"The second method is to overlay the magic network on your body and increase your computing power to a level 100 times higher than Dumbledore's in a short period of time!"

Dumbledore represents the upper limit, and more than a hundred times Dumbledore's upper limit, it can be said that there is no one before or since, and the power of calculation determines Hermione's control over magic, and it also determines the amount of damage caused to Harry by soul cutting.

"You will become the true queen of magic in the wizarding world, and it will not be difficult for you to cut the souls of Harry and Voldemort, but with your body... I don't think it can take more than 5 seconds! "

The magical web is controlled by Athena, the magical brain, and Athena is a Horcrux-like product based on Hermione's soul, which was itself born to merge with Hermione in the future.

There were no technical difficulties in the fusion of the two sides from the beginning, the only problem was the limitation of Hermione's physical endurance.

Today's Hermione is still too young, compared to the mature Hermione who has reached perfection in the calculation, the strength of the body is still too immature, of course, if everything is controlled within five seconds, even if it is a little overloaded, the body can carry it.

Comparing the first and second methods, there is of course a more crazy way - to have Harry and Voldemort die once, and then bring Harry back to life.

Each of the three methods is theoretically possible, but the one who chose the solution to Harry was not Yuu, but Hermione!

After spending more than a month in the lab, Hermione spent the most time studying how to free Harry, and observing Harry's condition.

Perhaps because Blake's godfather had recovered, Harry didn't spend the summer vacation at his Muggle uncle's house this time, but instead Blake's godfather enjoyed a handful of summer beach fun.

If Blake had been by Harry's side, it would have been good news for Harry who had lost his loved ones, but Hermione had observed something not so good in the process.

Voldemort, wake up!

July 23, Hawaii, sunny.

This is the third day that Harry has accompanied Blake to Hawaii, and as Harry's first vacation in so many years, he did not follow Blake to the beach to admire the swimsuit beauties, but drove a jet ski to the sea alone.

When Harry stopped his jet ski, there was no second person around, and before he knew it, Harry's eyes had turned into snake-like pupils.

"Split, split, split..."

With the wave of his wand, the sea around him exploded again and again, countless sea creatures were shattered, and the corpses of the exploding sea fish stained the surrounding sea water red, and Harry opened his arms to meet the sea water falling from the sky as if he was finally at ease.

[You hate it, right... The protagonist of the Triwizard Tournament should be you, that Hermione, and it was Dumbledore who took your glory! 】

As he calmed down, Harry's ethereal voice kept coming to his mind, and Harry's eyes became more and more like a poisonous snake.

[Hate, as long as you hate, you can have the power of revenge, kill Dumbledore and that Hermione, and you will become the only savior!] 】

I don't know if it was because Harry was already a little dissatisfied, or if it was because the voice could arouse the anger in Harry's heart, and under the drive of this hatred, Harry even directly used the death curse like Avada's life.

It's also fortunate that Harry is now out of Hawaii, if he is still in the UK, I am afraid that the British Ministry of Magic will have to find him for tea.

The soul belonging to Voldemort has awakened, but this part of the soul is obviously too deeply integrated with Harry, so deep that Voldemort himself can't swallow the other part of Harry.

Structurally, the souls of Harry and Voldemort have been combined into one, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that the two of them are a complete soul.

It's just that in terms of the composition of the soul, Harry is obviously in the dominant position, unless Harry is completely bewitched, or he voluntarily gives up the will to live, otherwise it will not be easy for Voldemort to take away the body.

Voldemort didn't think at all that the changes he had brought to Harry after his recovery had been completely seen by Hermione on the other side of the ocean.

Of course, Dumbledore was not completely unprepared, before Blake took Harry to relax, Dumbledore specially explained to Blake, in a sense, Blake is Dumbledore's eyeliner.

And it was clear that Blake was not qualified as an eyeliner, and easily let Harry escape from his sight, perhaps Blake never considered that his adopted son would become another Voldemort.

With a burst of venting, Harry's spirit and Voldemort became more intimate, and his personality unconsciously shifted towards Voldemort's nature, perhaps even he did not know that this change had occurred.

Gloomy, confident!

These are two very different temperaments, and now they are completely concentrated in one person.

By the time Harry came back to his senses, he had returned to the beach on his jet ski, but he didn't remember anything about it, as if he had been sleepwalking just now.

"Hmm- what happened to me, I just drove around on a jet ski, why... So tired? "

Harry, who couldn't remember how many times he had cast a spell, completely forgot that he had just carried out a massacre at sea, and it was only natural that he would feel tired, after all, he was not a superman with infinite magic, and it was his magic that was consumed by releasing spells again and again.

"Hey... Harry, let's have a barbecue, your Quidditch match next year won't be cancelled, eat more and grow stronger! "

Blake waved his hand at Harry repeatedly, but he didn't know that the moment he saw him, his expression flashed with murderous intent, which was Voldemort's consciousness instinctively disgusted!

However, Voldemort couldn't completely manipulate Harry's consciousness, and the evil came and went quickly, making Harry feel a little inexplicable.

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