The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1490: Killing nine spirits

Chapter 1490 kills nine spirits

"Kid, what do you say? Do you know the power of Master Wang?"

Next to a young man with eight peaks and a peak, he looked at Xu Feng and said the way.

The youth of Jiu Ling Ling Zun is called Wang Hao.

Xu Feng stood there, his look was extremely calm, said: "I don't know if he is not very good, but I know that he has a dog, but it is very powerful."


A few people next to me heard the words, and they all laughed. There is no doubt that Xu Feng is swearing at the eight-pronged youth, but Wang Hao’s dog.

"You dare to say that I am a dog... you are looking for death..."

The youth of the eight-pronged spirit peaks, the violent momentum of his body is filled with him. He is the master of the eight-pronged spirit, and he is a rare genius in the pylorus.

When did he get a four-character spirit to honor himself, and he was screaming at the moment, and the four winds that he condensed spread.

When he stepped out and waved his hands, the wind screamed and screamed, forming a tornado of a circle, attacking Xu Fengyu.

"The eight-pronged spirit of the peak is repaired, it is only the heart of the four winds, you really are not qualified to arrogant in front of me, let's go!"

When Xu Feng’s words rang, his five-fold killings filled his heart, and the violent killing atmosphere made the people around him feel cold.

In particular, some people feel that the blood of the whole body is solidifying. Their eyes are shocked and look at Xu Feng. "Why are the four spirits respected, how can they condense the five killings?"

The eight-pronged youth who was shot against Xu Feng, he felt the violent killing of Xu Feng, and his eyes were all condensed.

"Oh... even if you are a five-person killing, then how... my repair is much higher than you, you are not my opponent."

Above his hands, the wind condensed and seemed to form huge claws, tearing toward Xu Feng's head.


Who knows, Xu Feng’s mouth is slightly raised, and when he roars, he suddenly slams out with a punch, and that punch carries a devastating momentum.


Everyone saw only one figure flying back and forth, and the smashing hit on the wall not far away, it was the arrogant eight-character spirit.

Xu Feng’s current strength improvement is really terrifying. Although his cultivation is a four-pronged spirit, he is an addition to the sea and the twelve spiritual veins.

Let his spiritual strength not be weaker than the ordinary seven spirits, especially his killing and sorrow, it is even more terrible, that is the great perfect heart.

"Dark House? Give me a wait, I have to look at it. This time I went back to the north, how many people will do it to me?"

Xu Feng’s face was full of smiles. I am afraid that those people did not expect that in just over a year, his strength will be raised to such a level.

"How? I said that you are a waste. You still don't believe it. Do you want to continue fighting?" Xu Feng looked at the eight-pronged youth who stood up and struggled to stand up, his mouth slightly raised.

The strength of his Xu Feng now, even if it is the nine spirits, he is not afraid.

In particular, his current Taoist heart has shown tremendous improvement, five heavy killings, five heavy gravity, four spatial hearts, such three kinds of hearts gather on one person, if they spread out, I am afraid It's hard to believe.

Moreover, the most important thing is that these three hearts are still the perfect heart.

These three kinds of Taoism, even if they are any kind of Taoism, appear on other warriors, and they are also peerless geniuses.

Not to mention the convergence of one.


The young man of the eight-character spirit, the blood of his mouth spurted out, his face pale, he stared at Xu Feng, and his eyes were afraid.


Wang Hao’s face became very ugly. Xu Feng was so badly in front of him that his younger brother was seriously injured and he ignored his existence.

The moment when Wang Hao’s low voice sounded, the disciples around the pyloric eyes were full of excitement. They looked at Xu Feng with anger. “Wang brother, give him a lesson and let him know our pylorus. It’s not a good bully, I really think I’m the best in the world!”

Xu Feng heard that he almost didn't laugh out. He said: "I think that you are the best in the world, maybe you are a pyloric! I have not provoked you."

When Xu Feng just came out from the murderous fantasy scene, he just happened to meet a few of them. The other party directly taught him to be humiliating and humiliating. How did it seem that Xu Feng was excessive?

"Oh... I don’t know the tall and thick boy. Today I will let you know that it is a price to pay for the pyloric door..." Wang Hao’s cheeks floated slightly.

Saying, Wang Hao's five-fold heart is filled with openness. It is worthy of the existence of the nine-pronged spirit. The body's breath is much stronger than the eight-character spirit.

His hands suddenly danced, and the gust of wind between his hands whizzed past, it was a chilly bitter chill, as if the layers of ice were condensing.

"This is the inheritance of Wang Xi’s brother, the ice claws!"

The person next to him couldn't help but exclaim, and Wang Hao even directed Xu Feng to directly display the most powerful attack, or his most powerful means.

The ice all condensed, forming a claw that has always been like a hail, and the claws rushed toward Xu Feng’s body, seemingly to kill Xu Feng’s body.

"Kid, don't you feel sorry now?"

Wang Hao is very clear that Xu Feng's strength is not simple. His only chance of winning is to show his inheritance and to completely suppress Xu Feng at the fastest speed.

Unfortunately, Wang Hao’s plan is doomed to failure.

On Xu Feng’s body, the five-fold killing of the Taoist heart was accompanied by the constant fall of the void, followed by the emergence of the five-gravity gravity.

"To tell the truth, you really are not qualified to be arrogant in front of me, because you are also a waste in my eyes." Xu Feng's voice is extremely domineering.

The moment when he punched out with a fist, it was the killing style of the killing punch that he had cultivated some time ago. He now has cultivated the realm of Dacheng.

"Inheriting spiritual skills? He has actually cultivated and succeeded in inheriting spiritual skills. He is only a four-pronged spirit."

"The combination of two kinds of five hearts."

"Is this guy really a human?"

The disciples around the pyloric, all of them are full of faces, they look at Xu Feng's eyes, like watching monsters.


The **** red fists are filled with horrible killings. The fists of those fists slammed out, and the face of Wang Hao across the face changed completely.

His hail and silver claws could not resist Xu Feng’s fist.

He continued to retreat, Xu Feng continued to chase after victory.


Xu Feng screamed and screamed for dozens of tricks. He fell down with a fist and squatted directly on Wang Hao’s head. His head was suddenly torn apart.

He didn't think about it until he died. Why did he be killed? He clearly is a nine-pronged master, obviously a five-way heart.

(End of this chapter)

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