The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2846: Participate in the auction

Chapter 2846 Participates in the auction

"How could this be……"

Jia Yu’s eyes are not reconciled.

He was watching Xu Feng young and wanted to eat black.

I know that Xu Feng’s strength is so terrible.

His heart is resentful.

He felt that Xu Feng was deliberately finishing him.

If you know that Xu Feng’s strength is so strong, how dare he eat Xu Feng’s remedy?

Xu Feng appeared in front of Jia Wei, and he slowly said: "I just said it, the consequences are conceited."

"If you want to eat my medicinal herbs, you don't look at it. It's a shame to see how many pounds you have."


Jia Wei’s heart is full of remorse. He spurts out a blood, and rushes to death.

It’s really a ghost.

If he does not greedy Xu Feng's remedy, how can he be killed by Xu Feng?


Among the Changyong Pavilion, the birds are silent.

"Kid, you are so bold, dare to kill people in our Changyong Pavilion. Are you really ignoring our Changyong Pavilion?"

Not far from a middle-aged man, when he appeared, pointing to Xu Feng, his face was taboo.

Xu Feng slowly said: "You have a problem with Chang Yongge, and his character has problems."

"I was originally prepared to come to the auction. After I gave him the medicine, he told me that he didn't get my medicine."

"I still take people from Changyongge and want to come and kill me. Can't I resist?"

Xu Feng's voice is powerful, not because of the appearance of the other side, but back half a step, his face is calm.

The middle-aged man frowned slightly.

Just at this time.

A gray-haired old man, he walked downstairs from Changyongge.

Seeing the old man appear, many people are awe-inspiring.

He is the owner of Changyongge, but it is a restoration of the environment.

His eyes swept over the body of Jia Zhang.

"If you are telling the truth, the old man will compensate you for the loss, and we will apologize to you."

"But if you are a filthy person in Changyongge, the old man hopes that you will give me a reasonable explanation."

The voice of the old man contains a majestic tone, his tone is extremely calm, and his look is calm.

Xu Feng said: "Of course I will prove that what I said is not a lie."

Xu Feng went to the body of Jia Wei.

He concluded that in such a short period of time, it was impossible for Jia Yu to transfer Yu Ling Tong Dan to other places.

Sure enough, as he expected.

In the storage ring of Jia Wei, Xu Feng found Yu Ling Tong Mai Dan.

When Xu Feng took out the Yuling Tongmai, many people were surprised.

In particular, they feel the rich medicinal aroma of Yu Ling Tong Dan.

"The second-order best of the Holy Spirit Dan?"

Many people are taking a breath.

It is no wonder that Jia Wei is also taking risks and wants to eat black and eat Xu Feng's remedy.

The effect of this remedy is so good.

The owner of Changyongge looked at Xu Feng’s hand inside Yu Ling Tong Dan, and he said: “Down Jia’s body.”

Hearing his instructions, the middle-aged man next to him shook his head helplessly.

Chang Yongge is doing business with Yongcheng, and it is honesty.

It is a shame for Jia Wei to eat the medicinal herbs of the guests.

It is certainly impossible for the owner to avenge him.

"You are this medicinal medicine, I will still be able to auction you for Chang Yongge, from the next auction, there are still three days, how?"

"The Lingjing of this medicinal drug auction, we will not charge any fees for Changyongge, it will be paid for you."

The voice of the owner is very sincere.

Xu Feng heard that he was very satisfied with such compensation.

With a smile on his face, he said, "Then I will have more owners. By the way, I also want to participate in the auction. I don't know if I can?"

The owner laughed and said: "The genius of yours, appearing in our Changyong Pavilion, and wanting to participate in the auction, is certainly possible."

Immediately, he took out two auction tokens and handed them to Xu Feng.

"At noon three days later, the auction will officially begin. When you take the auction token and go directly to Changyongge, someone will take you there."

The owner said to Xu Feng.

"Thank you!"

Xu Feng handed Yu Ling Tong Mai Dan to the owner.

The old man said to the middle-aged man: "Go to the auction voucher, register it, the second-order best of the Holy Spirit Dan, the quality of 85 percent, used to improve the cultivation, healing is a good spirit."

"The auctioneer..."

The old man looked at Xu Feng, he still did not know the name of Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng!"

Xu Feng said to the old man.

Not much time.

The middle-aged man took the auction voucher and handed it to Xu Feng. He said: "The guest officer, the auction certificate proves that you have a medicinal drug in our Changyongge auction, and you are also invited to collect it."

By the time, the drug auction is over.

Need to use the auction voucher to exchange Lingjing.


Xu Feng took the voucher and the two left the Changyong Pavilion.

"Xu brother, inquire about the news, there will be giant elephant stars in the auction, how many Lingjing do you need to prepare?"

Yan Yan looked at Xu Feng and asked.

This giant elephant star flower is a third-order spiritual material. There must be many people at that time, and they all want it.

The number of Lingjing in Xu Feng’s hand is now almost 200,000. He thinks it is not difficult to take a giant elephant flower.

Moreover, he also auctioned Yu Ling Tong Mai Dan.

In any case, this Yu Ling Tong Dan, 50,000 Ling Jing, is still very easy to auction.

"Let's find a place to live, just wait for the auction to start." Xu Feng and Yan Yan, just found a restaurant, the two lived.

Three days, fleeting.

Xu Feng and Yan Yan, as well as the kitten on the shoulder, came to Changyong Pavilion again.

They saw places not far away, but the venue for the auction.

He took out the token of the auction.

"Two guest officers, please here."

A middle-aged man, facing Xu Feng and Yan Yan, is extremely respectful.

To know.

Xu Feng’s token in their hand is the most precious box in the Changyong Pavilion auction.

In the whole and Yongcheng, only a very small number are eligible to be obtained.

Xu Feng and Yan Yan went to the box.

The middle-aged man said: "The two guest officers waited a moment and the auction will begin."

Xu Feng and Yan Yan are sitting, and there are not many words.

They are all closing their eyes and waiting for the start of the auction.

From time to time, there was a burst of rumbling sound.

This is the benefit of the box.

I saw that a white-haired old man appeared on the central auction platform, and his old eyes were shining.

He swept his eyes across the crowd, with a confident look between the eyebrows.

"Everyone, this auction, I believe that will not let everyone down, we have the second-order best of the Holy Spirit, the quality reached 85 percent."


Hearing the announcement of the old man, the scene was an uproar.

The second-order best of the Holy Spirit Dan, has been very precious.

For the martyrdom of the martyrdom, such an medicinal medicine will not be auctioned at all, it is too wasteful.

(End of this chapter)

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