The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2890: Take a shot

Chapter 2890 is a shot back

Everyone did not understand the meaning of Duan Wenjie's words.


When they pass through the dilapidated gate.

They will understand.

Behind the dilapidated gate.

It is an empty space that looks disorganized, and there are young warriors who are sitting everywhere and practicing.

They watched the arrival of Duan Wenjie, and they only looked at it a little more.

One by one has begun to close the eyes to practice, to compete against time to improve their own strength.


Xu Feng suddenly reached out a hand and saw only the inside of his hand. He was caught by his death, but it was a dark mosquito.

However, this is not an ordinary mosquito.

It is a first-order monster, bloodthirsty mosquito.

Once bitten by a bloodthirsty mosquito, it will be very itchy.


Inside Xu Feng’s hand, the infinite flames appeared, silently killing blood-sucking mosquitoes and completely burning them.

If someone sees this scene, it will be surprisingly close.

I feel that Xu Feng’s reaction ability is too fast.

To know.

Many young warriors who came here are really suffering from blood-sucking mosquitoes.

Duan Wenjie said: "Come here, you can fight each other, but you can't kill and die."

"Of course, if two people agree on a life-and-death battle, then naturally there is no need to abide by these rules. Otherwise, once the violation is violated, not only will the abolishment be abolished, but also the black iron city will be expelled."

Duan Wenjie said to the crowd.


Duan Wenjie looked at them and said: "There are twelve yards over there, which are full of spiritual power, and there will be no smell on this side, as well as damp air and mosquito ants."

"If you want to get a good environment, you can provoke people who live in twelve yards."

Xu Feng looked at the twelve yards.

I saw the twelve yards, the environment is quiet, and there are arrays of methods to isolate the air outside and the circulation inside.

His eyes twitched slightly and he said: "It seems that the cruelty of the spiritual gods really far exceeds that of the southern continent."

Black Iron City assessment.

If you want to live in the yard, you must compete for your own strength.

Those who can't compete can only be here, bear the bite of poisonous snake ants, and endure stench.

"There is only so much that I should say to you."

"You are so self-sufficient!"

Duan Wenjie finished.

Turned and turned away.

Zheng Xiaopeng looked at the place not far away and said: "Xu Big Brother, do you want to compete for a yard, can I follow it?"

I heard the words of Zheng Xiaopeng.

Some people look at Xu Feng, they can't help but sneer.

"It’s ridiculous. The district is imaginary and trivial. I also want to compete for the yard. I really don’t know how to write the dead words?”

"The people who live in the twelve yards, which ones are not comparable to the existence of the realm."

"The threefold repairs of the virtual world are not worthy of giving them shoes, let alone to fight for the yard."

Many young people around him were screaming at Xu Feng.

Only Xu Feng's face is calm.

"Forget it, let's just find a place to rest."

Xu Feng did not care about such an environment.

He looked at Zheng Xiaopeng's face and was a little red.

He suddenly smiled, no wonder Zheng Xiaopang wants to compete for the yard.

He took out a second-order poisonous Dan and said: "After you take this medicinal herb, you must not be in trouble with the poisonous snake ants."

Zheng Xiaopeng knows that Xu Feng is an alchemy teacher.

He was full of smiles and said: "Xu Big Brother, you really understand me too much, thank you very much."

Zheng Xiaopeng is also welcome, taking the detoxification.

He felt that the place that had just been bitten by the bloodthirsty mosquitoes had a feeling of coolness and was extremely comfortable.

"Xu Big Brother, your remedy is really amazing." Zheng Xiaopeng's face is grateful.

Xu Feng did not care.

Zheng Xiaopeng was able to stand up and suffer with him.

He now gives Zheng Xiaopang a detoxification, but nothing.

After all, the second-order detoxification Dan is just a little effort for him.

"I can't think of this kid, and there are such second-order detoxifications. I have a lot of itching and I can't help myself."

Not far from a bald head, his face is full of fierce look, his eyes are fierce.

His cultivation is the realm of the six peaks of the virtual world. He is followed by other young people.

The bald head came toward Xu Feng. He put his hands on his hips and pointed at Xu Feng. He said, "Boy, are you new here?"

Zheng Xiaopeng slightly frowned.

Xu Feng heard the words, said: "Blood, your uncle, I am new, what are you coming over?"

"Kid, hello tone, you know who I am, dare to talk to me?"

The bald face is angry.

He did not expect that a newcomer would dare to call himself this way.

Xu Feng's face is calm.

"Who are you shut me down!"

Xu Feng said carelessly.

He spoke to Zheng Xiaopeng: "There is some space over there, let's go there."

"Brothers, stop me."

The bald head looked at Xu Feng to go and screamed.

Several young people around him are staring at Xu Feng with ill will.

The bald head opened: "Kid, the second-order detoxification Dan you just took out, give me one."

"Otherwise, don't blame me."

Xu Feng took out a few second-order detoxification Dan from the storage ring. He raised Yang and said: "Are you talking about this drug?"

Seeing the second-order detoxification Dan taken out by Xu Feng.

The bald head and others are both eyes shining.

"I knew that this kid is so good to speak, I should go up one step earlier and ask for a second-order detoxification."

"The bloodthirsty mosquitoes are really too odious. I am now whole body, I feel hot and itchy, it is very uncomfortable."

Some people secretly regret it.

"Hey, boy, count you!"

The bald face is full of smiles. When he walks over to Xu Feng, he has to reach out to pick up the second-order detoxification.

I know that Xu Feng’s arm is rising, and the medicinal herbs are not far away. The stinky septic tank is slamming into it.


The hand that stretched out of the bald head stopped, and his face became iron and blue, and his eyes were killing.

"If you want the medicine, go to the sewage pool over there."

Xu Feng slowly said.

"Kid, you are looking for death!"

On the bald head, the momentum of the six peaks of the virtual world broke out, and his arm became the palm of his hand, and he shot it toward Xu Feng.


The power of Xu Feng broke out, and the imaginary body was a perfect realm.

The power of the powerful force hits out.


The bald body suddenly turned back, and he felt that the internal organs were rolling, and his face became extraoriously ugly.


Immediately afterwards, a stream of blood spouted from the mouth.

He stared at Xu Feng with his eyes in horror.

Before he even talked to Xu Feng, he even climbed and fled to the side.

"Kid, you give me waiting!"

Said while running away.

(End of this chapter)

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