The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2916: Soul Masters Association Elders

Chapter 2916 Soul Masters Association Elders

"Kid, you are looking for death!"

Among Wu Siyue’s eyes, Sen Ran’s killings erupted, and his old face became awkward.

The spiritual power of his body came out, and the whole person went to the nine-nine-day road and suddenly slammed away.

Many people look at the violent Wu Siyue, their faces are changing.

They all looked at Xu Feng with mercy.

Qiu Zhi’s face is full of excitement.

"Xu Feng, see you still not dead?"

Qiu Zhi, I feel that Xu Feng is dead.

Seeing that Wu Siyue will rush to the nine-ninth road.

A figure blocked Wu Siyue’s way.

It is Shi Jie.

There is a firm light in his eyes, staring at the opposite Wu Siyue, saying: "Four elders, what do you want to do?"

The sudden appearance of Shijie, so many people did not expect. ,

Wu Siyue’s old eyes are staring at Shijie.

He said slowly: "Ishigaki, what do you want to do?"

Wu Siyue's face became ugly.

He is the four elders of Black Iron City, and his rights are great.

Although Shi Jie is a ten elder, whether it is repairing or standing, there is a big gap with him.

Ishigaki said with no humbleness: "Four elders, are you forgetting, now it is the assessment of Hei Tiewei."

"Although you are a four elders, you want to go to the nine-day road, it seems that you can not affect the black iron guard assessment?"

The words of Shi Jie sounded.

Black Iron and Steel Health Assessment is the biggest thing in Black Iron City.

No one can interfere.

This is what the Black Iron City owner has prescribed.

If Wu Siyue wants to violate it, it is equivalent to fighting against the Black Iron City Lord.

Many people secretly feel that Shi Jie is very smart.

He did not use himself against Wu Siyue.

Instead, move out of the rules of Black Iron City.

Xu Feng was on the sixth floor of the nine-day nine-day road. His eyes narrowed slightly. He did not expect that Shi Yan could stand up and block Wu Siyue.

He is not afraid of Wu Siyue.

Big deal, it is not to join the Black Iron City, can not become Black Iron City.

I don’t want to stay here, I have my own place.

As for Wu Si Yue, kill him.

He did not think that Wu Si dared to kill him.

He has his own card.

Wu Siyue’s face changed slightly. He looked at Shi Yan and said: “I don’t know if I don’t know, I’m such a grandson.”

"Today, my grandson has been killed by a kid. I am an eight-powerful person."

"It is the four elders of Black Iron City. My disciples are the commanders of the Black Iron Army. If I can't avenge my grandson, what do I mean by living?"

Wu Siyue’s words, when it comes to the back, have become awkward.

His tone is beyond doubt.

Shi Yan heard the words.

He calmly said: "Four elders, I only know that I am responsible for the assessment of the Black Iron and Steel. As for the people who participated in the assessment, what is the identity, and I have not much relationship with me."

"In the black iron guard assessment, life and death, no matter if you are your grandson, he is not as good as people, but still wants to kill others."

"Today, it is a matter of course to die in the hands of others. If you want to disrupt the black iron guard assessment, I am afraid that by the time the city owner, you cannot explain."

Ishigaki's eyes are calm.

However, his words are very obvious.

Although you are a four elders, it is the thing of the city owner to assess the black iron guard.

Wu Siyue was firm and full of face, saying: "I don't believe that when the city owner will care for a dead person, I will care."

"Today, I have to kill this kid anyway."

The spiritual power of Wu Siyue is stirring.

His whole body broke out.

It’s really scary to create an atmosphere of eightfold.

"Ishigaki, I only ask you, do you want to stop me, or let me go, let me go and kill the kid."

Wu Siyue’s spiritual flow is above his head, and his veins are dense and dense.

The number of Wu Siyue's spiritual veins has condensed into a large number.

The face of Shijie became ugly.

Although he is a seven-rehabilitation of the realm of creation, but compared with Wu Siyue, there is still a big gap.

"Four elders, I hope that you will abide by the rules of Black Iron City." Shi Jie blocked there, not letting go.

"I don't know how!"

Wu Siyue's spiritual power surged, and he stepped out step by step, and the spirit of the head gathered.

In the whole person, the powerful momentum broke out, and his palms continued to move toward the stone sarcophagus.

Every collision.

The stone scorpions are all tumbling, and the whole person has regressed one after another.

Although, the number of the spirits of Shijie is less than a dozen less than Wu Siyue.

The strength of the two is even worse.


After more than a dozen consecutive encounters.

The whole person of Shi Jie was shaken out, and he still did not react. Wu Siyue’s powerful momentum broke out.

Going toward the nine-nine-day road.

It is too simple to use the eight-fold cultivation of his creation and to attack the nine-day road.

Seeing that Wu Siyue rushed to the sixth floor of the nine-ninth road, many people were blinking, and there was concern between them.

Only Xu Feng’s face was calm.

He quietly looked at Wu Siyue across the street and said, "Do you really want to kill me?"

I heard Xu Feng’s words.

Wu Siyue said coldly: "The kid, starting from the grandson you killed me, is destined to die."

Wu Siyue only wants to give Wu a prediction.

There is a token in Xu Feng’s hand.

He stared at Wu Siyue and said: "Since you want to kill me, it depends on you, is there any courage?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and many people almost did not laugh out.

The four elders of Hei Iron City, the eight-year-old cultivation of the hallmarks.

Actually, I don’t dare to kill a sinister boy. Isn’t this a joke?

However, some people are staring at the tokens in Xu Feng’s hand.

Some people who are familiar with the Soul Guild are shocked.

"The soul guild honor elders?"

"God, is he the honorary elder of the Souls Guild?"

Many people are making exclamations.

Although within the scope of the Black Iron City, it seems that Black Iron City is the biggest hegemon.

However, no one can ignore the Soul Guild.

In particular, the honorary elders of the Soulist Guild represent the identity and status of the Soulist Guild.

If someone dares to kill the honorary elders of the Soul Masters Association, it is inevitable that they will be provoked to the Soul Association, and it will be difficult to think of it.

Ishihara was originally worried about her face.

When he looked at the token.

He is relieved.

He knew that Wu Si did not dare to kill Xu Feng.

Once he kills Xu Feng, he must also pay for it.

Qiu Zhi’s eyes are all condensed, and his heart is full of anger. He said: “What is the relationship between this kid and Chen Youran, and can you get the token of the honorary elder of the Soul Masters Association?”

Wu Siyue’s old eyes flashed. He stared at the token and said, “Boy, you steal a token and want to lie to me.”

"Oh, lie to you?" Xu Feng said coldly: "How much do you think I am idiotic, will you steal the honorary elder token from the Soulist Guild?"

(End of this chapter)

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