The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1447: Great victory

Chapter 1447 is a great victory

"Leave the arrogant Li Wei, isn't he fighting for a real knife? Then let him live, and let him know that our Dongyue Villa is amazing."

The sound of Xu Feng sounded, and suddenly the scene was boiling.

Even the fee can be used to shoot Li Wei.

"Hey, Li Wei, you are very arrogant, our star owner is very angry, you may be very painful." The person who controlled the killings looked at Li Wei, some pity.

"I would like to see, what is your ability to be the star of the three spirits?" Li Wei's face was disdainful.

As long as he is allowed to leave this squad, he feels that he will not be easily killed even if he is not the opponent of the other side. He must know that he has broken through the peak of Ba Pin Ling for more than ten years.

"Reassure, our star owner will definitely give you a big surprise."

With the operation of the big killer array controlled by eight people, only Li Wei was left in the whole array.

"Li Wei, go see our star owner."

At the moment when the big killings were directly closed, Li Wei saw the end of the Grand Canyon. There were disciples of Dongyue Mountain Villa, some of whom were familiar.

His body disappeared in the same place, and it appeared in front of everyone in Dongyue Mountain Villa.

Xu Feng looked at the unlucky Li Wei, with a disdainful color on his face.

Li Wei looked at Xu Feng, and his eyes were full of cold killings.

"Three products Lingzun peak repair, it is no wonder that only can do some stealing chicken and dog activities, it seems that Dongyue Mountain Villa is really no one?" Li Wei looked at Xu Feng, directly ridiculed.

He is very clear inside, since the ancient times, the soldiers have not deceived.

But if he does not need to provoke the law, all the people in front of him will be shot, and he will die.

"Fei Neng, I said that you guys are too wasteful? Let a hairy boy tell you something, don't you think it's a shame?"

Li Wei looked at Fei Neng, and his face was disdainful.

Fei Neng smiled and said: "How can you see how big the sky is at the bottom of the frog? The strength and talent of Xu Feng’s younger brother, and the waste of yours can be tried."

The words of Fei Neng sounded, and the people of Dongyue Mountain Villa around him applauded and said: "Yes... it’s good, the frog at the bottom of the well."

Li Wei was so humiliated in this way, his face became iron and blue. He looked at Xu Feng and said: "Since they all say that you are so powerful, can you dare to fight with me?"

Fei Neng and the other two eight-pronged spirits came out and looked at Li Wei. He smiled and said: "To deal with such waste, you don't need a star to shoot, and the three of us are enough to kill you."

"Why, do you want to bully more?" Li Wei looked at Fei Neng three people. He knew that if the three people joined forces, he would definitely not be the opponent of three people. Looking at Xu Feng at the moment, he mocked and said: "Since it is so powerful, Why don’t you dare to fight me? Are you not humiliating?"

"You don't use the radical method, you really are not qualified to let Xu Feng take the shot." Fei can look at Li Wei, can't help but shake his head, why do some people just don't believe the truth that others say?

Li Wei looked straight at Xu Feng and said, "Do you dare to fight with me?"

Xu Feng walked a few steps and looked at Li Wei. His voice was calm. He said: "Since you want to fight with me, why can't I fulfill you?"

"Haha... This is a man, hiding behind the dark arrows, what is the ability?" Li Wei's voice sounded, his with some pride.

He is very clear that as long as he can kill the three young people in front of the three spirits, the group of people in Dongyue Mountain Villa will not break.

"Xu Feng, this is your own death, then you can't blame me."

Said, Li Wei's five-fold thunder of the heart spread out, the sound of the cricket is endless, and the breath of the eight-pronged spirit of his body erupted.

In his eyes, silver thunder and lightning are criss-crossing, and the gust of wind blows, accompanied by his ragged voice.


Li Wei stepped out step by step, his hands instantly gathered together, as if forming a terrible lightning halo, shaking between the heavens and the earth.

His body came to Xu Feng, and suddenly the thunder and lightning seemed to tear the void, making the whole earth tremble.

"A good terrorist attack, I don't know if Xu Feng's brother can resist?" Some female disciples next to me, watching Xu Feng have some concerns.

"You are simply talking nonsense, who is the brother of Xu Feng, how can you resist it? This Li Wei is definitely not his opponent." A flower girl said.

"You are too crazy, and people like Xu Feng can not look at you."


"The dragon is in the sky."

Xu Feng did not hesitate any more. The three killings on his body spread out, and the blood red light covered the sky. Many people felt the blood rolling.

With the golden fist, as if the dragon was rolling, toward the silver lightning bolt, the smashing impact.


The attack of two people has become extremely violent, especially Li Wei, who wants to wait to kill Xu Feng, but also desperately shot.

However, Xu Feng was obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp. This was beyond his expectations, which made him somewhat unprepared. His attack was also directly resisted by Xu Feng.

However, Xu Feng’s boxing method caused a huge suppression on him, and the golden light of a circle spread from Xu Feng’s body.

"People kill!"

Xu Feng did not give Li Wei any breathing space. As the four-fold gravity of his body broke out, the whole void seemed to be crushed by oppression.

Li Wei’s body fell heavily down, and Xu Feng exhibited the first-style “human killing” of “killing the boxing”, which erupted the power of terror.

The style of that punch is like shaking the world.

Li Wei’s eyes widened. He stared at Xu Feng, incredulously saying: “How is it possible? You are only able to cultivate the three spirits, why can you unite two kinds of Taoism, and still have such a terrible heart?”


Li Wei was punched by Xu Feng, and his cockroaches lingered in his chest. His blood spurted out of his mouth, and his cheeks became awkward and distorted.

He stared at Xu Feng with death, and he was unwilling and remorseful. He knew that he was really planted this time, and he had no chance to turn over.

"So I said that you are the frog at the bottom of the well. Do you still believe it?" Xu Feng looked at Li Wei, with a light and self-contained look on his face.

"Don't kill me... don't kill me... I can surrender!" Li Wei looked at the body that Xu Feng came over, his face with some fear.

Who is not afraid of death?

He Li Wei is the future help of Jin Dingbang. He has unlimited future and possibilities. Of course he does not want to die on the battle of the Seven Stars.

(End of this chapter)

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