The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2271: Human bone grass

Chapter 2271 Human Body Grass

Xu Feng is convinced of the words of the Promise.

After all, only those who are alive can laugh at the end.

The Abyss Palace has just begun.

Now, Xu Feng, they have not met other warriors.

There is no foolproof at all.

“Continue to move closer to the capital.”

The Promise Emperor finished talking to Xu Feng and Ling Shuling, and the three continued to walk towards the Wudu City.

“We can walk while taking the flesh of the abyss beast and then adjust our state to the best.”

"After all, we don't know what it will be waiting for us. It is very likely that we will meet a strong opponent."

All three are in this rich and heavy fog, taking their own steps.

Going forward to the looming ancient city in the distance, keep moving forward.

"The Promise of the Promise, the city of the fog, rumors may also be organic."

Xu Feng had also seen the introduction of Wudu City in the collection hall of the Nangong family.

Hearing Xu Feng’s question, the Promise Emperor said without reservation: “You said it is good, the chance of the fog city is not small.”

"According to rumors, there was once a strong man who had gained the inheritance of the spiritual master in the city of Wudu, and later left the vast land of China."

The Promise Emperor said to Xu Feng.

Among Xu Feng’s eyes, they are all looking forward to it.

"Xu Feng, your kitten is very unusual. He is probably a strange animal. The future growth is really limitless."

The eyes of the Promise Emperor fell on Xu Feng's shoulder.

The kittens are all following Xu Feng.

When Xu Feng and the abyss beasts were fighting, the kittens were cheering on Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard that his relatives touched the kitten's head.

"The kitten and I have been around for a long time. He is my savior."

Xu Feng clearly remembers.

After that almost died, he was among the forest outside the Tianhua domain.

He felt the feeling of a sloppy face when he woke up.

However, the kitten is licking his cheek.

The kitten was also with him from that time.

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and said with a smug look: "The old man, your eyes are very good, but Benedict is very unusual."

"Look at you for such a fascinating part, and wait for you to come to the Spiritual Continent, and you will cover you."

The kitten's appearance of taking a picture of the chest makes Lingshu Lingdi and the Promise Emperor feel very funny and cute.

"Haha... That's good, you don't want to abandon the old man in the future, it's dragged!" The Promise Emperor said with a smile to the kitten.

The kitten nodded: "The old man is very good. After that, the brother must be in a hurry. You can't go anywhere."

Hear the words of the kitten.

In fact, the heart of the Promise is convinced.

The reason why he helped Xu Feng many times is also to see the potential of Xu Feng in the future.

The Promise of the Promise is very clear that there are very few people who have been able to survive in the Spiritual Continent.

However, such a genius as Xu Feng, once he went to the mainland of Lingshen, it may be a dragon for nine days, and the fish is shallow.

At that time, it is really a million types of frost and freedom!

The world of Xu Feng has only just begun. He can make a good deal with Xu Feng in the Lingshen continent. That is also a very good thing.

Of course, the Promise King wants to help Xu Feng, and there are other reasons, that is, he appreciates Xu Feng.


At this time, in the depths of the fog, there was a burst of roar of the abyss beasts.

"Go, look at the past."

The eyes of the Promise Emperor are flashing, the spiritual power of the body is flowing, and the place that has come to the sound of the abyss beast has already been thrown out.

Ling Shuling Emperor and Xu Feng followed.

As the three came to a valley outside.

There are actually two abyss behemoths in it, fighting hard in madness.

Xu Feng’s gaze fell directly across the valley, and there was only one plant there, as if it were a mini-little man.

"Human body grass?"

When Xu Feng was awarded the inheritance of Emperor Lingwu, he knew the existence of this medicine.

According to the inheritance of Lingwu Emperor's medicinal herbs, this human body can make a kind of rare and rare Jiudian Didan.

However, the Jiu Pin Di Dan can have the opportunity to help the peak of the Emperor of the Emperor, and upgrade to the realm of Lingjun.

That medicinal herb, called Xuanyang Linggu Dan.

The two people, such as the Promise, also naturally saw the human body and grass.

However, the two did not know the existence of the medicine.

"It seems that these two abyss beasts should be fighting for the grass, and they will fight here."

The man is surrounded by grass and full of spiritual power.

With the eyes of the Promise and the Emperor Ling, it is natural to see that the human body is very unusual.

Xu Feng hides aside, he said: "The Promise of the Promise, Ling Shuling Emperor, this medicine is precious."

"This kind of medicine is called the body of the human body, but it is the main medicine for refining a kind of Jiudian."

"If we can take this human body and grass, then go back to the spiritual gods and find some other precious herbs, I will be able to have a 50% grasp and refine the nine products."

"That is the nine elements of the emperor, you can make the Emperor of the Peak to cultivate, break through to a higher level, and become more simple."

Xu Feng’s words rang, and the Promise and the Spirit Shuling Emperor, the breathing became short.

The two of them looked at the man's body and grass, as if they could not wait to rush in now.

The Promise of the Promise is very familiar with Xu Feng.

He knows that Xu Feng is the first in the refining contest held by the Refining Association.

He is convinced of Xu Feng’s words.

"Xu Feng, that person is a grass, we have to take it down."

The Promise is very clear.

The energy crystal nucleus of the abyss beast can break through to a higher level, but it is very risky.

Moreover, enough energy crystal nucleus is needed.


Xu Feng nodded and said: "In any case, these two abyss beasts are now killing each other. When they lose both sides, we can easily kill the target."

The Promise Emperor eyes stared at the two abyss beasts in the valley and smiled: "It seems that I invite you to be a kid, it is the most correct decision I made."

Promise is very clear, if not Xu Feng.

Even if he meets this human body, he can't identify what the medicine is.

It is very likely that he will be thrown aside.

Or directly swallow this way, it is simply violent.

Ling Shuling Emperor smiled at the side: "If you know this, you will say that he will regret the blood spit?"

"Ha ha..."

The Promise of the Promise is also a haha ​​smile.

Neither of them thought that it was like Xu Feng who played the biggest role in the team of three people.

First, in the rich fog, let the Promise of the Promise gather the body of the Emperor.

Then, Xu Feng discovered this human body and grass.

(End of this chapter)

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