The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2908: Third level sixth step

Chapter 2908, third, sixth step

Seeing Xu Feng on the first floor, the ninth step stepped down.

Many people are relieved.

It is really climbing too fast.

If he continues to climb so fast, it really needs to attract the attention of everyone.

Today, looking at Xu Feng in the ninth step.

They all smiled in their hearts.

As if watching Xu Feng stop, I feel very happy. ,

In fact, they feel that Xu Feng is only the triple peak of the virtual world, but he can survive in the secret.

They are all very surprised.

Now, if Xu Feng shows a great talent.

Their hearts are of course very unbalanced.

Zhang Yiben’s smile on his face said: “The three peaks of the virtual ambiguity in the district and the desire to climb the nine-ninth road are really jokes.”

Seeing that Xu Feng paused, he felt that Xu Feng had the most, that is, he reached the second floor of the nine-ninth road.

"Look, you guys, Gu Yao Green, this guy, so fast to the third floor, really fast speed."

"You said that Gu Yao Green can reach the first few layers. If he can reach the fifth floor, he will certainly alarm Black Iron City."

"Maybe he can reach the fifth floor, not necessarily. After all, his talent and strength are there."

"As long as you reach the fifth floor, it will become a black iron guard. It is really enviable."


Seeing the ancient Yao green, on the nine-ninth road, constantly climbing, the speed is extremely fast.

Moreover, his eyes are full of arrogant smiles, as if everyone behind him is despised by him.

"Look, that Ma Haisheng, looks good too. He has already reached the second floor of the nine-day road, the eighth step."

When someone saw Ma Haisheng, he was also surprised.

After all, Ma Haisheng is also a very good genius.

Naturally, many people's eyes are gathered.

"Compared with Gu Yao Green, there is still a big gap." Someone shook his head slowly.

"But his strength is not to be underestimated. He has not gone through the flames of the battlefield, and he has not become a black iron army. The future is infinite."

Some people are very optimistic about Ma Haisheng.


Some people stared at the young people in the third place. "I think the third young man is very good. This person is the grandson of the four elders of Heicheng. The future achievements are certain, not under the ancient glory."

Everyone started to talk about the people who stared at the nine-day road.

They are showing off each other, and who knows more people.

And who has a relationship with who.

Time goes by.

The moment when Xu Feng’s eyes opened, his heart was full of joy.

Many people not far from Xu Feng felt strong pressure.

"I don't think of nine or nine days, it is so wonderful."

Xu Feng’s eighth-day gravity field has once again improved.

Fang Cai, he paused on the first floor, the ninth step ladder, is to feel the existence of gravity.

His eighth heavenly gravity field reached the peak of the later peaks.

Although, just improve a little.

However, in the field of gravity that reaches the eighth heaven, it can be improved a little.

It’s better than no promotion.

As long as such a little accumulation, break through to the ninth heavenly gravity field, just around the corner.

"Hey, look at it, the last young man, he seems to be standing up again." When someone looked at Xu Feng, with a cry of surprise.

You know, most of them think that Xu Feng can only be on the first floor, but he did not expect him to stand up.

"He seems to be going to the second floor of the Nine Heavens." Someone stared at Xu Feng.

"I really don't know how high and thick, I watched him being the second layer, and directly rejected it and fell into disability."

Zhang Yiben stared at Xu Feng and said coldly.

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body.

His steps moved.

The whole person went up the ladder.

The physical flow of the whole body, his movement speed is very fast, and he quickly walks toward the second floor.


Xu Feng easily came to the second step of the second floor, which made many people surprised.

When Xu Feng came to the second floor of the nine-day road, the light on his body floated slightly and his foot moved.


In the eyes of many people surprised.

I saw that Xu Feng stepped out in one step, which is a two-step ladder.


Some people think that Xu Feng can't come to the second floor of the nine-ninth road.

I did not expect it.

Xu Feng’s simple step is a two-step ladder.

"What the **** is this guy doing?"

"So what did he stop on the first floor?"

Someone stared at Xu Feng, his eyes blinking.


Xu Feng’s body continued to move up the ladder, and his speed improved quickly.

As he continued to climb, the spiritual power of his body was flowing.

“How come so fast?”

Like Xu Feng, the people who swayed nine or nine days, their eyes were all condensed.

Zhang Yibang's eyes wide open, he seems to see monsters.

As the person in charge of the assessment, Shi Jie was also stunned.

He has not seen it, the speed of climbing so fast.

Even if it was, the speed of the ancient Yaoyao was not as fast as Xu Feng.

"God, the third floor!"

As Xu Feng stepped out step by step, he appeared on the third floor of the nine-ninth road, causing a sensation in an instant.

The trivial peak of the virtual dilemma has been cultivated, climbing to the third floor of the nine-ninth road, it is really unprecedented.

Not far from Yan Yan, his face is a bitter smile.

Although, I already knew it.

Xu Feng swayed to the third floor and did not have much difficulty.

Yes, I watched Xu Feng with my own eyes. In just a short while, I went to the third floor of the nine-ninth road. He was also a little surprised inside.


Xu Feng’s footsteps did not stop.

He is still, step by step, climbing up the sixth floor ladder.

Xu Feng has been coming to the third floor, the sixth step of the ladder.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

Many people are wide-eyed.

I saw that Xu Feng sat down again.

"What the **** is this guy doing?"

"Don't he practice in nine or nine days?"

“It’s incredible and shocking.”

Many people's sights are attracted by Xu Feng.

Gu Yaolu appeared in the ninth step of the third floor. He turned his head and looked behind him.

He saw several figures.

Finally, his eyes stopped on Xu Feng.

In his impression, it seems that there is no such a powerful role in the assessment.

"Hey, let's find out what kind of climbing skills you have, the first place in the nine-day road assessment. I am sure that the ancient green is inevitable."

Gu Yao green finished.

He felt that Xu Feng was finding climbing skills.

Will come to the third floor so quickly, the sixth step.

Jia Ken and others, they are also only the third floor of the nine-day road.

However, they are a few more steps than Xu Feng.

"This guy is imaginary and the three peaks are repaired. How can I come to the third floor of the nine-day road?"

Someone has doubts inside.

(End of this chapter)

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