The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2907: This kid is a turtle?

Chapter 2907 is this kid a tortoise?

Xu Feng took the drug after the drug.

The sword wound on his shoulder recovered a lot.

The depths of his eyes are cold and killing.

Mind: "Hey, give me a wait, maybe it won't take three months, I will let you know regret."

Yan Yan stood by Xu Feng and said: "Xu Xiong, this Zhang Yi Ben is the black iron guard ninety-three guards, you should be careful later."

Yan Yan, they just chatted with Xu Feng.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yiben suddenly attacked.

Really no response.

Xu Feng nodded.

If not, he does not want to show the strength of his soul master, and the spiritual skills of his cultivation.

He believes that Zhang Yiben, who is opposite, can never smile like this.

Shi Yan said to the crowd: "Next, everyone can move forward to the nine-day road."

The words of Shi Jie sounded.

The existence of Gu Yaolv can't wait to go to the nine-day road.

His eyes are full of pride.

His face was arrogant and said: "The first place in the black iron guard assessment, I am sure that the ancient green is inevitable."

He finished, and went to the nine-nine-day road.


Seeing that Gu Yao Green rushed to the nine-ninth road ladder, he stepped out in one step, and the speed was extremely fast.

Gu Yao Green quickly appeared on the second floor of the nine-ninth road, and his face was a proud smile.

Many people look at Gu Yaolu's eyes and admire them.

Even some black iron guards who came to watch.

They looked at Gu Yao Green, and they all said: "It seems that among us, there is a genius in the black iron guard."

Before Gu Yaolu, the reputation among the Black Iron Army was already great.

Today, his participation in the Black Iron and Steel Health Assessment is also a deserved choice.

At the same time, many black iron guards, before also know the ancient Yao green.

Gu Yao Green appeared on the second floor.

He looked back and looked at the people who were still struggling on the first floor.

His face is a mocking smile.


He couldn't help but shook his head and sighed helplessly.

As if to say.

How lonely is invincible.

Xu Feng looked at Gu Yao's green eyes. He couldn't help but shake his head, but he was disappointed.

How can Gu Yaoluo become a strong person in the future?

A little achievement is smug.

It is bound to be a big problem.

With Xu Feng and Yan Yan, as well as Zheng Xiaopeng, they are all going to the nine-day road.

Yan Yan and Zheng Xiaopeng looked at Xu Feng.

I saw that Xu Feng said to the two of them: "Two, this nine-ninth road is a place for trials."

"You can feel the sentiments well, perhaps on the top, and you can feel something unusual."

Xu Feng just embarked on the first floor of the nine-ninth road. When he stepped on the first step, he felt an unusual atmosphere.

He said to Zheng Xiaopeng and Yan Yan.

Both eyes narrowed slightly.

They took a step and walked toward the second step.

Seeing everyone, they all walked toward the ladder above.

Only Xu Feng.

When he stepped into the first step, he realized a burst of intense pressure, his eyes slightly picked up.

He did not rush to step on the second step, but to sink his mind and carefully feel the changes in the ladder.

Two hundred people who participated in the nine-day journey, even the worst, reached the fifth step of the first floor.

You must know that the nine-and-a-half-day road on each floor is a nine-step ladder.

However, each step is completely different.

Only Xu Feng is alone, still on the first floor of the nine-ninth road, the first step.

"Hahaha... look at it, this kid is a turtle?"

For killing your brother.

Only then humiliated his Xu Feng.

Zhang Yiben stayed, naturally it is extremely inseparable.

Seeing that Xu Feng had been on the first floor of the nine-day road for a long time, the first step, he suddenly gave a mocking laugh.

Many people have looked at Xu Feng in the past, and their eyes are strange.

"Oh, don't blame him. His cultivation is only the triple peak of the virtual world. How can he adapt to the pressure of the nine-day road?"

Someone looked at Xu Feng's back and couldn't help but sigh.

"This is also the case, the virtual peak of the triple peak, can pass the first round of the secret assessment, do not know how big the dog is going!

Some people think that Xu Feng’s luck is really good.

The first round of assessment itself was cruel.

More than 800 people, only two hundred people survived.

Xu Feng actually survived, naturally it is luck.

Many people regard Xu Feng as a joke.


Xu Feng himself, at this moment, is immersed in a wonderful state.

He has been paused for a long time in the eighth-day gravity field.

Since coming to Lingshen, he wants to upgrade the field, and the difficulty has become too great.

What's more, it is hard to find the Eighth Heaven, or even the ninth Heaven's gravity field debris.

Therefore, his field of gravity is almost difficult to progress.

What he didn't expect was.

He just set foot on the first floor of the nine-day nine-day road. When the first step was reached, he realized the existence of gravity.

How is he not surprised?

Xu Feng’s body, the light of a circle, looks very weak.

Many people are laughing at Xu Feng's time.

Only a few people.

But staring at Xu Feng.

Their faces were shocked and said: "What kind of monster is that kid? He is not stopping, but he is feeling the things brought about by the nine days."

The eyes of Shi Jie are all condensed.

"Good guy, really a genius!"

As time goes by.

Seeing most people, they climbed to the second floor of the nine-ninth road.

A few people paused on the ninth step of the first floor.

However, Xu Feng is still in the first step of the first layer.

"Ha ha ha... That kid is probably going to create, the slowest record of nine or nine days."

"Really there is no one before, no one after!" Zhang Yiben is still laughing, with mockery.


When Xu Feng opened his eyes, he had a strong momentum on his body, but it disappeared and disappeared.

His eighth-day gravity field, when it was just realized, broke through to the later realm.

He believes that this sentiment continues.

He can break through to the ninth heavenly gravity field.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng is full of surprises.

"Look, the kid won't be stupid, he is actually smirking."

Someone looked at Xu Feng.

"He seems to be moving!"

Some people stared at Xu Feng and found that Xu Feng’s footsteps were lifted up and walked up the next step.


In the eyes of the public.

Xu Feng's speed has become very fast.

His footsteps are constantly moving, and every step of the way, the body looks light and abnormal.

"Fast speed!"

Everyone is stunned.

Zhang Yiben’s words just finished, I feel the cheeks burning.

Isn't this a hit on his face?


Xu Feng appeared on the first step of the ninth step of the first floor and stopped again.

(End of this chapter)

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