The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1489: Mood collapse

Chapter 1489 Crisis


With the girl's mouth inside, the faint voice came out, the dark blood flowed from her mouth, her look with a smile.

She knows that she is dead, then her brother is safe, and she can let go of the **** bad guys, so she has no fear of suicide.

"Damn, this is awkward... people..."

The middle-aged man did not expect Xu Feng’s younger sister to be so young, and he had such a strong courage to commit suicide by swallowing poison.

"You all have to die... men, women and children... chickens don't stay..."

Xu Feng’s horrible killings rose to the sky, his body turned into blood red for a moment, and the violent waves spread continuously around him.


Xu Feng completely became a **** of killing. He rushed into the power in front of him. His fist became a nightmare of countless people.

In that battle, Xu Feng really killed for three days and three nights. Even he didn't know how many people he killed. He only knew that his whole body's blood was dry and wet, wet and dry...

There was a thick layer of blood on the ground. In the first battle, he completely accomplished the fierce name in Tianhua domain. Countless people said that he was a murderous violent.

Even some people want to call the exit number and describe Xu Feng as a murderous madman. They want to join forces to punish Xu Feng.

However, Xu Feng did not fear at all.

He experienced the death of his sister. He almost wiped out all the hostile forces. For a time, his voice rose to a height in the Tianhua domain.

"Ah... save me..."

"help me……"

The people in Xujiacun once again became the target of Xu Feng’s enemies. He looked at the people in Xujiacun, and fell down one by one. The blood flowed red and the earth.

“Is it really that I hurt Xujiacun?”

Xu Feng’s heart suddenly gave birth to such a thought. He felt that he had harmed Xujiacun. If he did not take Xujiacun to leave the mountain.

Perhaps, everyone in Xujiacun, although living a very hard life, but they will not fall into such a massacre, making the entire Xujia Village dead and wounded.

Xu Feng seems to be trapped in a dead end at this moment. He feels that the tragedy of Xujiacun seems to be caused by him, so he hates himself.

In this way, the male fighter is getting stronger and stronger.

Xujiacun is no longer there.

"Save me... save me..."

Xu Feng’s eyes looked at the changes in the environment in front of him. It was the fierce situation of the male tyrants. He was besieged by the innumerable strongmen, and it was also the blood flowing into the river.

Many people are falling down, blood stained the whole mountain, and the red is over the male tyrants. The sky is full of powerful killing atmosphere, which is extremely shocking.

Xu Feng looked at the strong man who followed his own creation of the tyrants. One by one was killed. His heart actually produced a kind of fear. He thought that he killed these people.


"Oh, no one can resist my Qin Haoran, I am determined to become stronger, that is unmatched by anyone." Qin Haoran is also caught in such a fantasy.

However, Qin Haoran is really ruthless, he is no matter who is in front of him, he will directly kill each other, and it is fatal.

In this way, he fell into a murderous fantasy, and the strong killing disappeared.

He looked at the vast space in front of him, his face changed slightly.

With the emergence of Qin Haoran, Nangong Temple also broke the illusion.

These people are all killing in their hearts. They are all arrogant. They are not like Xu Feng. They are full of arrogance. They want to kill Xu Feng quickly.


"Why am I doing this, do I really kill them? They all died because of me, but I am living safe and sound now."

"I am damn..."

Xu Feng's eyes became blood red, and around his body, the blood-red light, the virtual shadow of the road swept away toward Xu Feng's body.

In his mind, the illusions of one by one are constantly disappearing, everything in front seems to be collapsing, and the entire murderous fantasy seems to be over.

"No... I can't die... Is this an illusion? Illusion?

Xu Feng’s eyes are full of insights, and he knows that this is the killing illusion created in the field of killing.


Xu Feng bit his lip, the collapse inside his heart, gradually recovering.

"I don't think that this killing fantasy is so powerful, I even stripped directly into the heart of my heart."

For Xu Feng, the former demons except Ling Bingrong, that is his killing, he killed too many people in Tianhua domain, his killing gas is too heavy.

"I definitely can't let the killing illusion be defeated." His eyes showed a confident smile.

"I was wrong, I was wrong... There is no need to kill in this murderous fantasy." Xu Feng's face showed a faint smile.

"Xujiacun... my sister... those are already smouldering. The thing I want to do now is to make myself stronger and to be able to truly control my own destiny and change everything around me."

"Otherwise, it is still a man-made knife that tells me the story of fish!"

Want to understand these things, Xu Feng feels that his heart seems to open up in an instant, his eyes are full of pure light.

Whirring whirring……

A slight gust of wind blew through, and the surrounding environment changed directly. The blood-red world seemed to disappear, and it never seemed to have happened.

Suddenly, Xu Feng found that he could feel the existence of the Seven Killing Emperor. He quickly said: "Predecessors, have you discovered anything?"

The Seven Killing Spirits heard the words and nodded, saying: "You are caught in the murderous fantasy created by the Emperor of the Spirit, and your heart fluctuates greatly during this period."

"If you can't come out, then both of us will die, but fortunately, when you come out, you overcome the inner demons and make the killing illusion disappear."

"Sure enough, it’s a fantasy, it’s dangerous..."

Xu Feng's heart is a secret sigh of relief, he is very clear about what happened to him in this murderous fantasy, and everything almost made him die inside.

"Well? Who?"

With the appearance of Xu Feng, there were several figures in the distance. They all followed the Qin Haoran disciples who entered the area. Their eyes fell on Xu Feng.

Among them, there is another person who is a nine-character reverence. He looks at Xu Feng’s eyes and becomes cold. He said: “A big courage, a four-character reverence is also dare to come in and seek death. Hu Mu’s waste, I don't know what to do outside, let him guard the gate, and don't look good."

Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, saying: “This place of sitting is the existence of the powerful Emperor, and it is not the private property of your pyloric. Is it difficult to let people come in?”

(End of this chapter)

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