The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2782: Kid, are you deliberately whole?

Chapter 2782, kid, do you deliberately whole me?

Kyrgyzstan frowned.

He looked at Master Wang and said: "Master Wang, you are the second-class master of alchemy. We are coming with you, mainly because we can detoxify us all along the way. I hope you will not let us down."

Master Wang is the alchemy teacher invited by Elder Kyrgyzstan.

He has spent a lot of money.

Moreover, when the black wood purple vine is obtained.

I also want to give Master Wang a reward.

Master Wang’s face was full of self-confidence. He nodded and said: “Do not worry, I have a second-order detoxification Dan here. I believe that I can remove the poison from me.”

Master Wang said.

He took out a remedy.

With the medicinal herbs swallowed down.

Elder Kyrgyz and others looked at Master Wang with anticipation.

However, everyone found out on his feet.

The blue blood has not stopped.

Instead, the toxins are constantly spreading.


Master Wang made a scream, and his eyes were all blood red. Obviously, the feet were so painful.

"Oh, no, my feet are getting numb. Is it really going to die here?"

Yang Linhua snorted, and his words were not reconciled.

Chen Yagang was also poisoned.

He found that Xu Feng, standing not far away, was as usual.

In the depths of his eyes, he was killing, and he said directly: "Ji Chang, I said that this kid can't bring it."

"You look at all of us poisoned, but this kid is not poisoned. I think this poison is very likely to be under him."

Chen Yagang’s words rang.

Yang Linhua's eyes fell on Xu Feng.

Xu Feng's breath is very stable, not like a poisoned person.

Ji Chang’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he obviously had some doubts about Xu Feng.

Follow the other person Chen Yagang came.

He pointed to Xu Feng with his face full of anger, said: "Xu Feng, you are mean, you are not, I feel that we all do not want to see you."

"You want to, poison all of us, and let us die without a place to die?"

Yang Linhua's six-fold imposing manner is pervasive.

He stared at Xu Feng with anger in his eyes.

"Kid, quickly hand over the antidote, otherwise I will kill you now."

Yang Linhua’s face is full of embarrassment.

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and watched the group of people all idiots.

He really can't stand it.

"Brother, let's go, this group of idiots, don't listen to your persuasion, have to enter this valley."

"Now I am very poisonous, but I only think that it is poison. You are so abominable, don't worry about their lives."

The crisp sound of the kittens is not flawed.

He really can't help it.

If Xu Feng stopped, he would have rushed out and tore Chen Yagang and others into countless pieces.

Hearing the words of the kitten, the talents think of it.

Before Xu Feng, but insisted that everyone walk around the road.

Someone pointed to Chen Yagang and said: "Chen Yagang, you are an idiot. We must have walked around the road. You said that others are afraid."

"You can't find death!"

Chen Yagang's face is killing.

He pointed to the person who spoke.

"Who is afraid of you, the big deal is that everyone will die together."

The middle-aged man is not comfortable with Chen Yagang.

Chen Yagang still thought that he is still the captain of the law enforcement team?

"Chen Yagang, you are used to being a good fortune. Do you really think that you are the captain of the law enforcement team?"

Another person, pointing to Chen Yagang said.

Chen Yagang was said to have a painful place. His eyes stared at Xu Feng with his eyes, and his spiritual power continued to surge.

"Xu Feng, can you hand over the antidote?"

Chen Yagang’s voice is a threat inside.

Xu Feng stood there, his eyes fixed on the ground, always calm, did not say a word.

"Give me out!"

Just at the time of the millennium.

Xu Feng burst into a bang and saw his palms, and the spiritual power gathered together to become a sword.


The crisp sword gas directly hits out.

Sword gas rushed into the soil.


A humming sound came out.

Everyone saw it, above the soil, a blue body with small feet and a sharp thorn on it.

"Is this a blue-blooded octopus?"

Elder Kyrgyz knew this small monster, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

Chen Yagang looked at the monster that Xu Feng caught, and he felt that his face was a bit ugly.

It turns out.

It’s not Xu Feng’s poison, but this small monster.

"Idiot, do you still think that my brother is poisoned?"

The kitten stared at Chen Yagang.

"You are a small beast, don't think that I am poisoned, I want to kill you, it's easy!"

Chen Yagang was furious.

Someone pointed to Chen Yagang and said: "Chen Yagang, if you really want to die, don't take us."

One of the middle-aged men, he looked at Xu Feng, and he was pleading between the looks.

"Master Xu, beg you to save me!"

The voice of the middle-aged man sounded.

Everyone is looking at Xu Feng in unison.

The elders of Kyrgyz’s eyes are full of enlightenment.

He seems to understand.

Why, Xunyang is so respectful to Xu Feng.

It is highly probable that Xu Feng is an alchemy teacher.


Chen Yagang has long known that Xu Feng is a good alchemy teacher.

Therefore, just now he will bite Xu Feng poison.

Mr. Ji stared at Chen Yagang and said: "Chen Yagang, you already know that Xu Feng is an alchemy teacher?"

Chen Yagang heard the question of Elder Ji, his face is not good-looking.

Of course he knows.

The position of his captain of the law enforcement team was directly ousted.

It is because of Xu Feng.

"Ji Chang, I..."

Chen Yagang’s words have not been finished yet.

Elder Kyrgyz turned his head. He stared at Xu Feng and said, "Xu brothers, I hope you can detoxify all of us."

"We are all looking for black wood purple vines. If you die here, you can't find black wood purple vines."

The elders of Ji’s name for Xu Feng also changed from Xiaozi to Xu brothers.

Now, he also knows that if he wants to detoxify, he can only expect Xu Feng.

Master Wang, his own detoxification, is useless.

"Detoxification is not difficult!"

Xu Feng swept his eyes around, he said slowly.


Master Wang is wide-eyed. He knows the toxins of the blue-striped ants, but he does not know how to lift them.

"Xu brother, then there is work!"

Elder Kyrgyzstan held a fist in his hands against Xu Feng.

Xu Feng is addicted. He said: "Ji Chang, I know that I can detoxify, but I need someone to give me a test?"

Hearing Xu Feng’s words, Chen Yagang’s face became iron and blue.

He has an ominous premonition.

Ji Chang heard the words, he directly said: "Xu brother, who do you want to give you a try, but it does not matter."

Xu Feng swept the crowd.

Finally, it fell on Chen Yagang.

"Ji Chang, I want him to give me a test, I don't know, is he willing?"

Xu Feng said something awkward.

Elder Kyrgyzstan said: "For the sake of all our lives, he does not want to, I will kill him!"

The face of Elder Ji is cold and killing.

Chen Yagang’s face was stunned, and he pointed to Xu Feng.

"Kid, do you deliberately whole me?"

Chen Yagang knows that testing drugs is not a bad thing.

(End of this chapter)

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