The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2806: Ten spirits

Chapter 2806 is full of spirituality

Create a strong person!

This person died in the void like this.

For many years, Xu Feng was the first to pass.

Xu Feng looked at the bamboo slips.

"The second-order best of the Holy Spirit, burn the wind!"

Xu Feng’s eyes are all excited.

Especially the second-order best of the Holy Spirit is the holy spirit of the boxing method.

The Stories of the Styx that he obtained before, although it is the second-order sacred spirit, is also very powerful.

However, the boxing method of Xu Feng’s cultivation is contrary.

As a result, Xu Feng’s cultivation of the Styx catalogue is not very smooth.

Although he can also display it, it is not so powerful.

Xu Feng took a deep breath.

He was conscious of the cultivation method of "burning the wind and punching the boxing", and he was excited inside.

I have to say that this second-order best of the Holy Spirit is very powerful.

He can't wait to practice.


Just when Xu Feng was preparing for cultivation.

A burst of air and waves, Xu Feng was completely wrapped up.

In the heart of Xu Feng, I feel the violent momentum.

Then, in his mind, a virtual shadow emerged.

It is the illusion of the strong man who created the environment.

"How many years, my chances of staying, is someone inherited?"

The voice seemed a bit bleak.

Xu Feng’s heart is full of volatility, and he said: “It seems that even the military who created the territory can’t be in the same place.”

Xu Feng knows that his goal is the pinnacle of the spiritual **** continent.


Numerous spiritual powers surrounded Xu Feng, and the rich spiritual power surged around Xu Feng's body.

He felt his violent impact in his meridians, and it constantly emerged.

His heart was shocked, and he sat down on his knees. He said: "I want to break through the tenth place in the spiritual world as soon as possible!"

Xu Feng himself understands that the breakthrough will be tenfold, and his strength will undergo earth-shaking changes.

The inheritance left by the strong people of the realm is terrible.

The bursts of spiritual power are constantly in the pulse of Xu Feng, and the impact is repeated over and over again.

Xu Feng was excited inside, sitting cross-legged, his body outside, forty-two spiritual veins, all emerged.

If someone sees this scene, I don't know if I will be surprised to say nothing.

Xu Feng was able to pass through the spiritual retreat, but he had forty-two spirituality.

What a horror is this?

The spirits are surging around the body, bringing with them violent volatility, forming a violent hurricane.


Spiritual power in Xu Feng's body, from above his meridians, shocked over and over again.

His heart is full of excitement, and he said: "It seems that the inheritance of the powerful people can really help me and break through to the spiritual environment."

He is very clear that if you want to break through to the spiritual environment, if there is no huge chance, it is very difficult.

no doubt.

The inheritance of the strong people of creation is such a chance.

Psychic peaks!

Xu Feng bit his teeth, and the forty-two veins on his body are wrapped around the body.

"I still don't believe that I can't break through to the spiritual environment!"

Xu Feng’s eyes are firm. He did not relax his vigilance, but continued to attack the body meridians.

In the meridians, the ripples are all swaying, as if the airflow is in a frenzied surge.

"Give me a breakthrough!"

Xu Feng screamed, his spiritual power, toward his dantian, as if it was a sudden gathering.

He felt that the meridians of the body were instantly smooth, and the whole person felt that the air was refreshing and incomparably comfortable.

"Tong Ling Jing is ten heavy!"

Xu Feng discovered that his whole body's spiritual power is surging, and above his head, the number of spiritual veins also increases instantaneously.

"Added three?"

Xu Feng felt the increase of the pulse, and his eyes were all wrong.

You should know that every time you break through the repairs, you can improve the two threads, which is enough to make you feel awkward.

Ye Fan, now from the spiritual level of the nine spirits, to the top of the spiritual environment, the spiritual pulse actually improved three.

His current number of threads has reached forty-five.

With the number of forty-five spiritualities.

Xu Feng’s heart is a surprise.

"Why, even if I am faced with a virtual situation, what am I afraid of?"

Xu Feng’s beginning was to consolidate and repair.

The inheritance of the powerful people is still helping him to clear the meridians and consolidate his own cultivation.

"Bone crystal!"

Xu Feng knows that after the consolidation is completed, it is the best time to cultivate the "Kowloon Refining Body".

The essence of the bones of the strongened people.

He runs the second floor of the "Kowloon Refining Body".

The second pillar, in the body of Xu Feng, constantly floats, forming a violent wave.

The "bone crystal" is transformed into the essence of the pure bones that burst into the body, moving toward Xu Feng's body.

"Kowloon Refining Body" is in operation.


On Xu Feng’s body, the golden light broke out, and his body became more horrible and more awkward.

The toughness of the meridians is also constantly improving, and the skin of the whole body has become crystal-like.

Xu Feng brows his head and has a deep smile inside.

"The peak of the vain body!"

After Xu Feng’s vain body is raised to the peak of the peak, the pillar completely absorbs the energy of the bone crystal.

He opened his eyes as if it were the strength of a thousand pounds, from his body, the suppression of the shackles.

Xu Feng stood up and his face was full of joy.

It is really too great for him to help him.

"Next, cultivate the hegemony."

Xu Feng is very clear that if he can successfully cultivate the "burning wind tyrants", it will be of great help to his strength.

He went outside.

Looking at the thatched cottage behind him, his deep sighs thank you.

"The second-order best of the Holy Spirit?"

Xu Feng knows that it is impossible to cultivate a success in a short period of time.


Xu Feng's spiritual power in the whole body, according to the running route of the burning wind, he is constantly moving in his arms.


The moment he punched out, he found that the boxing method did not succeed in cultivation, but instead almost damaged his meridians.

"Good hegemony."

It is worthy of the second-order best of the Holy Spirit, and it is not so simple, it can be successfully cultivated.

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, all the glory is overbearing, and his boxing method has become more fierce.


Xu Feng continued to display it, and his spiritual strength was insane.

It is to be able to cultivate and successfully burn the wind.

In this way, time does not know how long the past.


He punched out with a fist, and the void swayed, as if the wind was whizzing past.

The overbearing boxing method came out and formed fierce and fierce waves. The golden light above the fists shocked people.


Looking at the empty side of the opposite, the inch is broken.

Xu Feng is also full of stunned faces.

"The second-order best of the horror of the Holy Spirit!"

Xu Feng found that his own spiritual power consumed almost half.

(End of this chapter)

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