The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2889: Black iron guard assessment

Chapter 2889 Black Iron and Steel Health Assessment

Black Iron City.

Xu Feng and Zheng Xiaopeng stood together.

Zheng Xiaopeng’s face is full of expectations. He is very clear about the strength of Xu Feng. He followed Xu Feng’s words and passed the black iron guard assessment.

However, Xu Feng now understands.

Black Iron Guard is precisely divided into Black Iron Army and Black Iron Guard.

The real black iron guard is only one hundred people.

The strength of these 100 people is the strong presence of Black Iron City.

However, from the Black Iron Army.

Someone challenged the words of Black Iron.

If you defeat the other party, you can get the identity and status of the other party.

Become a black iron guard.

After Xu Feng helped Chen Duo Duo to awaken the body of the soul, he began to retreat and practice, and his cultivation was a breakthrough to the virtual realm of three realms.

However, the black iron guard assessment is about to begin.

The purpose of his coming to Black Iron City is to become a black iron guard and become a more powerful warrior.

Of course he will come to sign up.

As for the Qiu family.

Xu Feng has already known from Chen Youran.

Even the Qiu family can't cover the sky with one hand.

However, Xu Feng’s current status is the honorary elder of the Black Iron City Soul Masters Association, and the Qiu family does not dare to move him brazenly.

Of course, Xu Feng himself needs to be careful.

If the Qiu family does not dare to make it clear, but it is secretly hands-on, that is ok.

Xu Feng and Zheng Xiaopeng are all lined up.

Almost from the forces around the Black Iron City, all come from the young warriors, their strength and talent are very good.

A lot of high-order imaginary youths, the purpose of their coming to Hei Tiecheng, is to become a black iron guard.

It is essential to sign up for the assessment.

About an hour.

It is Xu Feng and Zheng Xiaopeng.

After the two people signed up for registration, they waited by the side.

The area of ​​the entire Black Iron City is huge.

However, the true scope of the Black Iron City is even broader.

From time to time, Xu Feng can also see the scope of the activities of the Black Iron Army.

Some young men in his distance, they are neatly tidy, and each of them has a strong light inside.

"Xu Big Brother, if we can't become a black iron guard, we can only become a member of the Black Iron Army."

Zheng Xiaopeng knows more about Black Iron City than Xu Feng.

Ever since I knew Xu Feng’s strength and know Chen Youran.

Zheng Xiaopeng is called Xu Feng Xu Big Brother.

Although his age is even bigger than Xu Feng.

However, in this world where the strong is respected, this is also a normal thing.

After all, Zheng Xiaopang is a child of Zhengjia, a small and powerful force around Heicheng.

Xu Feng nodded, and he was not sure whether he could become a black iron guard.

After all, the treatment of Black Iron and Steel in Black Iron City is really good.

Seen from here.

In the distance, the incomparable spiritual power, the place covered, is where the black iron guard lives.

The spiritual power there can be said to be more than five times that of other places.

Even in some places, the spirit of energy makes people feel refreshed.

"Do you know the black iron guard assessment, what is going on?"

Xu Feng said to Zheng Xiaopeng.

Zheng Xiaopeng heard the words and said: "Xu Big Brother, it is still very difficult to become a black iron guard."

"The assessment we are taking next is only the first round of assessment. The first round of assessment is to remove the weak."

In the depths of Zheng Xiaopeng’s eyes, there is also a worry.

"At that time, the people who participated in the black iron guard assessment this year will go to a place, which is a closed place."

"Inside, there are monsters, and the wicked gangsters, and the people who entered the examination."

"At that time, the people we entered into it need to be killed in it, and the people who survived will pass the first round of assessment."

Zheng Xiaopeng’s words are spoken.

Xu Feng was a little surprised.

I have to say that the assessment of Black Iron City is slightly cruel.

“What about the second round of assessment?”

Xu Feng asked Zheng Xiaopeng.

"The second round of assessment is in the middle of the Black Iron City, a place that is called a nine-nine-day road."

"It is a mountain, divided into nine layers, each with different steps."

"According to the number of steps and the height of the climb, the ranking of the person to be assessed."

Zheng Xiaopeng gave a detailed introduction to Xu Feng.

Obviously, he is very prepared for the assessment of Hei Tiewei.

Until noon.

The Liege is high.

I saw a middle-aged man. He went to the front of Xu Feng and others. He said: "You are all members who come to sign up for the assessment. Then I will take you to the real Black Iron City. Don't shout loudly."

"I will take you to the place where you live. When the assessment begins, I will still inform you and take you to the assessment."

Speaking of it, he introduced it.

"Everyone remembers that I am Duan Wenjie, who is the deacon of Heitiecheng."

Among the Black Iron City, it is also hierarchical.

The entire Black Iron City is divided into the Black Iron Army and the Black Iron Guard.

Among the black iron city, the people who control all kinds of things are also divided into deacons and elders, as well as ranking elders.

Deacons, that is, members of Heilongjiang, who take care of everyday trivial things, are often low-level creations.

However, the elders, in the black iron city, the identity is not bad, they are responsible for a lot of things, such as management deacons, management of the Black Iron Army.

As for the elders, it is incredible.

Among the entire Black Iron City, there are only nine elders.

It is conceivable that their identity and strength are so strong.

There is a city owner in Heidelberg, and there are three deputy city owners below.

"lets go!"

Under the scorching sun.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all surprised.

They came to a huge palace with small palaces everywhere, which seemed to be magnificent.

The Black Iron Army is really everywhere.

Not much time.

They came to the dilapidated place with Duan Wenjie.

The stench of the bursts came.

Here is the junkyard of Heilongjiang.

not far away.

A dark courtyard, a rusty gate with two black irons standing on either side.

"We won't live there?"

Someone looked at the yard and his face was full of dissatisfaction.

They are all geniuses brought from all over the world. Why have you ever thought of eating such a bitterness?

This yard is so close to the garbage dump.

I am afraid it will be stinking all day and night.

Duan Wenjie's eyes are a bit strange, he slowly said: "Is you too naive, or am I too stupid?"

"Do you really think that you can live in the yard?" Duan Wenjie couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't you be able to live?"

Someone asked directly.

Duan Wenjie said: "You can live, but if you want to get a living environment inside, you have to see if you have the ability."


He took Xu Feng and others around him and walked toward the dilapidated gate.

(End of this chapter)

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