The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1482: Bathing aura

Chapter 1482 Bathing Aura

"It is not impossible for you to surrender, but I have a condition. If you do not agree to this condition, then I would rather not have this help."

Xu Feng has been indulging for a long time, and he looks at Zheng Xiaokai opposite.

Zheng Xiaokai heard the words and did not feel surprised. "What conditions do you have? Say it out."

"I am a principled person. If you choose to surrender me, you can rest assured that I will never let you become the cannon fodder of Dongyue Mountain Villa."

"I am fair to all of you. All of our disciples in Dongyue Villa are like this. It is more work and less, less work."

"Your Nethers are surrendered to us at Dongyue Villa. Of course, I also have more work for you, less work and less, you don't have to worry that I will deduct your supreme liquid."

"I don't think I can see it."

"The condition you have to promise me is to be absolutely obedient to my Xu Feng. I don't want someone to slap a knife in the back."


I heard that Xu Feng wanted them to obey Xu Feng absolutely, and many of the disciples of the Nethered Emperor, they all started to discuss, they felt that this absolute obedience was excessive.

Xu Feng looked at Zheng Xiaokai and said: "I said it, I treat all of you equally, and I will not let you be cannon fodder."

"Of course, some people want to mix, under my Xu Feng's hand, I really can't mix it. The one I don't like most is the mixed person."

Xu Feng finished, did not continue to speak, still standing there.

Zheng Xiaokai and a few people around him discussed it. It seems that the debate is very fierce. Obviously, some people think that they can promise Xu Feng. Some people think that they can't promise Xu Feng.

Zheng Xiaokai looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng, I can't reach a unified opinion. You see that this is not the case, we are willing to surrender you, just follow you."

"Those who are not willing to surrender, they will leave the Seven Stars directly. How is this?"

When I heard Zheng Xiaokai’s words, Xu Feng nodded and said, “No problem.”

In this way, almost half of the Nethersmen left directly from Saturn, and they jumped out of Saturn and suddenly disappeared into the Seven Stars.

"You will not regret it!"

Xu Feng looked at the people who surrendered to the Nether. After he left this sentence, he said: "Everyone has rectified and rectified, and the supreme liquid produced by the spring eye was handed over to Zheng Xiaokai."

"Remember what I said, that is, more work and more work, less work and less. Of course, if someone tells you that he needs ten drops of supreme liquid to break through from the seven spirits to the Eight Spirits, then you can give him."

"Of course, the premise is that he can break through. If someone can't break through, but still defrauding the supreme liquid, then it is necessary to accept punishment."

After Zheng Xiaokai said all this, he did not control the distribution of the supreme liquid, even Zheng Xiaokai was shocked.

Lu Bao looked at Zheng Xiaokai and smiled: "Zheng Xiaokai, you can rest assured that our star owner is a great person, and he will never care about things before you."

"Since he accepts the surrender of your Nether, then what he says will be done according to his words, and he will not treat you badly."


The land of the seven stars, the stars change, the spiritual power floats, and the light flashes.

"Look, you see, who is it?"

With the sky above the Seven Stars, the part of the disciples who had retired from the Nether, they appeared on the platform outside the Seven Stars.

"Is this a disciple of the Nether?"

Some people look at the young people. They know some of them. They know that they are disciples of the Nether, and the only disciples of the Nether are so.

The most important thing is why the disciples of the Nether have come out, and the light of Saturn has not changed much?

You know, if another star is destroyed to a star, then the star will change?

The sorcerer’s face was a bit ugly. He looked at the young people who appeared in front of him and said, “Xiao Yi... What is your situation? Zheng Xiaokai?”

Hearing the question of the lord, the young man of Xiao Yi suddenly lowered his head and said: "The lord, we lost the glory and lost to Dongyue Mountain Villa."

"What? Lost to Dongyue Villa?"

The words of the lord of the Nethersong sounded, and many people around them were full of mistakes, when Dongyue Villa became so powerful.

"Yes, the sovereign! Xu Feng, the star of Dongyue Mountain Villa, his strength is terrible, Zheng Xiaokai is not his opponent, and it is still a big gap."

"Zheng Xiaokai did not choose to leave Saturn, but was willing to surrender Xu Feng and continue to fight with Saturn. We feel that Xu Feng is unreliable and chose to withdraw."

Xiao Yi did not say anything about adding fuel, but said the true situation of the matter.

Other disciples are also somewhat depressed.

"This Zheng Xiaokai is really a noisy, and everyone has been defeated. How can he surrender?" An old man next to his face was angry and somewhat unhappy.

The lord of the Nether sect frowned, said: "Xiao Yi, you are the star of the Death Star, Xu Feng, his strength is very strong? What is the strength?"

Xiao Yi’s look is dignified: “The Sovereign, you may not know, the pyre of the pyloric, the Xia Zhen of the Xia family, and the Dou Jianhua of the Dou’s family. Under Xu Feng’s hands, they can’t resist for a while. Killed by Xu Feng."

Not far from the old village owner of Dongyue Mountain Villa, he sat there peacefully, as if there was no extra touch on Xiao Yi’s words.

In the investigation and construction around him, his face was smiling, saying: "Zhuang, it seems that this time we really did not see the wrong person, Xu Feng did not let us down."

Ji Qing came to Xiao Yi's body. He looked at Xiao Yi and said: "You mean that our priest's disciple is fierce, not even the opponent of Xu Feng?"

"Then what you mean is that my pyloric has sent someone to the Dongyue Villa, which means that the hand has failed?"

Ji Qing’s face was a bit ugly, his voice was a bit low, and his unnatural majesty was filled.

The sect of the Nether sect could not be hanged. He stepped out and blocked Xiao Yi behind him. He said, "Yi Qing, are you too deceiving too much?"

This Jiqing was actually in front of him, so he bullied his disciples under his door. If he did not say this, he would not be a joke.

"Oh... young people, it’s a real matter to talk about doing things... but it’s a price." Ji Qing glanced at Xiao Yi coldly.


At this time, in the sky above the seven-star land, a circle of aura began to emerge, and the horrible aura was like a sea of ​​spiritual power.

"Heaven... Is this the legendary bathing light of the Seven Stars?"

Even the old Zhuang owner stood up at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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