The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2805: Inheritance

Chapter 2805 inheritance


Luo Wanyin’s body squatted on the ground.

His face became pale.

Many people in the Falcons are incredible.

They can't imagine.

Luo Wanyin actually lost.

Xu Feng’s strength is terrible.

Xu Feng appeared in front of Luo Wanyin, faintly said: "Remember to reincarnate in the next life, do not be too arrogant, it is better to be as low-key as I am."

Hearing the words of Xu Feng, Luo Wanyin rushed to attack the heart, and the blood spurted out.

Many people around, heard the words of Xu Feng.

They all rolled their eyes.

Is Xu Feng really low-key?

However, it seems to be very low-key. In fact, the pride of his body makes people forget that he is really low-key.


Dong Bicheng’s heart sighed helplessly.

He knows that after the previous incident, he and Tianda’s chances are really passing by.

Otherwise, he stood on the side of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng will inherit his feelings, and his position in Bitaomen will also rise with the tide.

"How do you want to die?"

Xu Feng looked at Luo Wanyin, who fell to the ground. In his eyes, all that came out were killing.

For a person like Luo Wanyin, of course he will not be merciful.

As the saying goes, the kindness to the enemy is cruel to oneself.

Moreover, from the beginning to the end, Luo Wanyin provoked him.

Since the other party took the initiative, he was only able to repay his teeth.

"I am a falcon gang, you can't kill me!"

Luo Wanyin’s eyes are deep, and he is not reconciled. He really does not want to die here.

His talent is very good.

According to the current growth rate, he will become a strong person in the future, and the Falcon gang will inevitably be a wake-up call.

At the moment, he has some regrets and provokes Xu Feng.

There was a cry in his eyes and said: "I beg you, don't kill me, I will never be against you again!"

Hear the words of Luo Wanyin.

Xu Feng’s mouth was raised and his face was disdainful. “Sorry, the murderer, Ren Heng kills it!”


Above Xu Feng’s fists, the spiritual power is constantly converging and interlacing, forming bursts of fierce waves.

"No... don't kill me!"

Luo Wanyin made a miserable snoring.

With a bang, the fist still lingered in his chest, and blood sprang from his mouth.

Before Luo Wanyin died, his heart was full of regret.

He knew that Xu Feng was so strong, he should not provoke each other.

Seeing Xu Feng's blood and blood killing Luo Wanyin.

Many people have stepped back a few steps. They dare not go to provoke Xu Feng, and they all have a look of awe.

"I don't think that there is such a young genius in Bitaomen. In the future, it must be a member of Hei Tiewei."

Someone looked at Xu Feng's figure, and they all envy and hate.

Once you become a black iron guard.

In the entire range of Black Iron City, it is all about the wind and rain, and there is omnipotence.

In Black Iron City.

Black Iron Guard is not only a symbol of identity, but also means that it is not difficult to become a strong person.

That is a sign of talent.

Xu Feng’s gaze fell on the platform not far away, and he stared at the “bone crystal” of the powerful.

He took a step and walked toward the bones.

Many people's eyes are a condensation.

You know, they are killed and killed here, in fact, it is for the bones.

If the bones fall into the hands of Xu Feng, they are not necessary and continue to fight here.

"Does this kid want to swallow the bones?"

In someone's heart, the flicker is all horror.

There are so many people on the scene, they will not agree with Xu Feng.

Everyone's eyes are flickering.

Just at this time.

Xu Feng turned his head and said to everyone: "I am sorry, I want to be a bone crystal. If you are not convinced, you can shoot."

"Of course, you can also go together, but I am sure that you will die like Rowan Silver."

Xu Feng said when Luo Wanyin was.

The killings of many people’s hearts broke out silently.

Just kidding.

Luo Wanyin is not an opponent of Xu Feng, let alone them.

Once Xu Feng goes all out, they will die.


The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder, lest the world not chaos, he put out his claws and hooked the crowd.

A middle-aged man rushed out suddenly. Inside his hand, he was a sharp dagger. He sneaked toward Xu Feng’s back.

"Why, you want to be alone, die!"

Deep in his eyes, they are all killing.


Haven't waited for Xu Feng to shoot.

The kitten smashed out, his claws tore his neck, blood flowing, and his eyes fell to the ground.

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and said: “With my fist, I am stronger than you.”


The scene became silent, and everyone’s eyes were deep, with fear and no more nonsense.

Xu Feng came to the front of the bone crystal and felt the pure power above. His eyes were all joyful emotions.

"My imaginary body can at least be promoted to the peak of the realm!"

He is very clear, such a pure bone.

His Kowloon refinery is just a complete refining.

The bone crystals transform into pure spiritual powers that flow toward his bones, increasing the strength of his body.

Xu Feng reached out and leaned on the bone crystal.

Immediately, his eyes were full of mistakes, and he felt a burst of strong breath.

Around the ring, around the bones, Xu Feng felt the sudden attraction and disappeared in place.

Countless people are wide-eyed, and they are full of faces, saying: "Hey, where did Xu Feng go?"

Someone asked the people around me.

"It seems to have disappeared."

The person next to me said something shocked.

His words are hesitant, and he doesn't know how people can disappear like this out of thin air?

"What about people?"

Dong Bicheng blinked, his heart was wrong.

Xu Feng was just in the bones, how did it suddenly disappear?

"Bone crystal seems to have disappeared with Xu Feng?"

Someone pointed to the eye and found that the bones were gone.



Xu Feng appeared on an empty land, his eyes staring at the distant blue sky.

There are mountains and waters!

Xu Feng did not feel in the mood at the moment. He wanted to refine his bones as soon as possible and improve his cultivation and strength.

He came to a thatched cottage.

When he pushed open the thatched cottage, he found that there was a musty smell inside.

Obviously, the thatched cottages have not been inhabited for many years.

I saw the table hill of the thatched cottage, with a bamboo slip.

He walked to the front of the bamboo slips and expressed his deep gratitude.

Xu Feng did not hesitate to open the bamboo slips.

His eyes are all condensed, and the daring is really the inheritance of the powerful people, and there is also a spiritual pool that breaks through.

The most important thing is that Xu Feng also got one, the second-order best of the Holy Spirit.

He found that the above records are those who are strong in creation.

Yes, the other party is not very lucky.

(End of this chapter)

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