The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1488: Xujiacun's hope

Chapter 1488, Xu Jiacun's Hope

Day after day, year after year.

The 13-year-old boy became a 16-year-old youth.

In the past three years, he has made himself the first spiritual master of Xujiacun by his own efforts, and he has become the hegemon of this mountain.

His sister finally has the blood of countless monsters, which can make his sister's body continue life and survive.

"Small village owners... You can't stay on this mountain. This is a waste of your life. We want you to leave this mountain and take us out of the mountains in the future."

In front of Xu Feng, there are several old people standing in Xujiacun. They have worked hard for Xujiacun for a lifetime. They are not willing to look at the teenage genius such as Xu Feng. They are working in this mountain like them, and they have worked hard all their lives. Finally, I have to wait slowly to die.

"Yes, we feel that the villagers can leave this mountain. The force outside our mountains is recruiting people. The villagers can leave..."

"Less village owner, let's go..."


Xu Feng looked at these familiar faces in front of them, some of them, some treated him as a son, and some treated him as a grandson.

They gave Xu Feng countless love, which made Xu Feng completely integrated into the village. He never felt that he was a passing person. He is a member of this Xujia Village.

"Uncles and uncles, grandparents... my sister..."

Xu Feng’s face was worried. He had long wanted to leave this mountain, but he couldn’t let go of everything in Xujia Village, and he couldn’t let his sister.

Hearing the words of Xu Feng, the old people looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xiao Feng... If you stay, how long can you continue your sister's life?"

"We Xujia Village has been passed down from generation to generation. Outside this mountain, there is a powerful incomparable refiner who can use various herbs to refine different medicinal herbs to heal their lives."

"If you leave this mountain, you can become a refiner. When your sister's life has a glimmer of hope. Now your sister needs the blood of the beast to sustain life, we can hunt the monster."

"Yeah... Xiaofeng, go..."

Xu Feng looked at the people in front of him. He nodded cautiously and said: "Uncles and uncles, grandparents... Then my sister will give it to you."

"Xu Feng swears here, three years, I will definitely want to take out a real world outside this mountain. I want our Xujiacun to walk out of this barren mountain."

Xu Feng’s voice rang in this empty, simple hall.

He left Xujiacun.

That day, the young figure, he was carrying the hope of everyone in this mountain. He didn't have a single article, and some just insisted on his heart.

He believes that he will be a top powerhouse and will become a refiner.

"Your glory yesterday has become a distant memory! I have spent a lot of hard work and have gone into the storm tonight. I can't go with the waves, for my loved ones. It's hard to be hard again, just for Those who look forward to their eyes. If the heart is in a dream, there is true love between heaven and earth."


"Looking at the success or failure of life, it is just starting from scratch."

"If the heart is in a dream, there is true love between heaven and earth."

The back of the young man kept away from this mountain. He lived in the mountains for countless years, and he gave this mountain of all his feelings.

His voice is bleak with his age, and the echoes of his former inner music masters are echoed in his inner sea.

His voice was unnaturally stirred up. In this mountain, his voice echoed for a long time. He knew that this was his only choice.

Become stronger! Become a refiner!


In three years, the 16-year-old ignorant youth, he became a hegemon, his reputation in three years, spread all over the Tianhua domain.

He became the youngest spiritual king in Tianhua’s history and became the youngest Lingzong strongman in Tianhua’s history. He became the first talent of Tianhua domain.

He is the youngest five-product trainer in the history of Tianhua domain. He is the youngest six-productor in history. He has created a dominant position and dominated one.

"Xujiacun, I have not lived up to your hopes. I am alive and come back. I have experienced hundreds of deaths in three years. After hundreds of expeditions, I finally succeeded."

"Sister... Your body is not hopeless, it is a sacred body. You can cultivate the gods of the heavens, and you will become a stronger existence."

Xu Feng's face was full of excitement and joy, he came to this familiar mountain.

He quietly came to the quiet Xujia Village.


After three years of flowering, although some are old, but looking at Xu Feng's eyes, there is still no change.

"Xiaofeng is back!"

"Xiaofeng is back!"

"Xiaofeng is back!"


The entire Xujia Village began to boil, and the whole Xujia Village was caught in the boundless ecstasy of the night. The return of Xu Feng made the men, women and children of Xujia Village feel very happy.

Yes, Xu Feng fulfilled his promise. He took all the people from Xujiacun and walked from the boundless mountain for half a month and finally came out.

Everyone in Xujiacun was excited. They followed Xu Feng to the male tyrants. They became part of the tyrants. The teenagers in Xujiacun were desperately practicing.

They became the mainstay of the tyrants.

It is another three years.

Xu Feng became the strong emperor of the Emperor, and the Dominion Gate also began to dominate the Tianhua domain and became the real hegemon. It was necessary to surpass the four forces of Tianhua Domain.

Come on!

The nightmare is finally coming!

All the people in Xujiacun became the target of Xu Feng’s hostile forces, and his sister-in-law was also taken away by hostile forces.

"Xu Feng... I want to save your sister... You are the only way out now, that is, self-destruction."

It was a middle-aged man. He looked at Xu Feng with a sullen look. The two men beside him were clutching Xu Feng’s sister.

"You don't kill my sister... can you think about it?"

Xu Feng’s voice sounded, and he looked at the weak body, which seemed to be a little weak.

"No... brother... don't be fooled, they are going to harm you... this is for you to die..." The weak body can become extremely strong at the moment.

Her eyes are firm and tears are flowing wildly. She knows that if she is not dead, then all her brothers and Xujiacun will die.

She is not the little girl in Xujiacun that year. She knows how much her brother has suffered for herself. She doesn't want to watch her brother because of an accident.

"Brother... Farewell!"

There was a faint smile on her face. She didn't know when her mouth was there, and there was a dark medicinal herb.

That is, Xu Feng taught her alchemy techniques and refining the medicinal herbs. From the moment she was arrested, she knew that this was the end.

(End of this chapter)

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