xia, Qing, the research on cloning elves Our institute has entered a bottleneck stage, the life of ordinary elves after cloning, from the first 7 days of Dao to now 1 year, I have a hunch that we will soon be able to break through the shackles of gods and truly have the ability to create elves. ] 】

[August 3, summer, rain. The financial chain of the laboratory is broken, we have no shareholders who have been funding research, and our research cannot be recognized by the Elf Alliance, and we don’t even have the opportunity to apply for the original work, is the world so narrow-minded? Damn it, how many endangered pokemon can be saved by our research, and how many extinct pokemon can be awakened from the sake, doesn’t the Elven Alliance know how significant? 】

[August 20, summer, cloud. The institute, which had been stalled for half a month, seemed to usher in a turning point, and the deputy director Dr. Aokura brought a man who seemed willing to continue to support the research of the institute, but he seemed to have other requirements, and the director talked with him alone for 3 hours, and the director’s face did not get better for 3 days after the negotiation. 】

[December 1st, winter, sunny. The cloning technology of the institute has made great progress through the technology provided by that self-helper, and I heard that today they also provide the DNA fossils of the legendary elves, perhaps… We were able to awaken the legendary Phantom Elves, and our research was destined to be famous! 】

[May 1, spring, cloud. No, no, no… Obviously, our cloning technology is perfect, why is the phantom elf automatically destroyed every time the body is formed, and the cells in the whole body seem to collapse, as if a pair of eyes are staring at our research, preventing the success of the experiment! 】

[September 13, autumn, sunny. We succeeded, and the director proposed to use human genes and other elf genes to make up for the genetic damage of the phantom elf himself, making him a new and more powerful pokemon, so that we are like gods, able to create a new pokemon, which changes the limits of cloning technology, and it has formed embryos! 】

[April 1, spring, rain. The new pokemon has been cultivating in the tank for most of the year, and we named him Mewtwo, which is Dream Two, which I don’t really like, I prefer his other name – Mewtwo! 】

[July 2, summer, sunny.] This was the first time we had released Mewtwo out of the tank, and although it was his first contact with the world outside the nutrition cabin, I could feel Mewtwo’s gaze, he seemed to be quickly familiarizing himself with the world, and I shuddered inexplicably when I looked at him – he didn’t seem to be an elf, but another human, and the feeling was terrible. 】

[September 4, summer, overcast. The weather is dull, my mood is also bad, today when Mewtwo cooperated with the experiment, his superpower easily twisted the superalloy M-129, oh my God, that is a super metal that can withstand military missile bombardment… Did we create a new kind of pokemon, or did we create an uncontrolled time bomb? I have some doubts about whether our experiment is correct. 】

[October 12, autumn, sunny. It’s a good harvest, but there are many people coming to the institute, including the man who funded the research institute to tide over the difficulties, he seems to appreciate Mewtwo, but I don’t like the look in his eyes, he looks at Mewtwo as if he is looking at a valuable tool… Mewtwo doesn’t seem to like him either, I really hope that boss leaves soon, I don’t like laymen interfering with the work of our institute. 】

[October 29, autumn, rain. The long study is finally coming to an end, but who can tell us why our research results are being fully received? They…… It turned out to be Team Rocket, that notorious organization, could their boss be… God, Mewtwo seems to be their goal, I must not give compromise, the power of Mewtwo must not. 】

[November 23, autumn, overcast. The revolt of the institute was declared a failure, but we did not completely fail, the seeds of rebellion have been planted in Mewtwo’s heart, he will definitely not succumb to the control of Team Rocket, one day … He will also be free! 】

The content of the diary ends here, and this intermittent diary was still searched by Pikayo in the ruins of the research institute, and it was hidden in the secret places of the ruins, and if it were not for Pikayo’s careful examination of these places one by one, it would be really difficult to find the records in them.

Mewtwo, mentioning his diary undoubtedly has great value, and what really makes Pikayo care is what is mentioned in the diary – the seed of rebellion.

Pikayo can’t imagine how terrifying a Sakaki who has been cooperated by Mewtwo is, if Mewtwo cooperates, Sakaki has the technology to mass-produce Mewtwo, then the world may really change hands.

After uploading the diary about Mewtwo to the group file, Pikayo glanced at the completely worthless research institute again, turned and left.

He can’t ignore Mewtwo’s affairs, the devil knows if Mewtwo will really be subdued by Sakaki, and the target of the next stop has been determined – Golden City.

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