The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1487: Brother, eat sugar...

Chapter 1487 Brother, eat sugar...


There was a whistling sound from Xu Feng’s ear. His body was suddenly swayed through the chest and his eyes were stunned.

He looked at the figure that pierced his body, and turned out to be his most pitiful person, Yinger!

"Yinger... Yinger... How could it be you?"


"Why are you doing this?"


Xu Feng looked at Yinger in disbelief. In his own heart, the little girl who was loyal to her own eyes, from her own back, pierced her heart with a sharp sword.

"Ha ha ha..."

The figure grabbed the **** sword in her hand, her face was horrible, her eyes were cold and bitter, and she stared at Xu Feng’s eyes, making Xu Feng feel horrified.

"No... I don't believe that Yinger will kill me... She can't kill me... She treats me as the closest relative..." Xu Feng's eyes are unbelievable.

His heart is full of anger and grief.


When he was a master of the past, he was killed by the most beloved woman.

Now, he is actually killed by his most pitiful woman.

On the endless blood-red battlefield, the horrible killing of Xu Feng’s heart completely eroded his face and made his face pale.

The screaming of the wind blew, forming a circle of blood red phantoms, all of which were shocked by the body that Xu Feng was about to collapse.


Xu Feng spurted out a blood, his body was crumbling.


The **** red battlefield suddenly changed.

Xu Feng's eyes became confused. He looked at the quiet surroundings and looked at the little village not far away. His face showed a faint smile.


"I don't think I came back to Xujiacun, it is really interesting..." Xu Feng's face with a faint smile, he took a step and walked toward Xujiacun.

As a promising young man of the 21st century, he never believed in ghost legends and never believed that this kind of thing actually came to his head.

Yes, he crossed, he turned out to be a 13-year-old boy, who is now the owner of this Xujia Village.

"Oh... Xiaofeng, have you gone outside to practice?"

Not far from the edge of the house, there is a middle-aged woman standing there. She has nothing to do, just a physical and spiritual cultivation.

However, her face is a smile that is peaceful and happy. She looks at Xu Feng as if she is looking at her own child. Her smile is so harmonious.

"Flower... yeah... I went to the big mountain ten miles away. I killed a cyan, and everyone will come and divide it?"

Xu Feng said to the middle-aged woman with a smile.

"Less village owner, you are now all the hopes of our Xujiacun to get out of this mountain in the future. You must not commit crimes." The middle-aged woman walked out of a strong man, and he looked at Xu Feng's cautious way.

"Uncle Jiang, don't you believe in my strength? I will lead everyone out of this **** mountain in the future. We Xujia Village should stand up between heaven and earth."

Although the teenager is only 13 or 4 years old, his relationship is so confident, his words are so firm, no one doubts the boy's words.

"Flower 姨, Jiang Shu, I will remember to come to my house to divide the blue meat." Xu Feng greeted the two men and walked toward the village.

Looking at the back of Xu Feng’s walk, Jiang Shu and Hua Yan’s face were slightly moved. They couldn’t help but shake their heads and said, “Do you say that God is not unfair?”

"The village is kind and good, but why his parents will die, leaving a weak sister to him. He goes hunting and killing the monster almost every time, for the blood of the beast, to continue to his sister. life."

There are some sorrows and grievances in the voice of the flower buds. Why are good people not good at reporting?

Uncle Jiang also shook his head and said: "All of us in Xujia Village now regard him as our hope. He is the child of our Xujia Village."

"The future of this child is bound to be limitless."


Xu Feng has been walking to the end of the village. There is a shabby thatched house. When he passes through each village, someone will smile and say hello to him.


Xu Feng snorted in the courtyard. Although his body seemed heavy at the moment, he did not complain. He knew that it was useless to blame others. Everything still needs to rely on himself.


As he pushed the door open, I saw a little girl with a face full of stains standing in the distance, holding a delicate candy in her hand.

"Brother... I want to die of you..."

The little girl ran to Xu Feng's front and directly kept Xu Feng's legs. She was only five or six years old, but her body looked like a three-year-old girl, and even more fragile, as if she could take her in a gust of wind. Blowing.

"Brother also misses you... I have been naughty for the three days I went out?" Xu Feng squatted and wiped the stain on the little girl's face with his hand.

The little girl shook her head directly and said: "Brother... I am very obedient. I only played in the village for three days. I didn't go out..."

"Brother... This is the candy that the flower buds made for me, you are going to eat..." The little girl handed the candy inside her hand to Xu Feng's mouth.

"Brother... eat sugar..."

Her face is serene and happy.

The tears in Xu Feng’s eyes flashed and they swayed and said: “You are going to eat sugar, your brother doesn’t like to eat sugar...”


The little girl seemed to be somewhat disappointed. She took back the sugar in her hand and carefully hid it in her pocket.


A breeze blew, and the little girl's mouth suddenly breathed suddenly and the blood rushed from her nose, eyes, and ears.

"Ah... sister... sister..."

Xu Feng hurry to hold the little girl, he took out the cyan scorpion from the storage bag inside his waist, and quickly poured the blood of the cyan color into the little girl's mouth.

The little girl is like a monster at the moment. She desperately swallows the blood of those monsters. Her face finally becomes a little bloody, and the blood of the rogue slowly stops.


The little girl opened her eyes and her breath was weak.

"Sister... don't talk... my brother will save you... I won't let you leave me..."

Xu Feng’s eyes have resentment.

For the first time in his life, he was so resentful, why should his sister suffer such pain.

"Brother, I believe in you."

The little girl slowly closed her eyes and her face was a warm smile.

"Sister, I will cure you."

Xu Feng’s face has a firm color.

(End of this chapter)

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