The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2801: Guild warfare

Chapter 2801, Guild Wars and Blood Seals

"The blood seal is the eighth disciple of the Falcon gang. I am very impressed by your strength."

"Of course, you are not my opponent, I hope that you hand over this kitten, I can spare you not to die."

Inside the **** eyes, there is arrogance in the air.

Among his eyes, he was carrying a cold and killing intention.

He is the eighth talent of the Falcons.

In the Falcons, he can counter the six peaks of the virtual world.

He didn't know.

Xu Feng can kill the existence of the sevenfold sin.

Therefore, He Xuefeng did not ask Xu Feng's name.

In his opinion, he does not need to know the name of a dead person.

Xu Feng stared at the opposite blood seal, suddenly frowned.

"Don't you all the falcons help you like this?" Xu Feng said straightforwardly: "Several people are also your falcons. At first, I felt that I was steadfast, so I was very arrogant."

"Then I found out that I was not my opponent and started to whisper again. It seems that you are the same."

"Or, you are used to arrogance, but you don't know, how many pounds do you have?"

Xu Feng’s words are powerful.

It can be said that there is no blood cover at all.

It’s completely bloody.

Many people have replaced Xu Feng with a cold sweat.

Although both of them are young, everyone can see that He Xuefeng is a lot older than Xu Feng.

What's more, He Xuefeng is a six-fold cultivation of the virtual world and condenses thirty-four spiritual veins.

They don't think that Xu Feng can still defeat the blood seal with his vain body.

Therefore, they feel that Xu Feng, so irritated and **** is not a wise move.

He blood seals his words, his depressed eyes have become distorted and terrifying.

His eyebrows are cold and killing.

He bit his teeth, and everyone can see that he was angered by Xu Feng.

"very good!"

He blood seal did not expect that Xu Feng dared to be so small.

"I have to see, how does your body resist me?"

He Xuefeng said that the thirty-four spirits above the head began to roll out and erupted with horror.

"What are you doing!"

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and the cold killings broke out.

"court death!"

The **** face is covered with shackles, and in a moment, step by step, above the hands, the dark claws emerge.

His claws were exuded, but they were all cold and sturdy, filled with strong suffocation.

The violent hurricane blew away.

Many people looked at the claws of the blood seals, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"The spiritual skills displayed by He Xuefeng are obviously the spiritual power of the first-order Chinese products. The power is really terrifying."

"I also feel very good, his claws seem to be able to make people tear their hearts."

"This is also true. You look at the claws, and the sharp suffocation can make people feel chilly."

"It’s the eighth day of the Falcons. The spiritual skill and the number of spiritual veins are all horrible."

"It is said that the first day of the Falcon gang was really a horror, and it was all seen by the black iron guard of the Black Iron City."

"So powerful, once it becomes a black iron guard, in the future, the scope of the Black Iron City is really a wake-up call!"

"Otherwise, you think that the Falcons have helped these years, so arrogant, where is the capital?"

Seeing the martial arts displayed by the blood seal, many people have talked about it, and their faces are all surprised.

"Kid, now apologize, you still have time!"

He blood seals the cold road.


Xu Feng said coldly, and immediately the spiritual flow of his body, his head and veins suddenly appeared.

"If thirty-four spirits are your arrogant capital, you really are not qualified to be arrogant in front of me!"

"Thirty-five spirits!"

Immediately, above the peak of Xu Feng, thirty-five veins permeated.

The golden light is accompanied by his vain body.

"Dragon is in the wild!"

The Canglong Wang Quan showed up and formed the fists of the dragons, and the fierce fists smashed out.


People around, I was not optimistic about Xu Feng.

However, when they saw that Xu Feng had thirty-five veins on his head, they were all open-mouthed and their faces were incredible.

"The spirit of the nine spirits is repaired, thirty-five spirits, this kid seems to be more abnormal."

Someone stared at Xu Feng and couldn't help but say.

Dong Bicheng is deeply in the heart and is annoyed.

He felt that he and a big chance had passed by.

Xu Feng’s peerless genius, if he was able to stand firm and help Xu Feng’s words.

In the future, his position in Bitaomen will inevitably rise.

It is a pity that he has such a good opportunity, but he does not know how to cherish it.


Paws and fists, smashing together.

The wind blows out to the surroundings.

He blood seal only feels the arm numb, blood tumbling, the whole person is continuously regressing.

Above Xu Feng’s fist, the paw left a white mark and had no effect on him.

"Now, what do you take in front of me?"

Xu Feng asked for a word.

"how is this possible?"

He Yanfeng’s face is unbelievable.

Through the nine spirits of the spiritual world, how to condense thirty-five spiritualities.

"There is nothing impossible. You can't do it. It doesn't mean that others can't do it. You are a waste. It doesn't mean that I am a waste."

Xu Feng's tone is extremely overbearing.

The spiritual power of the body began to float, and the spirit of the head appeared.

Thirty-five spirits, criss-cross, bring about a horrible atmosphere.

"Next, just fight, let me see, you falcon to help the eighth day, what is the ability?"

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, the overbearing light emerged.

His tone is really arrogant.

However, no one has ridiculed Xu Feng’s arrogance.

If you can pass through the spirits and gather thirty-five spiritualities, you also have arrogant capital.

"This young man is the person of Bi Taomen? He is afraid, and he is about to become a member of Hei Tiewei."

"The talent of such a horror, once it becomes a black iron guard, is really a limit to the future."

"I don't think of Bitaomen. It is really admirable to recruit such a young genius."

"Long Xiang nine days."

The Canglong Wang fist broke out, and the golden dragon shadow spread over Xu Feng’s fist.

The talents found.

Thirty-five spirits are accompanied by a vain body, and the fist that broke out is so horrible at the moment.

They only watched Xu Feng kill Deng Teng and others, the same boxing method, the same martial arts, the power is really different.

"Is this his real strength?"

Someone can't help but feel shocked.

"I don't think the blood seal is necessarily his opponent."

"After all, his body is a vain body."

(End of this chapter)

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