The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1425: Hope of Dongyue Villa

Chapter 1425, Hope of Dongyue Villa

"Xu Feng's strength is really strong, I feel that he is even stronger than Jiangliu!"

Some people watched Xu Feng and Chen Fu fight evenly and could not help but make a scream. They looked at Xu Feng’s eyes with adoration.

"If I can marry Xu Feng, how wonderful?"

Some flower idiots look at Xu Feng, but they are like looking at the golden turtles.

"If you want to marry Xu Feng like this, I don't think Xu Feng's brother will look at you."

"Oh, look at the eyes of Master Xu Feng, who is slightly uplifted, how handsome?"

"You really didn't save it... but don't say it, it's really more and more like it."


Among all of them, the most pitiful one is Gu Ying. When he watched Xu Feng fight Chen Fu, he realized how foolish he was before.

This Xu Feng has the strength to easily kill him, but he himself feels that Xu Feng is afraid of him, and finally falls into such a situation.

"I really deserve it, even the top 100 are not qualified." Gu Ying thought of this, he felt extremely wrong, and everyone around him cast a sympathetic look.

After all, no one expected that Xu Feng’s strength would be so strong.

Jiang Liuer’s look is also a change. He always thinks that Xu Feng is not his opponent. From the time when the two were examined by the new disciples, he felt that it was very bad to be tied with Xu Feng.

I have always wanted to fight with Xu Feng, but I did not expect that Xu Feng’s strength is so strong now that it is not weaker than his river, or even stronger.

"Is this guy hidden so deep?"

Jiang Liuer’s heart is shocking. He thinks that Xu Feng must have hidden his strength. Otherwise, he could not look away from it before, and his heart also secretly said: “This guy is really low-key.”


Chen Fu’s face changed a little. He did not guess that Xu Feng’s strength was so strong that it was completely beyond his expectations.

His current heart of the five-pointed thunder spread, and he said: "Xu Feng, younger brother, you must not feel that you have resisted my attack, you are complacent, you must know that I have not contributed."

The spiritual power of Chen Fu’s body flowed like a flowing water. The coldness of his eyes broke out, and he was incompatible with the violent thunder of lightning around his body.

However, Xu Feng’s three major and complete killings also spread directly, and the blood-red light accompanied by the golden light made his clothes creak.

Among the two angry seas and twelve spiritual veins of Xu Feng, the spiritual power began to flow.

"Don't you find out that there is another kind of Taoism in Xu Feng? Is he actually condensing two kinds of Tao?" Some people feel the breath of Xu Feng's heart, and they are stunned.

"Is gravity heart? Is he still condensing the gravity of the four hearts?"

Some people feel that the body is extremely heavy, and watching the light around Xu Feng's body, the void is constantly falling.

"Day, this is too incredible? He even condensed the gravity of the four hearts, and there are three killings, how did he do it?"

Those who saw Xu Feng defeated and Dou Jianhua in the extremely cold hunting did not feel shocked, but those who saw Xu Feng for the first time were all stunned, open-mouthed, and unbelievable.

"I think this Xu Feng is the future hope of my Dongyue Villa!"

Not far from watching the old men of this disciple, they looked at Xu Feng’s eyes with shimmering light.

At the same time, someone looked at the old Fu and said: "Old Fu, it seems that you really looked away at the time?"

Lao Fu’s old face was awkward and said: “Don’t say that I’m looking away, I believe that you will be like me, this kid is really a pervert.”

"Who can think of him, can he do this?" Lao Fu’s eyes narrowed slightly and said: "What do you mean by inheriting the spiritual skills of Wu Ge’s sentiment?"

"We have passed down the inheritance of Wuge's top grades, so there are only a few. I finally understand that this kid didn't realize the inheritance of spiritual skills at the time, and he definitely realized the inheritance of the top products."

"I should have thought of it at the time, but this kid has attracted all the sculptures that have been passed down to the martial arts, and they all breathe."

"You actually condensed two kinds of hearts?"

Chen Fu’s face was a bit ugly, and the five-pointed thunder of his body was completely suppressed by Xu Feng’s two hearts.

I have to say that Xu Feng’s two kinds of Taoism are really terrible.

"Do it, don't talk too much nonsense."

Xu Feng looked at Chen Fu, and his spiritual power began to surge, accompanied by three major and complete killings, and four heavy gravity.

When the wind whispers, the surrounding voids are broken, and those voids are crushed by the four major and perfect gravity.

"People kill!"

Xu Feng directly displayed the first form of killing the boxing. As he punched with blood red, he burst into the sky and his fist became extremely weird.

The old Fu Yan, who was watching from a distance, suddenly stood up and his voice became trembling. He said: "This kid’s comprehension is actually killing the fist, the legend of the first owner of our Dongyue Villa. Killing the boxing."

Those who are around the old Fu are arrogant about this killing fist.

"This kid has also succeeded in cultivation. How powerful is this talent?"

Killing a fist is a top-notch inheritance, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate.

Now Xu Feng has not only cultivated successfully, but also exhibited it. The most important thing is that Xu Feng has acquired this top-grade inheritance technique, and it has not been more than half a year.

"This kid is a pervert!"

Several people couldn't help but screamed, looking at Xu Feng's eyes one by one, both eyes are full of light, this Xu Feng is the hope of the future Dongyue Mountain Villa.

"But what a pity?"

An old man next to him looked at Xu Feng with some sighs. He said: "If I look good, this kid is the strongest way, otherwise his strength cannot be so strong."

"What? The road to death?"

The old people who were full of excitement, their enthusiasm instantly cold, they are very clear about the difficulty of the strongest road to break through to the Emperor.

For so many years, there have been many talented and talented geniuses, but they are undoubtedly miserable.

Lao Fu stood there, his old face with appreciation, said: "You don't think that the strongest road Xu Feng is going to be different from other people?"

"Those geniuses I know, the strongest way they go, is the sword to go slant. But this Xu Feng, is completely steady and steady. From him, he condenses a three major and complete killings, and there are four major perfect gravity hearts. It can be seen that he is very stable."

(End of this chapter)

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