The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2783: You open the road ahead

Chapter 2783 You open the road ahead

Xu Feng spread his hands and he looked at Chen Yagang.

"If you don't want to try the medicine, you can only use the elders to try the medicine."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Everyone's face has become unsightly.

Elder Kyrgyz knows.

This is Xu Feng wants to retaliate against Chen Yagang, and Chen Yagang must be responsible for the test.

"Chen Yagang, the test will not die, it is difficult, you want to be poisoned and died, dead here?"

The elders of Kyrgyzstan are slowly.

Chen Yagang’s face was unwilling, saying: “Ji Chang, this kid is obviously playing me?”

Chen Yagang did not expect that Xu Feng still had such a move.

Xu Feng really wants to complete Chen Yagang.

Of course, people do need to test drugs.

Mainly, how do you want to get rid of the toxins of blue-and-white octopus?

He knows that antidote must be in this neighborhood.

"Chen Yagang, you sacrificed yourself for all of us, is there any problem?"

Someone looked at Chen Yagang and laughed directly.

Chen Yagang pointed to the person who spoke: "You said it is easy, then you come to try the medicine, how do I know, is it poison or antidote?"

Chen Yagang did not know if Xu Feng would take the opportunity to poison him.

"You can rest assured that if you want to kill you, you don't need poison at all."

Xu Feng said to Chen Yagang.

Since Chen Yagang was disgusting with him for so long, it was okay for him to be disgusting and disgusting.

Anyway, disgusting the other side, not breaking the law.

Elder Kyrgyz stood on one side and his eyes widened in his eyes.

"Chen Yagang, you can rest assured that there is me, if Xu Feng poisons you, I will not let him go."

This is a guarantee for Chen Yagang.

Chen Yagang heard that this was a little relieved.

His face was awkward, staring at Xu Feng, saying: "Boy, if you can't find an antidote in the end, I will let you die first."

Chen Yagang’s voice is cold.

"Oh... I am so scared..."

Although Xu Feng said this, but his face, but can not see the slightest fear, and some are calm and calm.

"Chen Yagang, I advise you not to scare me." Xu Feng said: "I am a courageous person. When you are, if you scare me, if I really get the wrong antidote, it would be really bad."


Chen Yagang reached out and pointed at Xu Feng opposite. His arms were shaking and his face was stunned.

"You can continue to scare me, I am really scared."

While Xu Feng spoke, it seemed to be really fearful.

However, everyone understands.

From the beginning to the end, this young man is calm and calm. Where can he see it, the slightest fear?

"Xu brothers, don't delay time, let's hurry to find antidote." Elder Ji said to Xu Feng.

Several other people beside him also said: "Master Xu, it is imperative that detoxification for everyone is the right way."

Master Wang’s eyes narrowed slightly. He stared at Xu Feng and said, “Hey, I want to pretend to be a master. I have to look at it. How do you find an antidote?”

He is the second-order master of alchemy.

Even his second-order detoxification Dan has no toxins.

He did not believe that Xu Feng could really find an antidote.

"We are going ahead, I believe that the antidote is around here."

Xu Feng said slowly to several people.

Master Wang’s face was mocked and said: “Kid, don’t say too much, you can’t find an antidote at that time, see how you end up?”

Xu Feng did not pay attention to the words of Master Wang.

His eyes were calm, he just stared around.

Not much time.


Below the ground, there is another burst of creep.

Xu Feng is killing a blue-blooded octopus.

He grabbed the body of the blue-blooded octopus, and collected the blue, stinky blood directly from the medicinal bottle.

"Perhaps the blood of the blue blood octopus can detoxify."

Xu Feng handed the blood to Chen Yagang, not far away.

His eyes are all condensed, staring at Xu Feng, saying: "Boy, are you deliberately whole?"

Looking at the blue blood, the stench that came out, but he was swallowed into his mouth.

Isn't this the whole thing?

"Don't you want to try the medicine?"

Xu Feng looked at the opposite Chen Yagang.

"Ji Chang, if he is not willing to test the drug, then everyone will die here."

"Or there is another way, when Elder Kyrgyz kills him, everyone can take turns to try their medicines."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Kyrgyz elder eyes with killing, said: "Chen Yagang, do you choose to try drugs, or choose to die now?"

Chen Yagang bit his teeth.

Elder Kyrgyz is a strong man with a sinful situation. He is not the opponent of the other side.

He hated and glanced at Xu Feng.

"Kid, I am not finished with you."

Chen Yagang from the hands of Xu Feng, the blue blood, pinching his neck, bitter face.

Put the blood into his mouth and send it straight in.


As the blood entered the abdomen, he felt a burst of colic, and the whole person fell to the ground, and all the screams were heard.

Chen Yagang’s face was awkward and said: “Kid, you want to kill me!”


Xu Feng looked at the pain of Chen Yagang, he did not have any sympathy.

He does not think that Chen Yagang is a good person.

"Oh, it seems that this blood can't detoxify. Are we looking for other antidote?"

that's it.

Xu Feng successively let Chen Yagang test the medicine.

Even if it was crushed soil, Chen Yagang had eaten it.

He was completely swayed by Xu Feng, and his heart was crazy.

"Oh... I almost forgot, where is the trouble with detoxification?"

Immediately, Xu Feng walked to a place not far away.

In the place where the blue blood octopus ants die.

Xu Feng directly cut open.

I found some light blue liquid inside.

"This liquid can detoxify."

Xu Feng handed the liquid to Ji Chang and others.

"Well? Really?"

They have seen it, Chen Yagang is not as good as death.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "If I don't believe it, I can't do anything about it. I just remembered it."

"Master Xu, I believe in you!"

The person who knows the identity of Xu Feng's alchemy, he swallowed the blue liquid.

He found the liquid to be sweet.

The feeling of numbness on the body gradually disappeared.

“Really antidote?”

Everyone has swallowed the liquid.

Chen Yagang almost didn't vomit blood, he certainly wouldn't believe it.

Xu Feng is just thinking about it.

He swallowed the antidote with tears, and his face was full of anger, saying: "Xu Feng, I will make you die."

Master Wang is also a little embarrassed at the moment.

He really did not expect that Xu Feng found something to detoxify.

that's it.

Through the valley, everyone quickly came to the low-lying wetlands.

The elders of Kyrgyz are deep in their eyes.

He looked at the wetlands in front, obviously with a lot of poisonous insects and even traps.

He looked at a few people and said: "Several people are walking in front of the road, I am responsible for the danger behind."

Several people heard that they were all low in the face.

They can't hear the meaning of Elder Ji.

That is to ask them to be cannon fodder.

(End of this chapter)

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