The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1481: Nether sect surrender

Chapter 1481: The Nether of the Nether

"Hu Xiaoquan, what did you investigate this time?"

Qin Haoran looked at Hu Xiaoquan in front of him and asked directly.

"Star owners, the situation is afraid is very serious, you guessed well, and other people were killed by Dongyue Mountain Villa, including the affiliated forces dispatched by Xiajia, and Dou Jianhua and Xia Zhen were also killed."

"And, the news I got, the current Death Star everyone is very desperate, just because of one person, that is their current star owner, this year's new disciple of Dongyue Mountain Villa, Xu Feng."

"The rumors, Xu Feng's strength is extremely powerful, and the fierce brothers are killed by Xu Feng, and it is very easy to kill. This is where Xu Feng is sacred, so powerful?"

Hu Xiaoquan was above the Death Star. He tried his best to find a breakthrough from the disciples of the Death Star. He quietly hid in the dark and constantly obtained useful information.

After a full three-day incubation, he was satisfied to leave.

Qin Haoran’s face became dignified and said: “It seems that this Dongyue Mountain Villa is really well prepared. If this is the case, then the situation is terrible.”

"It seems that our pylorus will face a severe test this time. Everyone must break through to Jiu Pinling as soon as possible and cannot delay."

Qin Haoran is very clear. I am afraid that this time I want to suppress the first place in the battle of the Eight Stars, and I am afraid that it is unlikely.

"The communication is going on. Everyone is trying to cultivate a month. I will try hard to cultivate this month. Don't estimate too much. I will prepare for the flower in a month."

The words of Qin Haoran came out, which made many people shocked.

"Star Master, I didn't get it wrong? Isn't it a shot at Dongyue Villa, but a shot on the Death Star?" asked a young man from the Eight Pinlings.

Others are also full of doubts. They are very clear that every previous session was first shot at Dongyue Mountain Villa. After all, Dongyue Mountain Villa is the weakest.

Qin Haoran shook his head and said: "This Dongyue Mountain Villa is definitely a hard bone. We don't want to provoke it for a while, so we don't get the resources, but we lose a lot."

"Right, what happened to the King Kong Buddhism and the Ice and Snow Empire?" Qin Haoran looked to a person next to him, and the other party was responsible for monitoring the two forces.

"Star Lord, King Kong Buddhism is the same as before. It seems that the attitude is that others do not provoke them. They are too lazy to provoke others. A group of people talk about Dharma from time to time, and sometimes they are practicing."

"As for the ice and snow empire, it is also very calm, but above this time Mercury, it seems that there is a cold ice, the fairy red snow seems to be closed in it."

Qin Haoran heard the words and nodded: "These two forces should not provoke first. After our pyloric eliminates the flower buds, the joint summer family will first shoot the ice empire."



Zheng Xiaokai is ashamed. He looks at the many younger brothers and sisters in front of him. He can become the star of Saturn. Naturally, he has certain skills.

However, he knows that this strategy is really wrong. It is not good to provoke anyone. It is going to provoke Dongyue Mountain Villa. Whoever says that Dongyue Mountain Villa is good to provoke, he must scream the ancestors of the 18th generation.

He even suspected that the battles of the Seven Stars in the previous sessions of Dongyue Mountain Villa were intentionally pretended to be dead.

"Damn, that Xu Feng is really hateful. He is also in the realm of our Saturn's breakthrough in gravity. So it is too unpopular for our Saturn to be shot?"

Zheng Xiaokai couldn't help but scream, he got the news, that is the star owner of Dongyue Mountain Villa, Xu Feng with twelve people, has been approaching Saturn.

Zheng Xiaokai is very clear that although the Battle of Seven Stars is a collective battle, if the other party has a very strong existence, it will be enough to turn around.

He is very aware of the strength of Xu Feng. He is fully committed by Zheng Xiaokai. If the other party wants to kill him, it is really not very difficult.

"Star owner, what do we do now?"

Next to an eight-character tribute peak to Zheng Xiaokai, his face has some worried colors.

Zheng Xiaokai is also a six-god at this moment. He knows that his genius is full of resistance, and the damage is not the opponent of Xu Feng.

He bit his teeth and said: "The younger brothers and sisters, I decided that we will surrender to Dongyue Mountain Villa and try to stay on Saturn for cultivation."

"If we die with Xu Feng and others, most of us will be killed, which is a devastating blow to our Nether."

"Of course, if everyone feels unwilling to surrender, then we have only one choice left, that is, to leave the Seven Stars and announce the withdrawal."

Zheng Xiaokai is very clear that all of his young disciples in the Netherland are almost here in the Seven Stars, if he takes everyone and Xu Feng alone to fight.

Even if it is the last to kill Xu Feng, the people of their genius are afraid that they will die. It is better to surrender directly to Xu Feng. This is not a shameful thing.

What he is worried about now is that Xu Feng does not accept the surrender of their Nether, and must kill them or let them leave the Seven Stars.

Xu Feng took twelve people and came to Saturn. He found that no one resisted.

As Xu Feng came to the central part of Saturn, where the spring of Saturn's supreme liquid was born, the people of the genius who were led by Zheng Xiaokai looked at themselves intricately.

Xu Feng looked at Zheng Xiaokai and said: "Hey, Zheng Xiaokai, are you going to fight with me? But I don't think you are going to decide the battle."

Zheng Xiaokai looked at Xu Feng. He took a deep breath. He looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng, I know that we are not your opponent."

"My Saturn is willing to surrender your death star, as long as we can continue to practice in Saturn, and we can follow you to fight in the future."

"You have to know that the number of disciples in Dongyue Mountain Villa is not much. Although your strength is very strong, but the two fists are difficult to attack four hands, especially the pyloric and Xiajia, for you Dongyue Villa, you can't wait to kill ""

"With the help of our Saturn, your death star situation is bound to be much better."


Xu Feng was a bit wrong. He didn't expect Zheng Xiaokai to choose to surrender, but he thought it was the best choice and would not be eliminated.

The only downside is that they are all members of the Nether, to listen to Xu Feng's arrangement.

However, Xu Feng is not likely to arrange for them to die.

Looking at Xu Feng standing there, did not speak, Zheng Xiaokai's heart is worried.

He was really scared. If Xu Feng refused, their Saturn would be really miserable.

The other people in the Nether, at the moment their breathing has become dignified, looking at Xu Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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