The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1448: Closed-door practice

Chapter 1448 Rehabilitation practice

"If you waste like this, surrender will have no effect on us. If you live, you will waste resources." Xu Feng is not polite to Li Wei.

He shot directly to kill Li Wei, and then handed Li Wei's five-pointed Thunder Hearts to Fei Neng, saying: "At this time, the five-pointed thunder heart can be rewarded to Jiang Liu."

At the same time, Xu Feng handed Li Wei's storage ring to Fei Neng, and all of them were considered spoils.

Xu Feng said to Fei Neng: "You have to arrange people to clean up the battlefield. Don't leave a little bit of a terrible battle, just like what happened."

Fees can take everyone, just go to clean up the Grand Canyon.

Xu Feng stood there, and there was always a feeling of wind and rain in his heart. He knew very well that since Li Wei’s arrival, the whole army was wiped out.

Then, I am afraid that the people of the pyloric will come in the near future.

What he has to do now is to improve his strength. He is very clear that the obstacles and formations he has set up may destroy the existence of Li Wei.

However, the disciple of the pyloric is not Li Wei, especially the Qin Haoran. His strength is much stronger than Li Wei. Xu Feng wants to defeat the other side, I am afraid it will be very difficult.

About a few hours, the fee can bring everyone to the front of Xu Feng, one by one is a smile on the face, said: "Star owners, we can be said that this is a great harvest."

Xu Feng looked at the Jiangliu who was in charge of guarding the Grand Canyon. He said: "Given everyone's resistance to the enemy, everyone can reward two drops of liquid."

"At the same time, the heart of the five-pointed thunder is handed over to Jiang Liuer. He has a great credit for killing the enemy, and he has no merits."


Li Wei, who was able to kill Xu Feng, obtained the fragments of the five-pointed thunder of the heart. He handed the heart fragments to the front of the river, saying: "Jiang Shidi, congratulations."

Jiang Liuer looked at the two drops of the supreme liquid, and the fragments of the five heavy mines, but he did nothing, at most, it was delayed.

Jiang Liuer got the heart of the five-pointed thunder, and his heart was also extremely excited. He was very clear about the preciousness of the fragments of the five-pointed thunder.

"Thank you for your help, thank you to the owner."

Fei can look at Jiang Liuer and said: "In fact, you should not thank me. This Li Wei is not killing me. It is the one that the star owner himself killed. The Taoist fragments are my own."

Jiang Liuer looked at Xu Feng with a smile on his face and said: "Xu Feng, don't you worry, is your first disciple's talent taken by me?"

Looking at Jiang Liuer’s inquiry, Xu Feng smiled and did not answer this question.

He does not care about the identity of the first disciple of Dongyue Mountain Villa. For Xu Feng, his own strength is tyrannical and more important than anything else.

Jiang Liuer looked at Xu Feng's look and he did not continue to ask.

Xu Feng just looked at Jiang Liuer and said: "Jiangliuer, I am going to retreat for a period of time. All the things of the entire Death Star will be handed over to you and Fei Neng during this time."


Jiang Liuer was shocked. He looked at Xu Feng: "Xu Feng, don't tell me, are you going to retreat to the four spirits and respect it?"

Hearing the words of Jiang Liuer, the fee is a bit strange. You have to know that Xu Feng has broken through to the peak of Sanpin Lingzun. How long has it been?

Xu Feng was shocked by many people. He nodded to Fei Neng and Jiang Liu, and said: "Yes, I am preparing to break through to the four spirits."

"This Death Star is very powerful and has a strong suffocation. I really want to take advantage of this opportunity and will be repaired to break through the four spirits. Is this surprising?"

For Xu Feng, as long as his moral realm arrives, he breaks through the bottleneck and is a very ordinary time, but for Jiang Liu, they are not.

Therefore, when Jiang Liu heard that Xu Feng had to break through to the four-pronged spirit, his eyes looked like Xu Feng in the eyes.

He also finally understood why Xu Feng was given the heart of the five-pointed thunder, and he gave it directly to him.

Perhaps in the eyes of Xu Feng, he is still not qualified to compare with Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng... I will definitely work harder. I want you to know that I will never lose to anyone." Jiang Liuer's heart is firm.

For him, Xu Feng is his constant driving force for cultivation.


This time, it is fee-consuming to say these two words.

He has never seen such a young man, knowing that the age of Xu Feng he knows is only twenty-five years old.

When he was twenty-five years old, he was just beginning to step into the spiritual respect, and he was hailed as a rare genius. However, compared with Xu Feng, where is his genius, it is completely waste.

"It’s really more people than people."

Fees can also be somewhat sighed in the heart, and he has been continually trying to cultivate in these years, but he wants to break through the nine spirits, it is so difficult.


Xu Feng told Jiang Liuer and Fei Neng to explain the matter. He did not delay the time, just above the dead star, directly found a place where the environment is more secret.

He used the Polylithic Stone to arrange some simple arrays around him, in order to prevent some of the Protoss from coming to disturb his cultivation, and of course for safety.

"I have to break through to the four spirits for this time, otherwise the pyloric will be in a very dangerous situation." Xu Feng bit his teeth, he took out the supreme liquid, and the spiritual power of his body began to flow. The supreme liquid in his hand was absorbed by a drop.

"Chaotic Promise" works, forming a halo and a wave of air. His body is like a bottomless pit, madly devouring the supreme liquid.

And Xu Feng did not suppress the speed of swallowing the supreme liquid, one drop after another, there are still a lot of the supreme liquid in his hand?

When he was a disciple, he announced that his ranking was not the first, but he won all the rewards for the first prize, including the supreme liquid.

As the chaos runs infinitely, the rich spiritual power around his body, in all directions, is constantly gathering in his place.

Xu Feng's body glitters, his eyes are full of the momentum of the world, he is such a drop of the last liquid of the refinement of the liquid.

The breath of his body has also become stronger and stronger, and the horrible wind has begun to roar, forming a burst of spiritual storm.

In the past ten minutes and a second, Xu Feng’s body is getting stronger and stronger. He is closer and closer to Sipin Spirit.

I have to say that the supreme liquid is really the treasure of cultivation. It is no wonder that the general cultivation of the infinite starry warriors is much stronger than the northern wilderness.

(End of this chapter)

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