The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2800: The eighth day

Chapter 2800, the eighth day

Xu Feng’s eyes shifted to Deng’s body.

He spoke directly: "You are so arrogant, and you can do it with the three of them."

I heard Xu Feng’s words.

Deng’s face was full of anger, his eyes were angry, and he stared at Xu Feng.

He felt that he admitted that he was not Xu Feng’s opponent.

I am not willing to provoke Xu Feng.

I did not expect that Xu Feng was so unwilling.

"Kid, do not be too arrogant, or you will die very badly." Deng dragged against Xu Feng.

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and grinned. "Brother, this guy is obviously afraid, but he is still so confident. Ben is really admired. His face is really thick."

"Ha ha..."

Many people heard kittens with funny tone and movements.

They are not holding back, laughing.

Deng’s face is extremely ugly.

"So threatening me, I will let you see, I am arrogant, what can you do?"

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, there was an icy killing.

On his body, the vain body broke out.

His body exudes golden light, and many people feel the power of Xu Feng.

"Dragon is in the wild!"

The first type of exhibition of Canglong Wang Quan, accompanied by a golden dragon, gathered on top of his fist.

With the golden fist, it became extremely powerful and powerful, and it contained a terrible power. It was extremely shocking.

"Hey, boy, do you really think that I am guilty of five things, I will be afraid that you will not be?"

Deng can only use this language to cheer for himself.

He let himself not collapse in his heart.

"You have a lot of nonsense!"

Xu Feng said coldly.

The fist was unstoppable and bombarded, and the spirit of his body was not used, it was entirely by the strength of the body.


In the moment when the fist and Deng’s claws collided together, the violent wind blew toward the surroundings.

Deng's footsteps, successively retreating, the pulse of his head, are shaking.

Deng’s face became a bit ugly. He didn’t expect that he would go all out to resist the power of Xu Feng’s body.

"God, I finally understood that this kid is an individual repairer, and his body has reached the realm of illusory body."

An old man, who once studied ancient books, learned about physical repair.

The so-called physical repair, that is, the body can also become very powerful.

Moving mountains and reclamation, omnipotent.

"Long Xiang nine days."

"Come back!"

Among the eyes of Xu Feng, the golden light is erupting, as if the dragon is gathering on the fist.

The illusory body is fully displayed, and there is no need to use the spirit to deal with the existence of Deng Dao.

As the saying goes, killing chickens with a knife!


Deng dragged a spurt of blood.

This time, this punch shocked his mouth and spit blood, his face was unwilling.

When the whole person fell to the ground, he struggled to get up.

He looked at Xu Feng with his eyes and said: "Hello, since it is so strong, why bother to kill?"

Xu Feng stared at Deng Tseng, with mockery.

"You just didn't take advantage of your own ambiguity, and want to come and humiliate me to use it to vent your anger?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and Deng’s words were stuffed.

He didn't know what to say.


Xu Feng this time, no mercy.

As the word of death spits out of the mouth, it is followed by a horrible killing that can kill everything.

It is the third form of Cang Long Wang Quan.

"Long Yue Tian Di!"

Xu Feng burst into a burst and the whole person flew up.

His fists descended from the sky, and the dragon shadows above the fists condensed, and the punch contained the power of the world.


Deng dragged his hands out to resist, and his fists smashed and smashed down. The whole person broke off at the waist.

Deng dragged to death very badly, and the whole person fell to the ground like this.

Many people around are sucking a cold breath.

Dong Bicheng’s heart is wrong. He finally understands why Cao Zhen is so good to Xu Feng.

Moreover, the elders of the elders personally came forward to protect Xu Feng.

It is clear.

Xu Feng’s talent is really terrible.

"You three, if you can resist my three punches, spare you not to die!"

Xu Feng’s voice is overbearing.

This is his original character.

When he was in the southern continent, he was the lord of the lord, who had feared him.

He is able to sweep everything.

Now, when he comes to the Spiritual Continent, he is still able to bravely advance and destroy everything.

When the three heard the words of Xu Feng, they were all scared and shivering.

Where is the mind and Xu Feng fighting.


All three people fled in different directions.

The kitten slammed out.

"Brother gives you the opportunity, don't know how to cherish, then let Benedict solve you!"


The kitten's claws are condensed, and the sharp shadows are sharply torn.

One of them fell to the ground.

Then there was another person.

In a twinkling of an eye, the kitten killed three people and returned to Xu Feng’s shoulder if nothing happened.

Many people look at the kitten's eyes with fear.

"Is this kitten so powerful?"

Their hearts couldn't help but be surprised.

"It must be a different kind of monster, his luck is really good, and he can actually encounter the existence of a monster."

"The monsters are different, and there is no one in the world. Once they are found, they are extremely difficult to train. Only the children of the big family and big forces can cultivate."

"I didn't expect that he actually got one."

The kitten sat on Xu Feng's shoulder with a smug look, as if enjoying it, everyone was surprised at him.

"It seems that my luck is really good, only to enter the chaotic secret, I will meet a monster!"

Just at this time.

A young man, his hair is very scarce.

In fact, he is a bald man.

The depression in both eyes is very serious, and the eyebrows are cold and suffocating.

He was wearing a light blue dress, and his eyes were all greedy.


"It's him?"

"Do you know him, is he very powerful?"

Someone looked at the bald youth who appeared, and the breath on the other side was really terrifying. It seemed to be very strong.

"It’s very powerful. This person is the eighth talent of the Falcon gang. It is a six-fold pre-repair of the virtual world."

"Of course, don't think that he is not terrible. The spirit that he condenses is thirty-four."

"The most important thing is that he has a spiritual skill to practice, and once he changes his blood, his body can become stronger."

Some people know the characteristics of bald-headed youth, and suddenly they are facing the people around them, with a show off.

Xu Feng was calm and calm. He felt the breath of the bald youth. His heart was full of war.

He knows that only such a person is qualified to fight him.

Only then can he continue to improve his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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