The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2845: Smash on the spot

Chapter 2845 is on the spot

Jia Wei’s heart is full of joy.

As a manager of Changyongge, he saw it at a glance. Yuling Tongmai is not easy.

The incomparable spiritual power is enough to make him break through the realm of emptiness and ambiguity. How can he not be moved?

Moreover, in his eyes.

Xu Feng and so on are just two little kids.

Even if he is black and black, eat Xu Feng's remedy, who dares to say something?

Moreover, Xu Feng and Yan Yan are so young, who would believe that they can come up with such a good remedy?

The most important thing is, who can testify here, he took Xu Feng their remedy?

"Two little brothers, please wait a moment, I will come when I go."

Jia Wei’s face is a proud smile.

He collected the Yu Ling Tong Dan and walked outside the box.

Xu Feng’s eyes are cold and killing, and he said: "I hope you don't look for a dead end."

If this Jia Jia, dare to eat Xu Feng's remedy, he is absolutely merciless.

Yan Yan also found something wrong, said: "Xu Xiong, how do I feel that Jia Wei is not right?"

"His attitude change is too big. Moreover, your remedy gives him an identification. Why don't we follow it?"

Yan Yan slightly brows his brow.

Of course he can detect that Jia is not right.

He stayed at the Falcon for so many years, and he could see it at a glance.

"He's probably trying to eat your remedy."

In Yan Yan’s eyes, there is a sense of killing.

His current cultivation is a sinister situation, and it is easy to kill the existence of Jia Wei.

He is even more convinced that Xu Feng's strength will not be weaker than himself.

It’s easy to kill Jia Wei.

Xu Feng smiled faintly and said: "I want to see, how do he want to eat my remedy?"

"I want to eat black and eat my medicinal herbs, but also to see if his appetite is not big enough."

"If you are not big enough, you still have to be killed."

Among the voices of Xu Feng, there is a cold killing.

His mouth is raised.

Yan Yan and Xu Feng also lived together for a while.

He is very clear that Xu Feng in front of him is very pleasant to all people and has no jealousy.

However, to treat his enemies, he will never have any mercy, even more hot.

He couldn't help but replace the gentleman Jia Zhang's cold sweat.

I want to eat Xu Feng's remedy, I am afraid that I will be killed.

Xu Feng and Yan Yan have been waiting.

About half an hour past.

Jia Wei has not yet arrived.

Xu Feng’s inner secret: “It seems that this guy is really prepared to use my life to eat my remedy!”


Just at this time, the door knocked.

"Please come in!"

Xu Feng said aloud to the outside of the box, only to see the woman who received Xu Feng before, and her money came.

Her eyes looked at Xu Feng with some eccentric look. "Two officials, Jia Guan told me to inform you that the owner is very busy and has no time to see you, let you leave."

When the woman’s words rang, Yan Yan jumped up, and in his eyes, he screamed coldly.

Sure enough, as he guessed.

This Jia Zhang, I really want to eat Xu Feng's remedy.

Xu Feng reached out and stopped Yan Yan. He smiled and said: "Beauty, Jia Guanwu has nothing else to say to you?"

Xu Feng is very clear that the woman in front of me is probably just obeying.

She didn't even know that Jia Zhang took the medicinal herbs from them.

It is difficult to make each other difficult.

The woman heard the words and hesitated and shook her head.

"Jia Guanwu has nothing to do, but he told me to tell you a sentence, I don't know if I should say it..."

The woman looked at Xu Feng and Yan Yan with some embarrassment.

"You said nothing."

Xu Feng nodded at the woman and smiled.

"Jia Guan told me to tell you that here is Chang Yong Ge, no one dares to make trouble here."

"You can't see the owner. Don't continue to mess around. Otherwise, the consequences are not affordable for you."

The woman said a little embarrassed.

When she said, she quietly looked at Xu Feng and Yan Yan.

How could Xu Feng not hear it?

Jia Guanzhi is threatening them, wanting to eat black and eat Yu Ling Tong Dan Dan.

"If that's the case, let's go."

Xu Feng said to the woman.

Yan Yan is wrong. In his impression, Xu Feng is not such a person who is a good person.

He followed Xu Feng and walked toward the VIP area outside.

Xu Feng's eyes swept in a circle.

No trace of Jia Guan was found.

He suddenly opened his mouth, and his voice contained strong spiritual fluctuations. He shouted: "Don't miss the passing, Jia Zhang of Changyongge, after I took my second-class medicinal medicine, I now let me leave Changyongge. I want to eat black and eat my medicinal herbs. Come and see!"

Xu Feng’s voice contains strong spiritual fluctuations, and the entire Changyong Pavilion spreads instantly.

Many people have looked at Xu Feng one after another, all of them are full of mistakes.

"This kid is crazy, dare to be so noisy in Changyongge?"

Some people stared at Xu Feng, full of pity.

In their view.

To do so in Changyongge is like finding a dead end.

"Hey, kid, you are looking for a dead end, that can't blame me."

Jia Wei did not expect that Xu Feng was so ignorant.

If he left alone like this, he really didn't really want to start with Xu Feng and others.

Now, Xu Feng, who made trouble in Changyongge, gave him the best excuse to kill both of them.


Chang Yongge is a burst of turmoil.

Jia Wei was followed by a few people. He was full of arrogance and rushed toward Xu Feng and Yan Yan.

"You two boys, I don't know how to live, I want to ask the owner, I tell you, the owner has no time, you dare to be here."

"It’s really a dead end."

Jia Yiyi said in his words.

Xu Feng stared at Jia Wei, coldly said: "I count three times, if you do not hand over my remedy, the consequences are conceited."

Jia Wei pretended not to know, he looked at Xu Feng, "What do you mean? What medicine is your medicine?"

"I think you want to provoke Chang Yongge, wait for me to catch you and see if you dare to make trouble?"

"With you?"

The two imposing manners of Xu Feng’s emptiness were filled, and the golden light suddenly broke out.

"If you want to eat black, don't look at it, will you die?"

Inside Xu Feng’s voice, there is anger.

"Ha ha ha ... imaginary dilemma is two, but also dare to come to Chang Yongge to make trouble, you are ... eat the ambition of the leopard gall..."

Many people secretly shook their heads and felt that Xu Feng would die.


I know, Xu Feng suddenly punched out for an instant.

The seven-fold repair of Jia Yu’s sinful situation emerged, and both hands resisted the coming time.

His whole person was shaken out by a punch, and blood flowed from his mouth.

His eyes are stunned and frightened.

The meridians of the whole body were shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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