The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1424: Strong when confronted

Chapter 1424 is strong and strong


Jian Jian stood on the side, he frowned slightly, but he did not say anything.

It is undeniable that Chen Fu’s start is indeed a bit hot, but this is a world of weak meat and strong food. If you want to be bullied by others, you can only be strong.

There is no intervention in the investigation and construction. What he wants is that after Jiang Liu’s loss, he can be ashamed and brave.

Xu Feng rushed to the side of Jiang Liuer and raised the river, saying: "Is it okay?"

Xu Feng looked at the wound in front of Jiang Liu's chest. He was sucking a sigh of coldness and said: "It seems that Chen Fu really wants the life of Jiang Liu."

"Nothing, still can't die!"

Jiang Liuer stood up and wiped away the blood from his mouth. His face showed a smear of color. "It seems that fighting with you must be postponed."

"Oh... should take these medicinal herbs first, and it will be good for your recovery." I saw Xu Feng take out a few medicinal herbs.

Looking at the medicinal herbs, his face was slightly changed, especially when he looked at the medicinal herbs taken out by Xu Feng. The quality was so terrible.

"Where are the medicinal herbs from this kid, the quality is so good?" The Jianjian feels very clear that the quality of the medicinal herbs that Xu Feng took out is more than 90%.

"You are this medicine..."

After Jiang Liuer took the drug, he found that the wound on his chest was slowly healing, and his internal injuries recovered in an instant.

He consumed a lot of spiritual power and became full. He looked at Xu Feng, his face was astonished and surprised. He said: "Do you have the medicines of the seven medicines?"

"Well! How are you, not bad?"

Xu Feng smiled and nodded.

Jiang Liuer almost didn't jump up. This is not bad. This is a magical medicine.

Looking at the station and looking at Xu Feng, the insider said: "It seems that this Xu Feng is not simple? I even took out such a good medicine."

It is very clear that the medicinal herbs of more than seven products are very precious in themselves, and the quality of the medicinal herbs that Xu Feng brought out is more than 90%, which is even more precious.

Chen Fu looked at Jiang Liu's injury and recovered so quickly. His face could not help but be ugly. He said: "Xu Feng, brother, I heard that you are in the extreme cold hunting but it shines."

"Today I will test your strength, you should not delay the time, let everyone see, are you in the air?"

Xu Feng looked up, he looked at Chen Fu, faintly said: "Since you are so interested in me, then of course I have to fulfill you."

"It’s just that you will be disappointed when you are afraid. After all, I am not a real name, but have real strength."

Xu Feng’s words rang, Chen Fu’s face changed slightly. He still pretended to be the brother’s voice. “You’re relieved, Xu’s brother, I’m sure you’ll know, in front of the brothers, To maintain a certain modesty and respect, otherwise it is to be taught."

"Haha... then my younger brother will tell you that before you want to be a brother of others, you should measure yourself a few pounds, not to be beaten, but it hurts."

In Xu Feng’s words, with a hint of confidence.

"You said that Xu Feng talked with Chen Fu so much. He wouldn't really think that he is Chen Fu's opponent?" Some people watched Xu Feng and Chen Fu did not have any concessions, and they could not help but guess.

If Xu Feng does not have such powerful strength and talent, will he dare to provoke Chen Fu?

They more or less feel that Xu Feng has some strength.

"Don't say it, I heard that Xu Feng was at the time of the extremely cold hunting, but he defeated Dou Jianhua, who is the peak of the eight-pronged spirit. That is the first of five ice and snow."

"Dou Jianhua's strength is not weaker than our Chen Fu. If this news is true, then Chen Fu is really not necessarily Xu Feng's opponent."

"Where did you get this news? If this is the case, then Xu Feng is more abnormal than Jiang Liu, and his talent is too horrible?"


"It's really rare. I don't think Xu Shidi has such courage to say such a thing. That being the case, my brother is waiting to see how you hit my face."

Chen Fu’s body of eight-pronged spirits broke out. The heart of his body was the spread of the five-pointed thunder, and the silver-white thunder and lightning were criss-crossed.

There was a smile on his face, and the clothes on his body followed the flow of spiritual power, followed by a squeaky voice, and his eyes were filled with cold killings.

"Xu Shidi, since you are so confident, then I am welcome."

When Chen Fu finished, his body suddenly moved, and he saw the moment he stepped out. The silver thunder of his body continued to move with his body.

The most important thing is that his attack instantly hit Xu Feng's front, his hands became claws, and he wanted to beat Xu Feng in an instant like he had just attacked Jiang Liu.

Unfortunately, Xu Feng is not a river.

"The dragon has regrets!"

The golden light of Xu Feng suddenly broke out, and the strength of the body of the Spiritual Respect was also fully revealed at this time. His speed was very fast.

Directly avoiding the claws of Chen Fu, followed by a golden fist squatting down, it is the move of the Jiu Jiu Quan, the punch becomes extremely fierce.


As the golden fist and the claws touched together, Xu Feng's body continued to retreat, and it must be said that the eight-pronged spirit is really not simple.

Xu Feng is very clear that he wants to defeat this Chen Fu today, not only to display the killing boxing, but also to display the second type of killing boxing.

Xu Feng has already realized the second type of killing of killing fists. The power of this boxing method is more fierce than the power of the previous killing.

Of course, the battle between the two people is now tempting each other.

"This Xu Feng is really strong!"

Seeing that Xu Feng and Chen Fu were separated at the same time, and Chen Fu’s previous attack, apparently did not cause any injury to Xu Feng.

Many people are secretly shocked, and they finally understand that it seems that this rumor about Xu Feng is not a hole in the wind, but Xu Feng's strength is really strong.

"Oh, it seems that you are not the same. Where do you want to be my brother?" Xu Feng didn't like to provoke others.

However, he looked at this Chen Fu is not pleasing to the eye, the original strength of the general, but also such a dress! force! If he is only doing this at his age, it would be better to smash the tofu.

The eyes of the investigation and construction suddenly became bright, and the heart said: "This Xu Feng is really a genius. His strength seems to be strong and strong. This proves that this kid is very good at controlling his own strength."

The investigation and construction is very clear, which means that Xu Feng still has a lot of cards, otherwise how can he beat so many opponents in succession, which gives people a surprise?

(End of this chapter)

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