The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2427: Who can stop me?

Chapter 2427 Who can stop me?


It seems that all the heavens and the earth have become quiet.

No one thought of it.

Xu Feng’s strength has become so horrible, even killing the map in nine days and ten days, he has no way to take him.

Seeing Xu Feng tearing nine days and ten places to kill the map, a strong fight against Li Shunfeng, the eyes of Jian Gu are all fear.

His heart is also very clear at the moment.

Even if all of them are together, it is not Xu Feng’s opponent.

A few people around the sword, their eyes are looking at the sword, and the heart is full of fear.

"Xu Feng is the first person in the southern continent. His current strength is completely the peak of the southern continent."

"It seems that this dark temple is in jeopardy, and the swords and so on are so rampant for so many years, and finally there is retribution."

"As long as the Temple of Darkness perishes, the death of our southern continent will be much reduced. After all, the means of the Dark Temple is very hot."

Seeing Xu Feng so quickly killing Li Shunfeng and others, the people onlookers are incomparably happy.

After all, the arrogance and ruthlessness of the Dark Temple, many people are abhorrent, they have more or less people, or know people, bullied by the Dark Temple.

Before, no one could stand against the dark temple.

Of course they dare not say anything.

Now, Xu Feng can defeat the Dark Temple, and of course they will not let go, so good to beat the dog.


Xu Feng killed Li Shunfeng, and he looked up and looked at the opposite sword.

With the four eyes facing each other, the eyes of the sword alone suddenly disappeared.

Sword alone did not dare to touch Xu Feng's eyes.

Xu Feng was calm and said: "Sword alone, you want to kill me several times, now I am standing in front of you, don't you still do it?"

Hearing Xu Feng’s words, the sword was almost vomiting blood.

He is obviously not the opponent of Xu Feng. If you do it, are you not looking for a dead end?

"Xu Feng, I advise you to accept it if you are still good. You should understand that the Dark Temple is not so bullying."

There is no way for the sword to be alone now. He can only take out the dark temple to deter Xu Feng.

It is a pity that Xu Feng is the Lord who is not afraid of fear. He does not have any fear of the Dark Temple.

Although, from the inheritance of the creation, Xu Feng also knows that the Dark Temple is also a powerful force in the Lingshen mainland.

However, the dark temple of the southern continent is just a small branch, and it is impossible to force it to the point.

"It’s ridiculous. When you want to kill me, why don’t you just pick it up?”

"Now, I know that it is not my opponent. If you want me to accept it, don't you think it is ridiculous?"

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, the glittering is the killing of Sen Ran. His heart is very clear, the dark hall is already the end of the strong.

The existence of the sword alone, now he is not qualified to bring shoes, let alone fight him.

"A few of you are all cultivated by the nine spirits, and if you do it together, there is still a chance."

Xu Feng’s voice is very calm, but he is extremely overbearing. The meaning is very obvious. I have already announced that you are dead.

A few old men around the sword are the strongest of the nine spirits, and they are not respected where they go.

Now, they are so humiliated by a young man, but they have no choice but to stand there.

They did not dare to shoot Xu Feng. After all, they are also very clear that the power gap between the two is really too big.

"No, just said wrong, even if you are taking a shot together, there is no chance at all."

Xu Feng stood there, his voice was calm.

Calm makes people feel fear.

"Xu Feng is really crazy."

Someone couldn’t help but say.

"This is not arrogance at all. It is self-confidence. People do have this self-confidence. You don't want to think about it. He is now the culmination of Jiu Pinling Emperor."

"When he was in the Seven Spirits Emperor, he could defeat the Jiu Ling Ling Emperor. Now he has broken through to the peak of the Jiu Ling Ling Emperor. His strength is almost invincible."

When many people look at Xu Feng, they don't feel that Xu Feng is arrogant. Instead, they feel that this is the momentum that the strong should have.

The faces of several people, such as the sword, became very ugly. They stood there, but they did not dare to take the initiative to start Xu Feng.

"Since you don't do it, don't blame me for being rude. I am afraid that is your death."

On Xu Feng’s body, spiritual power flows.

The sixth-day killing field in his body seems to be an endless killing that can destroy all momentum.

Then, he was the sixth space in the sky, and he completely blocked the void.

Xu Feng is afraid of the treasures of the life of the sword and so on. If the other party escapes, it is really asking for trouble.

The thing he is going to do now is to destroy the dark temple.

Solve all the difficulties and then prepare to leave the southern continent.

He does not want to continue to delay time in the southern continent, his world belongs to the spiritual **** continent.

"Work with him!"

The sword and the eyes are absolutely inside, he is also very clear, today he wants to survive, unless there is a miracle.

He looked at the distance in the distance and found that the black robe never appeared. His heart was disappointed.

He knows that if there are still people who can compete against Xu Feng, then there is only the main hall black robe.

Several people rushed out toward Xu Feng at the same time. The dark areas on them seemed to block Xu Feng.

Between the eyes of Xu Feng, the cold killings emerged.

One of the old men of Jiu Ling Ling Emperor, he appeared in front of Xu Feng.


After being punched by Xu Feng, he flew out directly. His body seemed to be a broken kite, and he could no longer move.

A fist is so damaging to the strong of the nine spirits, many people are terrified in their hearts, they are all jaw-dropping.

No one expected that Xu Feng was really invincible.

"Who can stop me?"

Xu Feng’s eyes are all overbearing.


Another punch, direct bombardment, fists torn the void, filled with the fists that destroy everything.

The blood-red fist tears the whole void into pieces, as if it are hollow pieces, which are constantly floating.

The face of the sword is really hard to see, and several people around him are killed, and only one is left.

Obviously, Xu Feng deliberately left him alone at the end.

The sword had a squeaky throat and he swallowed.

"Xu Feng, why are you dying to kill?"

When Xu Feng heard the words, they couldn’t help but laugh.

He looked at the sword and said: "You seem to forget, how have you chased me Xu Feng in these years?"

"Have you forgotten it, my father and mother, and me who are still jealous, you didn't think about letting us go, thinking about killing."

"Now, you actually have a face saying that I am going to kill, you don't think, is this really ironic?"

(End of this chapter)

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