The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2906: Kill you, just three months!

Chapter 2906 kills you, only three months!

Xu Feng’s eyes became cold.

He stared at the opposite man.

He feels familiar with the aspect.

"Who are you, why are you attacking me?"

Xu Feng’s voice contains killings.

The other party is just a three-fold cultivation of the creation.

Xu Feng’s current strength, as long as he goes all out and exerts his soul skills, may not have the chance to kill each other.

The ancient dragon soul on his body began to float, and he was ready to launch his strongest soul skills.

At the same time, around his Taikoo Dragon Soul, the blissful beads are also emitting fierce light.

He is also ready to use the bliss beads.

Dare to attack him.

"Brother, are you okay?"

The kitten looked worried at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng shook his head and said: "A little skin trauma."

Zhang Yiben’s face became incomparably ugly, and his elegant black iron guard, the ninety-three guards, shot a person who had just participated in the assessment.

Did not succeed.

In his eyes, the cold killings broke out and said: "Hey, you killed my brother in the secret, are you forgetting so soon?"

Zhang Yiben’s voice is killing.

Xu Feng heard the words, suddenly remembered.

He is still thinking, why look at the opposite man, some familiar.

It turned out that he was the brother of Zhang Yixiu Hei Tiewei.

"Ha ha ha..."

Xu Feng laughed happily, staring at the opposite Zhang Yiben, saying: "How much I thought the black iron guard was so powerful? I didn't expect that the black iron guard is also a shameless person."

"The three black iron guards who created the realm of the situation, attacked me with a triple peak of illusory territory."

"The most important thing is that he hasn't killed me yet. Doesn't this prove that you are black and iron, is it incompetent?"

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Not far from some black iron guards, they all came to watch the "nine nine days" road.

I did not expect that such an episode appeared.

Their faces are full of anger, saying: "Damn, this kid is so arrogant and dare to look down on Black Iron."

Next to a black iron guard, but a faint saying: "Zhang Yiben's behavior does indeed humiliate Black Iron."

"It’s not ironic that the black iron guards who made the three-folded environment have attacked the triple peaks of the virtual world and made the other party safe and sound."

I heard the words of the black iron guard.

Everyone else is silent.


“It’s really waste!”

Qiu Zhi’s eyes are full of anger.

He did not expect that Zhang Yiben would have such a good chance that he would not kill and kill Xu Feng.

Instead, Xu Feng is now so mocked.

In particular, Zhang Yiben’s behavior is equivalent to becoming a stepping stone for Xu Feng.

"The commander of the army, the boy’s reaction has been fast, and his strength is really much more than the general illusion."

At the side of Qiu Zhi, a middle-aged man with gray hair, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He is also a strong person who is good at speed sacred skills, knowing how difficult it is to achieve such a reaction speed.

"It is not easy for him to kill Yunxiong."

Qiu Zhi slowly said.

"This horrible talent, not removed as soon as possible, really makes people sleepy." Qiu Zhi could not help but whisper.

He looked at the "nine-nine-day road" and raised his mouth slightly. He said: "I hope that he will never be able to come down again."

The middle-aged man next to him couldn't help but shudder.

In Black Iron City.

Once you get rid of the Qiu family, you can't go anywhere.

Mainly these years.

The power of Qiujia in Heicheng is developing too fast.

Whether it is the Black Iron Guardian, or the Black Iron Army, or the shops, and the Society of Souls, there are members of the Qiu family.

With the eyes open, the Qiu family is about to become the largest family in Heicheng.

Of course, the owner of the Black Iron City.

I am too lazy to take care of these idle things.

For the other party, as long as the Black Iron City can operate normally.

Other battles have no meaning to him.


"you wanna die!"

Zhang Yiben’s powerful spirit is stirring. When he grabs the sword in his hand, he must start again with Xu Feng.

I know, the Black Iron Army has come together.

Ishigaki's face became extraoriously ugly.

The horrible momentum of his outburst came out.

"Zhang Yiben, you are really courageous, who gives you the courage to scatter wildly on the black iron guards I presided over?"

The sound of Shi Jie’s voice was cold and murderous.

There is anger in his eyes.

As a black iron guard.

He did not expect that Zhang Yiben actually made a sneak attack.

I really lost my face to Black Iron.

"Ten elders, this person killed my brother in the secret, and today I will avenge my brother."

"I am a black iron guard. If even one person who comes to the assessment can't kill it, how can I mix it later?"

Zhang Yiben’s voice said affirmatively.

I know that Ishigaki did not give him face.

"You really lose face to Black Tiewei, and you are not qualified to continue to mix. You still want to start, don't you put the old man in your eyes?"

The words of Ishigaki, when it comes to the back, become cold.

However, the words of Shijie.

It is even more fierce.

It seems to be a sharp sword.

Zhang Yiben’s face became extraordinarily ugly.

"Ten elders, it is difficult, you want to stop me from killing him?"

Zhang Yiben asked for a word.


Shi Yan directly spit out a scrolling word and said: "You are not qualified to ask me!"

Zhang Yiben bit his teeth, he stared at Xu Feng, said: "Boy, today is good luck."

"As long as you are still in Black Iron City, sooner or later, I will let you die without a place to die."

I know that Xu Feng is staring at Zhang Yiben.

"Kill you, just three months!"

I heard the words of Xu Feng, and I was so stunned.

No one had thought that a young man with a triple ambition would dare to be so arrogant and provocative.

That is the black iron guard ninety-three guards.

Zhang Yiben heard the words, first of all, and immediately laughed.

"Good boy, I hope that you will not renege on the words when you arrive, kill me in three months." Zhang Yiben's face is ridiculous and disdainful.

If you don’t know, Xu Feng is now able to kill Yunxiong’s four masters, and Ishigaki can’t believe that Xu Feng can do it.

Many people look at Xu Feng's eyes, which are incredible.

"The courage of this young man is so provocative."

"It’s hard to be done. He thinks that if he live another three months, life will be enough."

"Is he not looking for a dead end?"

Only a few people who know Xu Feng’s false black iron army.

They all looked at Zhang Yiben with a pity.

The talent that Xu Feng showed.

After three months, even if I can't kill Zhang Yiben.

However, Zhang Yiben wants to kill him, but it is also impossible.

Zhang Yiben pointed to Xu Feng and said: "Kid, you remember, I am Zhang Yiben!"

Xu Feng said coldly: "You also remember, I am called Xu Feng!"


Shi Yan said to everyone: "This is the nine-day road. Your next thing is to climb as far as possible for nine days. At the same time, stay on it for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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