The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1483: Dongyue Mountain Villa is about to rise

Chapter 1483 Dongyue Mountain Villa to rise

Bathing in the light!

Legend has it that in the land of the Seven Stars, if there is a star, a very abnormal genius, or a very abnormal situation, then there will be a situation of bathing aura.

Or, if there are too many geniuses in which stars appear, there will be a splendid bathing light.

Don't underestimate the bathing light.

This is equivalent to the raindrops that have been condensed by spiritual power. It is like falling in the spirit of cultivation. The benefits are enormous.

"Death Star! These bathing auras are dead stars!"

The investigation was almost low-lying, and his eyes were full of excitement. He did not expect his own death star to actually touch the bathing light.

The old Zhuang old man’s face was full of excitement. He looked at the seven-star land and said: “Xu Pang... It seems that you have a good son, and the decline of my Dongyue Mountain Villa has been terminated from him.”

The old Zhuang master is very clear, as long as this bathing aura appears, then many of the disciples of Dongyue Mountain Villa will have a huge improvement, and it is difficult to want to decline.

Moreover, in the seven-star land, a large number of opportunities can be obtained.

Ji Qing’s face became extremely cold, and there was a cold killing in his eyes. He said: “Damn, how can Dongyue Mountain Villa suddenly become so strong?”

The face of the Xia family’s family has become very difficult to see. I want to know that the Xia’s first place in the battle for the Seven Stars, but it cost a lot of money.

However, when I think of it, he secretly said: "Nangong Temple breaks through the nine spirits, it is the invincible existence. In any case, the last first place must belong to my summer home."


Above the Death Star.

Fei can stare at the radiant sky above the dead star. His heart is shaking, and there are lines of figure around him. They all feel the horror of the radiance.

"Fei Neng brother, is it the legendary bathing aura?" Next to an eight-character spirit, his face trembled and his voice shook.

Fei Neng looked nervously and nodded. "I don't think we can really meet the bathing light in our lifetime. We have developed Dongyue Villa."

"The presumably star owners have already occupied Saturn, which will make our Death Star reward. And this bathing aura is a reward for our Death Star."

"Fei Neng brother, it seems that we are following the same with the star owner. My current cultivation has shown no small improvement." The man was excited.

Fei nodded and said: "Most of us have improved their strengths and strengths. Everyone must work hard to cultivate and not let down the owner."

"Fei Neng brother, our death star has the opportunity to bathe in the aura, the star owners they have not returned yet?" The next person looked at the bathing light, said.

You know, they think that all of this is because Xu Feng won, so their heart is deeply grateful to Xu Feng.

"It’s rare that you still have this heart. It’s really commendable. We must all remember that being a man must pay attention to gratitude, otherwise it will be a very tragic thing."

Fees can be said with caution to a few young people around me.

He looked at everyone and said: "Everyone should not waste the opportunity to bathe in the light. Then we all start to work hard."


Hearing the words of the fee, the people at the scene suddenly said the same thing.

Suddenly, with the help of the fee, the people at the scene began to sit on the knees, and they were waiting for the appearance of the bathing light.


Qin Haoran stood on the edge of Venus, his eyes were shocked, he looked at the place where the Death Star is located, where the radiance of the sky is nine days.

The radiance of one layer is like a spiritual force, which makes Qin Haoran's face follow the floating of the spiritual powers. The circle of light is so shocking.

"The star owner, what happened to the dead star, how could they be qualified to bathe the aura? Even our Venus has no such treatment."

At the side of Qin Haoran, a young man with eight peaks and his peak, his face is full of color.

He is very clear that once he is able to bathe in the aura, then his cultivation is very likely to break through to the nine spirits, without having to pause at the peak of the Eight Spirits for so many years.

Qin Haoran looked at the faint light of Saturn, and with the change of the Death Star at the moment, he slowly said: "I don't think the Death Star is beyond our expectations."

"Their dead stars should have already occupied Saturn, which means that the Nethersong should have been eliminated." Qin Haoran is very clear that this bathing aura should be a reward for the death star to defeat Saturn.

"Let's go down, we Venus in this month, desperately practice, there must be no carry." Qin Haoran turned to a young and dignified road to the side.


"Bathing aura?"

Above Jupiter, Xiahou’s face was full of surprises. He looked at the radiance above the Death Star, and his heart was shocked.

With Dou Jianhua and Xia Zhen not coming back, he actually guessed it.

That is the person he sent out, and the dead star has been wiped out.

But before, he still couldn't believe it. After all, the Death Star is really not so scary.

However, at this moment, he believes.

"Nan Gong brother... It seems that we really have a challenge this time. The death star can attract a bathing light. Is it not easy?"

Xia Houmeng had some dignified roads to the Nangong Temple around him.

The mouth of Nangong’s mouth showed a disdainful color. He had a strong feeling of contempt for those who had no starry sky. For him, such a place was an insult to him.

However, the Xia family spent a huge price. He didn't come to the boundless starry sky. He simply ran for the boundless starry sky. He didn't think anyone could create trouble for him.

"Ha ha!"

Nan Gongyi’s mouth was slightly raised, and the look on his face was captured by Xia Houmeng. His inner secret said: “Many madness is a price to pay.”

However, Xia Houmeng did not say anything to Nangong, he spoke to a few people around him: "Pass me to order, the next month, use the most supreme liquid, crazy cultivation."



Above the stars, a group of monks gathered together.

The head of the monk had a faint envious color on his face. He looked at the showering light above the Death Star and said: "It seems that the Death Star is going to rise."

"The Sovereign has long said that Dongyue Mountain Villa cannot be silenced. It seems that the Sovereign is really a shining eye?" The monk had awe on his face.

Before he did not believe in the language of the Sovereign, now watching the changes over the Death Star, he knows the facts told by the Sovereign.

The lord chose to be a singer, and he wanted to have a causal relationship with the Death Star.

"It seems to find an opportunity to form an alliance with the Death Star!"

The head of the monk made a decision in his heart, but his look revealed a holy light.

(End of this chapter)

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