The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2177: He is BUFF

Chapter 2177, he is BUFF

With the start of the refining contest.

Above the huge square.

According to the registration, the six product refiners, the seven refiners, and the eight refiners are divided into three different places.

However, Xu Feng’s registration is a seven-pronged refiner, and he is naturally with a lot of seven refiners.

Yu Ruoyu also appeared in the scene of the refining contest, the rain suit instead followed Xu Feng to participate in the seven-products competition.

Yu Yu looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu Big Brother, how did you catch the young lady Yu Ruojun, can you teach me how to chase girls?"

"I have been here for more than 30 years, and I am still single."

Xu Feng almost didn't turn his eyes.

He looked at the rain suit and said: "Do not talk nonsense, prepare to participate in the refining contest."

Rain clothes can only go aside without being willing.

The rain suit thinks that Xu Feng is really powerful. It is necessary to know the whole of the vast land of China, countless young talents, and the pursuit of the rain.

However, almost no one can say more than five sentences with Yu Ruoyu. Now Xu Feng is so good with Yu Ruo.

Not much time.

An eight-pronged master, he came to the seven-goods division to resist this grade.

He looked at the many refiners.

"Everyone, you are all seven grades."

“The first round of assessment is very simple. You only need to refine the Qipin Dan medicine that meets the requirements within the prescribed time.”

As the old man looked at the crowd, he said: "The alchemy furnace and the herbs are the same. You must use those herbs and the alchemy furnace to refine the different seven medicinal herbs. Of course, all kinds of medicinal herbs. Combination, it depends on your own."

"Next, when I announced the beginning, you can start refining. The first round of promotion can participate in the second round."

Later, the old man looked at the preparations that were not far away.


When he announced the beginning, the refiners rushed over there.

The rain suit followed Xu Feng’s side and asked, “Dr. Xu, are you not in a hurry?”

“Why are you worried?”

Xu Feng looked at the rain suit.

"In the first round of assessment, as long as the seven medicinal herbs are refining, the quality will be determined according to the quality of the seven medicinal drugs."


The rain clothes couldn’t help but scream, and asked, “What do you want to refine?

Xu Feng looked at the rain clothes that followed him and said: "How do you have so many problems, are you coming to the refining contest, or are you asking me questions?"

The rain clothes heard the words and smiled awkwardly.

I saw that the rain suit went over there, and he began to pick the medicine.

Xu Feng’s eyes are slightly congested, and the heart says: “It’s not a rainy family. It’s a good family. This rain suit is also very good.”

Xu Feng found that the rain medicine should be refining the medicinal herbs, which should be the seven best medicinal herbs, ice fire soul Dan, this medicinal medicine is not difficult to refine.

When the rain suit is ready to start using the alchemy furnace, Xu Feng said: "You want to refine the ice fire, you may wish to add a kind of medicine called illusion grass, maybe let you refine the medicine, there are Can't tell the effect?"

The rain clothes heard the words and I couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

At the same time, he also had doubts in his heart. He felt that this ice-fired soul Dan had been refining himself many times. How can he join the illusion grass?

"Xu Big Brother, why should I join the illusion grass?"

Rain clothes could not help but ask.

A few old people around are also looking at Xu Feng.

They obviously don't understand.

Xu Feng spread his hands: "If you want to try, don't want to, then forget it."

Xu Feng is much lazy to say, but to go aside.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, when he was in control of the alchemy furnace, the medicinal herbs on the shelf were then flew out of the alchemy furnace of Xu Feng.

The alchemy method of Xu Feng suddenly made many people face their mistakes.

They looked at Xu Feng at the moment and were shocked.

"What is that kid doing, he thought alchemy is a hodgepodge?"

Some people who don't know Xu Feng's name and who don't know Xu Feng can't help but question the voice.

"You don't even know him, but he is above the tower of the soul, and the genius that illuminates the nine lights."

"Oh, the soul is very good. It doesn't mean that the refining medicinal medicine is also very good. I don't think he may be alchemy."

"What you said is a bit reasonable, but you will know later, will he be alchemy?"

The rain suit looked at Xu Feng’s way of alchemy. His eyes were all surprised. He saw the rain and the alchemy.

In the recent period, the same is true of the rain, and often a lot of herbs are like the alchemy furnace.

At the beginning, he also felt that the rain would be a failure for alchemy, and he knew that in the end, the rain would refine the medicinal herbs.

The quality is excellent, even beyond her previous level.

Rain clothes are entangled in the rain to learn.

However, the rain did not want to teach him three times and five times, saying that this was taught to her by others, and could not be taught privately without the consent of others.

Even if it is the grandfather of the rain, it is the existence of the nine masters, and it is extremely surprised by the technique of the rain.

However, if you are raining, you will not tell.


At this time, the flame in front of Xu Feng has burned.

However, among his alchemy furnaces, those herbs began to melt.

Xu Feng's hands slammed on the alchemy furnace, and bursts of fire burst out.

Some refiners could not help but ridicule, saying: "I don't see it. It seems that his alchemy is about to fail. I really don't know how to be high."

However, the thing that followed the face occurred.

When Xu Feng’s hands slammed out, the Dan furnace flew directly.

Then, the lid of the alchemy furnace opened.

A burst of medicinal scent spread out in all directions.

"How fast is the speed of alchemy?"

Not far from some people who pay special attention to Xu Feng, they are shocked at the moment, one by one full of horror.

Even the wine idiot is wide-eyed and said: "Where did this kid's alchemy technique come from? How could it be so mysterious?"

Alcohol is very clear, Xu Feng's method of refining Dan is not the same as most people, it is completely different, and the effect is still very good.

When the rain suit had not responded, I saw the seven products of the Xufeng alchemy furnace flying out, and the whole six medicinal herbs.

The most important thing is that the dan medicine is a seven-product medicinal remedy that is difficult to refine.


The refiners who felt that Xu Feng must have failed, the old faces of the ones at the moment felt hot.

This is simply a slap in the face of them, not only did they fail, but they also succeeded in rapid refining.

"Who is going to check his remedy, I think his medicinal quality is definitely not high."

An old man shouted loudly and unwillingly.

The responsible eight-faced teacher has appeared in Xu Feng not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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