The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2915: Virtual dilemma

Chapter 2915, the virtual world

In the depths of Shi Yan’s eyes, there was a smile.

Mind: "I hope this kid has a glimmer of life. If he can really get it, the seventh floor of the nine-day road, and the embarrassment of several elders, all come out to pay attention to him, it is a good thing for him."

Ishigaki himself knows well.

He and Wu Si are incomparable.

Wu Siyue is a four elder, he is only a ten elder.

The gap between the two is great.

Wu Siyue has a lot of rights.

The depths of Gu Yao's eyes are shocking.

At this moment, he is at the peak of the ninth step of the fifth floor.

He is very clear about how difficult it is to hit the sixth floor.

However, Xu Feng easily rushed to the sixth floor.

Xu Feng arrived after the sixth floor.

He suddenly felt that the heaven and earth spirits gathered toward his body.

The meridians of his body are flowing wildly.

"I can't think of the sixth floor of the nine-day nine-day road. It turned out to be such an effect."

Xu Feng’s heart is full of surprises.

The spiritual power of the body began to flow.

Xu Feng sits cross-legged.

"Look at you, Xu Feng is sitting on the sixth floor of the nine-day road. It seems to be practicing."

"He won't want to use the nine-nine-day road to improve it?" Someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

You must know that it is really difficult to practice on the nine-day road. If Xu Feng is really practicing on it, it is really not easy.

"It seems that I am really practicing."

When some people looked at Xu Feng, their faces were shocked.

It is really an unprecedented feat of cultivation on the nine-day road.


Shi Yan’s eyes are full of surprises.

For Xu Feng's talent, he is really shocked.

Such a peerless genius.

If it is really cultivated in Black Iron City.

The future of Black Iron City is really limitless.

Thinking of Xu Feng killing Wu Pre, his heart began to worry again.


Qiu Zhi has been staring at Xu Feng's figure. His heart is full of surprise. He said: "The talent of this kid is really against the sky."

"Unfortunately, he dared to kill Wu Pre, and provoked Wu Siyue, he was destined to die, a genius, is about to die."

Qiu Zhi’s eyes flashed.

Ever since I knew Xu Feng killed Wu Pre.

The people he arranged were ordered to be revoked.

He is very clear, as long as Wu Si is coming.

No one can stop him from killing Xu Feng.

Therefore, Xu Feng will die.


The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body continued to flow, and the fifty-one spiritual veins in his body also radiated strong fluctuations.

Fifty and one of the spirits gathered in his body to form a dense mesh picture.

Spirituality flows through his meridians, as if it is flowing water, making a squeaky voice.

"Give me a breakthrough!"

The excitement of the circle of spiritual power fluctuates.

He is determined in his heart.

He is very clear that the illusory trilogy is repaired.

Still too low.

If his cultivation is able to break through to the virtual world, his strength will be greatly improved.


Spirituality converges toward his body, as if a vortex is formed, which brings a strong impact.

The fifty-one spirits of his body continue to spread.

He understands it.

If you want to break through to the ambiguous situation, his spirit must be increased, and it must be more solid.

Otherwise, his cultivation is impossible to break through.

Constantly condensing the spirit.

As the number of spirits increases, the strength will increase.

The entire void, exuded by bursts of fluctuations.

Many people feel the breath of Xu Feng’s body, and their eyes are stunned.

"Is this really a triple ambiguity, the momentum that comes out?" Their hearts are full of surprises.


Gu Yao Green bit his teeth, he wants to hit the sixth floor of the nine-day road.

However, every time he hits, he is exhausted.

He looked at Xu Feng's knee-shoulder figure, and he thought about it.

Mind: "Why can this guy practice in nine or nine days, and I can't cultivate it?"

Think of it here.

Gu Yao green sat down with his knees, his eyes sparkling with light, running the whole body.

Gu Yao Green is like discovering a new world. His eyes are deep and excited.

"I don't think it's so good to practice nine times and nine days."

Gu Yao Green did not expect it.

If you know that it is so good, if you practice it early, it will be a great benefit to your own strength.

Moreover, he even had the opportunity to break through to the realm of creation.

“Gu Yaoyao is also practicing in the nine-day road?”

Seeing that Gu Yao Green is also sitting on the knees and practicing.

In the eyes of many people, the ones that emerged were all surprised.

They don't understand.

Can you really cultivate if you have nine or nine days?


Time goes by.

Xu Feng and Gu Yao Green are practicing.

However, Zheng Xiaopeng and Yan Yan, as well as other people who climbed the nine-day road, could not move on.

Simply, these people followed, and cultivated on the nine-day road.


A nine-day road, there is a strange situation.

Many people are practicing and seem to have forgotten to climb this thing.

Xu Feng’s breath is constantly rioting.

His eyes slammed open.

The impact of the spiritual power of the whole body.

He did not expect that it would be so difficult to break through the illusory situation.

The next moment.

A horrible momentum seems to come from the sky.

A cold voice slammed.

Xu Feng’s face suddenly changed.

"Kid, you dare to kill my grandson, I want your blood debt to pay!"

The screaming sounds.

It is the four elders of Black Iron City, Wu Siyue.

With the temperament of Wu Siyue's body.

He appeared under the nine-nine-nine-day road, and his body made a fascinating momentum, and he rolled toward Xu Feng.


Xu Feng's body meridians suddenly burst into a terrifying momentum.

His cultivation is directly impacted into the virtual world.

The number of his spiritual veins has also increased to fifty-three.

There was a smile on his face.

Unexpectedly, he broke through the illusory situation and repaired it in such a situation.

Xu Feng looked up. He looked at Wu Siyue, who came from the momentum below. He smiled and said: "Thank you for your help, I will let me break through to the virtual world. I don't thank you."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

So that Wu Si almost did not spurt blood.

Many people can't help but laugh out loud.

Anyone can see that Wu Siyue just did not care well and wanted to suppress Xu Feng.

However, I did not expect that the difference was wrong and it became a breakthrough for Xu Feng.

Wu Siyue’s face also became difficult to look.

Just now, Liu Dong told him that the person who killed Wu Pre was the sixth floor youth.

Therefore, his strong momentum, pressed toward Xu Feng.

The strong momentum has become an opportunity for Xu Feng to break through.

So that Xu Feng's pulse is instantly condensed.

As a repair, it also broke through to the virtual world.

(End of this chapter)

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