The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2428: The dragon is finished

Chapter 2228 Long Jia is finished

"Long Aotian, I will finally give you a piece of advice. Now take the people of your dragon family and go straight back."

"Your talent and strength are very good now. You can ignore the things in the southern continent and go to the spiritual world."

“Why is it necessary to come to this drowning water?”

The oriental water appeared on the opposite side of Long Aotian and others, and his old eyes were faintly sighed.

At his side, the old man standing in the sky, also said: "Long Aotian, you all add together, is not Xu Feng's opponent, why do you have to find a way to die?"

Long Aotian’s face is a disdainful look.

"You two are now rolling away. My current strength, killing Xu Feng is like a rebellion. My cooperation with the Dark Temple, Xu Feng will die."

Long Aotian did not listen to the dissuasion of the East and the old man.

The Oriental Waters glanced at the old man.


He couldn't help but sigh and said: "Since you don't listen to dissuasion, then we have no choice. I hope you are lucky?"


"Sword alone, the next is your death, you can rest assured, your swordsman, I will let them not stay."

Xu Feng’s eyes are all killing.

If, in the entire southern continent, he wants to destroy the dark temple, it is because of the doctrine of the dominance.

Well, he wants to kill the swordsman, it is simply something that he is looking forward to. It is really a sword for these years, it is really too much.

The face of the sword is so ugly.

"Xu Feng, I can commit suicide, just ask you to let me put a sword at home."

Xu Feng did not feel anything.

He slowly said: "Do you think it is possible? If the death is my Xu Feng, will you let go of the people around me?"

"For the first time, you grab my daughter and use it to threaten me; the second time, you want to catch a woman around me, even want to grab my mother and threaten me. Do you think I will show mercy?"

"Swords are lonely, no matter what you do, you have to pay for the consequences. Now is the time for you to pay the price."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

He no longer hesitated, he rushed straight out and punched his sword toward the sword.

The old eyes of the sword are not reconciled. He waved his long sword and wanted to resist Xu Feng’s boxing.


The gap between his strength and Xu Feng is too big. The long sword in his hand was directly smashed by Xu Feng.


"This punch, I am playing instead of my parents!"

Xu Feng’s fistard was on the chest of the sword, but the sword was not dead, but flew out.

"This punch, I am playing for the southern continent, those who were killed by you."

Inside Xu Feng’s voice, it’s cold chill.

In these years, there are not many people who die in the hands of the sword.

"This punch, I am playing for my daughter."


With Xu Feng’s fist, like a storm, the smashing bombardment is on the body of the sword.

His whole person was spurted out of blood, and his eyes were dead.

At the moment of dying, his heart regretted.

He felt that if he knew that this was the case, he should not offend Xu Feng.

His eyes were round and he looked at somewhere in the dark hall. He knew very well that he hoped his grandson could survive.

After killing the sword.

Xu Feng said to the kitten on the shoulder: "The kitten, everyone in the sword house is handed over to you. The young man who wants to humiliate a lot last time, you must arrest him for me. I want him to die." ""

Xu Feng said that Jian Li.


The kitten suddenly went out.

The people of the swordsman suddenly became extremely panic, and they wanted to escape.

The speed at which kittens kill is incomparably fast.

Blood completely dyed the entire sword home.

For a time, mourning continued to rise.

Many people have fear in their eyes.

They also know that the reason why Xu Feng is so hot to the swordsman is because the swordsman’s killing before Xu Feng is too strong.

"Oh, I really don't know how to live!"

Xu Feng’s eyes looked at the void not far away, only to see there, there were more than a dozen figures.

"The Dragon House is coming?"

"What is this for the Dragon family?"

Many people looked at the people of the Dragon family and were a little surprised.

Xu Feng looked at Long Aotian not far away, faintly said: "Long Aotian, I can't think of the trouble I didn't find you, but you took the initiative to send it to the door."

Long Aotian's face changed slightly, he did not expect.

Sword and so on, was actually killed by Xu Feng.

His heart suddenly gave birth to fear. He said: "Xu Feng, I am afraid it is a misunderstanding. I am not coming to trouble you."

Many people have heard that they are all scornful.

Anyone can see that Long Aotian and other dragon family people must be poor.

Now, Long Aotian actually said that they did not come for Xu Feng, no one believed.

"Long Aotian, do you really think that I am a three-year-old?" The spiritual power of Xu Feng began to flow.

"How is it possible for Jiu Pinling Emperor Peak?"

Long Aotian is very clear. When he was fighting with Xu Feng in the altar, Xu Feng was only repaired by the nine spirits.

Time has passed so little, how could he break through to the peak of the Jiu Lingling Emperor?

"Long Xiang, you want to kill me many times, I will send you to die today."

Immediately, Xu Feng’s eyes burst out of the killing.

"In addition to Long Aotian and Long Xiang, the rest of the people are now rolling, I can not kill you!"

Xu Feng has never been a killer of innocent people. For him, these people simply cannot create any threat.

He is even too lazy to kill.

"I quit!"

"I quit!"

With more than a dozen people from Long Aotian, there are only five people left in the blink of an eye.


However, Xu Feng’s fist is invincible, and a fist is smashed on Long Xiang’s body, which makes Long Xiang fly directly.

Blood flowed from the corner of Long Xiang's mouth. His old look was unwilling. He did not expect that he could not resist even Xu Feng's fist.


A few people left behind were killed by Xu Feng in the blink of an eye, and only Long Aotian was left alone.

Many people look at this scene, and they all secretly say in their hearts: "The dragon is finished!"

They know that the people killed by Xu Feng are almost the most powerful warriors of the Dragon family.

Now, Xu Feng's obvious strength is unstoppable.

Even Long Aotian is not an opponent of Xu Feng.

As long as Xu Feng kills Long Aotian, the entire Dragon House is really finished.

Their hearts are also infinitely sigh, and the heads of the four great ancients have disappeared into the southern continent.

"Long Aotian, it's your turn!"

Xu Feng’s eyes looked at Long Aotian, and his spiritual power surged and his fists were invincible.

It’s just like swallowing a punch like this.

(End of this chapter)

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