Bruce Wayne, the original Batman, is also known as the ruthless character of the master, in the DC universe can be called the author’s own son-like existence, obviously only has the ability to banknote, but can hang the DC universe heroes, and even developed a set of tactics against other heroes.

Of course, there are many parallel universes in the DC universe, in addition to the Batman of the main universe, not every Batman in the universe can be invincible, and the end of some planes of Batman is not ordinary miserable.

According to Yuu’s scan of Thomas, the plane he came from is neither the movie DC plane nor a branch plane, but the new 52 universe of the main universe.

Wayne: Does Mr. Group Master really know my world? However, the group leader is afraid that there is a misunderstanding of Gotham City and Arkham.

Originally, Thomas, the old father, still had some doubts, but with the almost joke-like “the folk style is simple Gotham City, talents are out of Arkham”, he can hear Yu’s kind of banter to some extent.

Reiki: yes, yes… There is indeed a misunderstanding, the people of Gotham City are hospitable, robbery, imprisonment, and murder are commonplace, and Arkham Mental Hospital is a technology concentration camp, and the people inside are strong and speak well, no wonder your son Batman likes to go around often and throw all kinds of talents there… Gotham City is really a great place!

At this moment, Thomas Wayne was completely silent, he became a soul after his death, and naturally witnessed the terrifying Gotham City created by his son after turning into Batman.

It is indeed the most chaotic and incredible place in the entire Hope Country, as if it can destroy the entire Hope Country at any time, but it is limited to the small Gotham City.

Upload the content of most events in the DC universe in one breath, including the content of the Big Five of DC Justice.

After doing this, a group of “sages” in the chat group entered the make-up mode one by one, and the chat group was deserted.

Another month of information, the entire ninja world is in a peaceful situation, Konoha’s intelligence department suddenly transmitted back a special information – the four-tailed man Zhuli Laozi, who was discovered by the ninja of Iwain Village a few days ago and completely disappeared, suspected of being arrested by Xiao.

The human pillar forces in the opposition were all arrested, and the ninja villages that retained the human pillar power were rumoring one by one, afraid that the human pillar power owned by their village would become the next target.

And the five great ninja villages also seem to be very confident in their respective strengths, and did not change their respective protection strategies because Xiao mastered the 3 tailed beasts, and still chose to control the human pillar power of their own village in the form of a solo fight.

Although Yuu didn’t know what Aka was going to do, he was suspicious of the actions of Kuroko and Obito, who had never been traced, and did not think that these two guys who were doing things would stop doing things because of the vigilance of the major ninja villages.

It turns out that in terms of the ability to do things, Obito and Hei are really first-class masters.

After the seventh class experienced the events in the Land of Water, less than a month had passed, and the Wind Shadow of the Sand Hidden Village of the Land of Wind, the Ichio Ren Zhuli I Airo disappeared, and along with the disappearance of Yunyin Murakami Shinobu, and the two-tailed Ren Zhuli Teak Gate.

If these two people were taken away by Xiao with absolute strength, then everything might not be so sensational.

What really detonated the entire village were these two cases of Renzhuli’s disappearance, and there was no sign of action from beginning to end, in other words, both Renzhuli were taken away without resistance.

Not to mention the combat effectiveness of Shayin Village, Yunyin Village is a ninja village in the first echelon except for Konoha, leaving aside the highest combat effectiveness, the comprehensive combat effectiveness of the village is definitely the first of the five major ninja villages, but it is still like this that the two-tailed human pillar power is still lost, which can’t help but make the people of other ninja villages die one by one.

If even the village can’t provide protection for human pillar force, then who else in this world can protect human pillar force?

The Five Shadows, who originally vowed to protect the people of their village, couldn’t sit still one by one, and after exchanging small confirmations that the One Tail and the Second Tail had indeed disappeared, the Five Shadows decided to hold a Five Shadows Conference, and at the same time discussed how to protect the remaining Pillar Force.

The nine tailed beasts, the remaining five-tailed Mu King, the seven-tailed Shigemei, the eight-tailed bull ghost, and the nine-tailed nine lamas have not been captured by the enemy, and on the issue of how to protect the remaining human pillar force, Yunyin Village Lei Ying proposed to send the human pillar force to a small island outside the mainland to temporarily avoid trouble.

Turtle Island, which only a few people know about, and the island itself can move over the sea, is indeed the best refuge in the ninja world, but there is another question here – who protects and takes care of the human pillar force.

The Five Shadows Conference is urgent, but also for the investigation of the missing person Zhu Li, many people villages have not given up, especially Shayin Village is the most active investigation.

The third generation of Wind Shadow is missing (killed), the fourth generation of Wind Shadow is missing (killed), and now it is the turn of the fifth generation of Wind Shadow to also disappear, and everyone knows the fate of Renzhuli being caught, as long as the tailed beast in the body is pumped away, then it is only a matter of time before it is killed.

Inside the Hokage’s office, Naruto, who was summoned alone, looked at the fifth generation of Hokage Tsunade in front of him and opened his mouth. Ba didn’t spit out half a word.

“…… In view of the traces of wood hidden around the disappearance site of the Five Generations Wind Shadow and the Erwei Renzhuli, Yunyin Village and Shayin Village have respectively sent an arrest warrant to assist in the investigation, hoping that you can assist in the investigation! Is there a problem? Naruto Uzumaki! ”

Naruto, who originally thought that there would be some task waiting for him, never thought that the immersion he was waiting for would be an arrest warrant.

“…… Tsunade mother-in-law, today is not April Fool’s Day, right? I…… Did you hear something wrong, you said… Are you going to arrest me? ”

Almost subconsciously, Naruto’s gaze swept over Tsunade and the three generations of Hokage beside her, seemingly unwilling to believe it all.

“Do it!”

Tsunade’s words, the surrounding dark part of the room suddenly appeared, and suddenly wanted to suppress Naruto.

“Don’t do it, let them catch it!”

Naruto, who was just about to make a move, suddenly stopped the movement in his hand when he heard Yu’s voice.

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