The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2117: Looking at the moon, please stay!

Chapter 2117, Wangyuezi, please stay!

Xu Feng’s gaze suddenly fell not far away. At that moment, a young man who seemed to be swaying, he was full of joy and smiled from the site of the founding sect.

Xu Feng's mouth slightly raised, this moon, son, he must give him a good lesson.

As for the threat of cutting-edge education, Xu Feng really does not worry.

He now has the Taiyi Emperor's clock, and the cultivation is even more uplifted to the middle of the Five Spirits.

Even if it is the heart-cutting leader of the Seven Spirits Emperor, Xu Feng may not have the power of a war.

However, what he wants to do most now is to humiliate the moon.

Just because Xu Feng later chased the Dark Temple in the ruins of the ruins of the ruins, he actually heard countless rumors.

That is, he Xu Feng actually used the intrigue and tricks, took away the Taiyi Emperor's clock, and was defeated by the Mochizuki.

Obviously, Xu Feng knows that all these words are made by Wangyuezi himself.

The purpose is self-evident.

Nature is to highlight the power of the moon.

Wang Yuegong's original smile, his feelings and wisdom.

Now, almost no one believes that he was defeated by Xu Feng, and he was also taken away by Xu Feng.

You must know that there are many of them in the disciples who followed him to make the ruins of the ruins.

Among them, many young men and women regard the Mongkok as an idol, and they are looking around around the moon.

Wang Yuegong, with the people of Genesis College, his face full of smiles, it is necessary to go to the front.

A voice came.

"Hey, isn't this a moon-mooner? It's fortunate to be lucky!"

The sound of Xu Feng sounded, but the moon-watching son did not stop, but accelerated.

The disciples of the Genesis Academy are a glimpse.

Xu Feng suddenly exclaimed: "Watching the moon, please stay!"

As the sound spreads far away.

Even if the moon-watching son wants to leave, it will not work.

Xu Feng appeared on the opposite side of the moon, and his face was full of smiles. He said: "When you look at the moon, you can hear that you are in the ruins of the ruins."

"You can easily crush Xu Feng, and you are also using the intrigues of the other party to take away your Taiyi Emperor."

"I am very curious now, how does the other party use the intrigue and trick you to take away your Taiyi Emperor's clock?"

A young man from Genesis College, he saw Xu Feng coming up and thought that Xu Feng should also be a person who worships the moon.

He suddenly smiled: "Little brother, we are one of the three sons of the moon, and he wants to defeat that Xu Feng, which is naturally a breeze."

"I know this thing in great detail. I will tell you slowly, how shameful Xu Feng is..."

"And, we look at the strength of the moon, but it is not said, very powerful!"

The disciples of the Genesis College are all eager to say everything they know.

However, they did not notice that the cheeks of Mochiko became extremely embarrassing.

He heard the words of his younger brothers and sisters at the moment, and he felt extremely ironic and harsh. He suddenly turned his head and screamed, saying, "Shut up!"

"Xu Feng, what do you want?"

Wang Yuezi’s eyes stared at the opposite Xu Feng, and his voice was filled with madness and suppression.

However, Mt. Wang is very clear. If he starts to work on Xu Feng, it is tantamount to self-inflicted because he is not Xu Feng’s opponent.

"What, he is Xu Feng?"

The disciples of the Genesis College heard that at this moment they are full of mistakes.

"Where did he come from the courage to provoke the moon?"

They feel that this Xu Feng is already a defeated man, and even dare to be so arrogant, it is damn.

Xu Feng spread his hands and said: "I don't want to be like, you are not self-satisfied, you must be powerful, can you crush me?"

"That's not as good as fighting again, see who crushes who?"

Xu Feng’s voice swayed, making many people stunned.

This Xu Feng actually issued a challenge book against the Mongkok.

Just a lot of people think that the moon will be very refreshing.

I know, Wang Wangzi immediately angered: "I don't have time to waste with you, I need to go back to the World University."

Said, the moon and the son turned away, they must leave in the distance.

Xu Feng is full of smiles.

"Watching the moon, the failure is not terrible. Why do you need to hide your failures with shameless shame?"

"I Xu Feng Guangming defeated you, and captured the Taiyi Emperor's bell, but you felt that I was conspiring to take away the Taiyi Emperor's bell."

"That, can you tell me how you are intrigue and tricks, and you can't help you?"

The sound of Xu Feng sounded and the scene was completely boiling.

In other words, the young man really defeated the moon, and also took away the other party's Tai Yi.

However, the so-called rumors are all made up of the moon, just to cover up the failure of the moon.

The Mochizuki suddenly felt that countless eyes were coming around, and those eyes were like swords, moving toward his heart.

He bit his teeth, he looked at Xu Feng, said: "Xu Feng, today's like, I hope that the moon will be doubled in the future!"


After the moon-watching son finished speaking, he went straight to the distance and went straight to the desert.

The disciples of the Genesis College, looking at Xu Feng at the moment, were a little shy on their faces and fled.


At this time, a middle-aged Confucian student appeared not far from Xu Feng, and the breath of the body made Xu Feng a condensate.

"A good horror, I can't feel the other's repairs?" Xu Feng's eyes sparkled with horror.

However, the middle-aged Confucian student looked at Xu Feng and said, "What is your name?"

"Xu Feng!"

Xu Feng said directly.

Middle-aged Confucian scholar nodded and said: "You are the young man to be chased by the Nangong family, the son of Nangong Xue?"

"Not bad!"

Xu Feng did not deny it.

Middle-aged Confucian students laughed and said: "The Nangong family is really confused. You young geniuses want to obliterate them?"

This time, Xu Feng did not speak.

Middle-aged Confucian students looked at Xu Feng and said: "Is there any interest in joining our creation college and becoming the fourth son!"

"Not interested in!"

No one expected that the middle-aged Confucian scholar gave Xu Feng such a high treatment.

However, what makes them even more jaw-drop is that Xu Feng did not even consider it and refused directly.

Even the middle-aged Confucian scholars were a glimpse, and immediately laughed: "You are a very interesting young man. You should probably go further in the future. You have time to sit at the Genesis Academy. Maybe you have some chance to create a world. The college is also uncertain."

(End of this chapter)

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