Hermione lived a carefree life in Muggle society, and the entire wizarding world began to reshuffle during the summer vacation because of the news that "Voldemort is dead".

Interests are an eternal topic, and Fudge, who is incapable and sits in the position of Minister of Magic, is itself the product of a compromise of interests of all parties.

If someone hadn't tried to use Fudge and Dumbledore to fight against him, I'm afraid that with Fudge's ability, he wouldn't be able to sit in such a position.

Stupid people also have the use of stupid people, this is the exchange of benefits!

It's just that the wizarding world is different now, even if countless forces don't want to believe it, but as Dumbledore revealed the details of how he destroyed Voldemort one by one, and the destroyed Horcruxes were taken out by him.

Even if there are still people who don't want to admit the news that Voldemort is dead, they can only admit the truth in the face of reality.

The wizarding world needs a new Dark Lord!

Such thoughts have arisen in the minds of many forces, of course, not because they have benefited much from Voldemort's rule, or because they like to be ruled by Voldemort's blood, but simply because any world is biased towards balance.

Dumbledore was too strong, whether it was his strength, his reputation as the headmaster of Hogwarts, or his charisma that everyone admired.

As long as such a person ascends to the heights, then it is another Voldemort, of course, this is in the case of Dumbledore's malice towards the wizarding world.

Voldemort and Dumbledore were so similar that their influence was almost identical, and the confrontation between the two over the past few decades had almost determined the future of British wizarding.

Who could be the next Voldemort?

This is not to say that another Voldemort should be immediately supported and cultivated, but purely because the forces of all parties want to have someone who can restrain Dumbledore so that they can maximize their interests in the balance.

Countless people's names kept becoming candidates for the next Voldemort, but soon the names of these people were crossed out one by one.

If you don't have the same ability, reputation, and power as Dumbledore, you can't compete with Dumbledore, and if you breathe out of the same nostril as Dumbledore, then after supporting it, it will boost Dumbledore's arrogance.

Therefore, a huge wizarding world has been screened, and many forces have not been able to find a qualified candidate.

"How's Hermione Granger?"

Someone casually mentioned that this in itself was the result of no one choosing to choose, but it quickly overwhelmed all the alternatives around Hermione's discussion.


In terms of ability, Hermione was able to act with Dumbledore to defeat Voldemort, which in itself was Dumbledore's recognition of Hermione's ability, and at the same time, the results again and again all showed that Hermione's ability was no worse than Dumbledore.

In terms of prestige, Hermione has already made a name for herself in the wizarding world at a young age, not only in the British wizarding world, but also in the global wizarding world.

In terms of popularity, Hermione is also not much worse than Dumbledore, and with a victory in a triwizard tournament, Hermione has completely become the idol of the younger generation.

In terms of financial resources, Hermione is a pure-blood wizard who almost completely destroyed the old cannon, and her ability to absorb gold in the industry is definitely the most terrifying in the entire wizarding world.


In either way, Hermione was the most likely candidate to be the next Dumbledore, and of course she had the advantage that Dumbledore didn't have - youth.

Hermione is too young, Hermione who is still a minor has almost more than a hundred years, and the next hundred years can be said to belong to her time.

Hermione herself probably didn't think that before she graduated from Hogwarts, someone was already planning to push her to the front and fight Dumbledore.

But even if Hermione knew, she would probably laugh and give the guys a middle finger!

Fighting in the ring?

Let's not say that Hermione is a student of Hogwarts, let's just say that Hermione and Dumbledore have no grievances, and there is no conflict of interest, can those forces really get the bargaining chips for Hermione to fight against Dumbledore?

Hermione is not a fool, and naturally she will not do anything that is completely unbeneficial, so no matter how outsiders calculate, Hermione is firmly seated in Diaoyutai - she has no desire and is rigid!

It's late August, and it's time for Hermione to return to Diagon Alley, in fact, more than 90% of the shops in Diagon Alley are now owned by Hermione, and Hermione can even be said to be the largest shareholder of Diagon Alley.

After patrolling through the various stores, Hermione began to recruit people like crazy, and a new round of technological explosion was about to begin, and Hermione was now more short of people than anyone else!

After all, the number of people in the wizarding world is still too small, if the population of the British wizarding world is not 30,000 now, but a full 3 million, then Hermione even dares to say that she can even fly out of the earth and explore the universe.

Magic, as a cheap labor force, is even more convenient than mechanical production, and it is definitely not a delusion to want to gain the ability to explore the universe in a short period of time.

And to increase the number of people in the wizarding world, it is not realistic to use the existing means of the wizarding world, and even under this unstable means of the birth of wizards, the number of wizards can still be kept at 3000 is already a limit.

The wizarding world is not all the type that the Weasleys can have, and even most of them maintain the status of 2 children in a family, and sometimes even the number of children decreases.

Hermione's reforms, which she now began in Diagon Alley, began with increasing the Wizard's Awakening Rate.

Products with potions and aerobics quickly spread from Diagon Alley, from England to Europe, from Europe to the world, from wizarding to Muggles...

The power of potions and aerobics, even if it can't make everyone have magic power, but the effect of strengthening the physique in the long run is enough to make that ordinary person crazy.

A stronger body, a more advanced brain, these competitive advantages are fully capable of making potions and aerobics the number one best-selling products in the world.

Since its launch, in just half a month, through the publicity of a large amount of funds, the product has become popular throughout the European wizarding community.

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