The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2178: Yu can's confidence

Chapter 2178 Yu Can's Confidence

"Broken Fragrance Continued Dan?"

The eight products of the product are looking at the remedy.

His old eyes sparkled with shock.

He looked at Xu Feng and said: "How do you make a good way to refine the quality of the broken fragrance?"

"Nine-seven quality?"

Those who have just questioned the quality of the drug, as if they were once again slap in the face.

Nine-faced masters such as Jiu Zhe appeared in Xu Feng's not far away.

"Little guy, you just refining the remedy, I don't know if it can be taught to us, we can exchange it with medicinal herbs."

The president of the wine idiot and the refining guild, as well as Ouyang Ke and others, are not far from Xu Feng.

They didn't think that this kid didn't understand alchemy, it was a veteran, and it was so subtle.

Xu Feng looked at the people who surrounded him. He smiled directly: "Oh, it is not difficult to want my alchemy technique."

"When I am in the refining contest, when I am in a good mood, don't take advantage of you. I also teach you a few tricks."


The people around are stunned and stunned.

"You hurry to yell at me, am I wrong?"

A seven-pronged master, he said to the people around him.

"You are not mistaken, the nine masters, and the eight famous refiners who are famous for a long time are asking the young man."

"I have just questioned the medicinal herbs that others have refined. Now these nine esteems are going to ask for advice. Isn't this a face?"

Some refiners only feel that their world has been subverted.

Rain has finally come to understand.

The mysterious alchemy technique that dared to love her granddaughter turned out to be the one Xu Feng taught him.

"Oh, it seems that on the side of our seven refiners, there is no doubt that Xu Feng won the first place."

Seeing the medicinal herbs that Xu Feng refines, the seven-seven-quality seven-quality medicinal herbs are not necessarily the best.

Now, Xu Feng refines, and this first place must be Xu Feng.

The other seven refiners are also full of hardships.

"Hey, it’s unfortunate that I came to the R&D competition this time. This kid is the BUFF of the R&D Contest."

"Don't say it, I think so, but this young man is too powerful. The refining remedy is really terrible."

"Those nine refiners are very interested in his refining techniques."

"I can't think of our southern continent, there is such a genius of refining."

"Don't you think that he should actually go to the grade of the eight-goods division, not the seven-skills division."

"I don't know which brain is responsible for signing up for him. Such a refiner is counted on the side of the seven-skilled division."


Xu Feng knows that he is the first to get the seven-skilled refiner, that is, he can enter the soul tower to refine his soul. He is too lazy to care about other things.

As for the rain and the president of the refining guild, and others, he wants his smallpox to fold the plum nine, he can of course teach.

However, he will only teach the first six styles to these people, the latter thirteen, waiting for him to stand at the peak of the southern continent.

He can spread the smallpox and the nineteenth style, and then let the refiners of the entire southern continent get the harvest.

However, the eight-finisher seems to be fighting for the heat.

You know, some of the eight products in the product are already hundreds of old guys.

These people have already been carefully crafted for alchemy.

There are some sweat on the face of the rain, but the refining of her medicine will obviously not fail.

After all, Yu Ruo has the complete ceiling of the 19-year-old plum blossoms that Xu Feng taught her.

With the talent of the rain, the success of the drug is a matter of morning and evening.

Time passes by one minute.

Xu Feng seemed to be very boring. He began to look around and saw a succinct refiner, and he pointed out two sentences.

Those who got the guidance from Xu Feng were all making a lot of breakthroughs, but they made them seem very happy.

In the rain suit refining the medicinal herbs, he joined the illusion grass according to the requirements of Xu Feng, and he found himself refining the medicinal herbs.

The scent is extremely rich, and most importantly, he clearly feels that the refining of the medicinal herbs is better than the last one.

The rain suit is full of doubts. He looks at Xu Feng: "Xu Big Brother, can you tell me why the medicinal effect of this medicinal herb has increased so much?"

Hearing the question of the rain suit, many of the surrounding refiners are very interested.

Xu Feng looked at the rain suit and said: "So simple, you don't understand?"

"I still ask you if I understand?"

The rain suit is secretly scorned inside.

What is the ratio!

"Your ice-fire soul Dan is itself a remedy for the soul. And the illusion grass is a great benefit to the soul."

"The addition of illusion grass does not affect the effect of the whole medicinal herb. Instead, it will make you refine the ice and fire, and it will add icing on the cake."

I heard Xu Feng say so, the rain service suddenly realized.

But he looked at Xu Feng with some surprise.

"Xu Big Brother, why do you think about joining the illusion grass?"

Xu Feng heard the words, suddenly spurting blood.

"If you keep on advancing at the pace of your predecessors, how do you surpass your predecessors?"

"What we have to do is to stand on the shoulders of giants and continue to improve in order to make continuous progress."

The rain service heard the words and said: "Xu Big Brother, what you said is justified. It is worthy of being a man who can catch up with Miss Yu Ruoxi."


Xu Feng almost didn't have a foot to the rain clothes.


"Looking over there, the medicinal medicine actually ignited the vision of heaven and earth?"

As everyone looks at the past.

Xu Feng is a bit strange, only because the young man of alchemy is actually Yu Da.

He knows this person.

When I was in Seoul, Kyushu, the other side pursued Shu Runxue and happened to meet him.

"Eight products in the middle of the drug, the water ice Dan."

Xu Feng's eyes are all condensed, he did not expect that this Yu can's refining talent is really very good, even able to refine eight products in the medicinal herbs.

Xu Feng has been here until now, although he has received the inheritance of the emperor of Lingwu.

However, he really did not really refine the eight-product Chinese medicine.

He felt that he should find an opportunity and try it.

Yu can look at the opposite side of the medicinal medicine, his face is a smile.

“癸水冰丹, very good.”

The president of the refining guild looked at Yu Da, and his eyes fell on the lush body. He said: "It’s lush, it seems that you will have a nine-character emperor in the future."

Some eight-finishers looked at the face of Yu Da, and they were all very embarrassing.

One by one, I comfort myself. My heart said: "Forget it, don't compare it like this, or compare it to it. It really is a wall crash."

Yu Lian heard the appreciation of the president of the refining guild, and his old face was smiling.

However, it is still modest: "The road to reach is still very long."

(End of this chapter)

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