Chapter 2919 Boro Polo

"The seventh step is the seventh step!"

Xu Feng’s body appeared in the seventh step.

Many people are full of mistakes.

"Can this guy reach the eighth floor?"

They thought it was incredible when they thought of it.

If Xu Feng really can reach the eighth floor, it is really a sensation.

In other words, Xu Feng is really promising.

Black Iron City is too small for him.


Qiu invincible is the seven elders of Hei Iron City, and the Qiu family is in Heilongjiang, and it is powerful.

In his eyes, there is a strong light shining, followed by Qiu Cheng, and Qiu Hai.

Today's Qiu Hai, his face is hard to see.

He has been beaten by Xu Feng since.

Just sinking your heart and pains to cultivate.

Qiu Invincible looked at the sea of ​​Qiu, who was with him. "Her, you have to learn more with your second brother and work hard to cultivate."

"As long as you can continue to break through the substitutes, after you upgrade and repair, you don't have to participate in the black iron guard's assessment, and the father can also make you a black iron guard."

Qiu invincible did not let Qiuhai participate in the black iron guard assessment.

His purpose is to temper the heart of the sea.

"Father, who do you say you can reach the seventh floor of the nine-day road?"

Qiu Hai asked curiously.

He is a black iron city.

I also know that when you reach the seventh floor of the nine-day road, it means that the future is boundless and will become the black iron guard.

Qiu Cheng said next to him: "I think it should be Gu Yao Green, the talent and strength of the guy is good."

Qiu Cheng has a good understanding of Gu Yao Green.

He feels that the chance of Gu Yao Green crossing to the seventh floor is still very large.

I don't know if you want to see Qiu Cheng.

What is going to be across the seventh floor?


When Qiu Invincible and other fathers and sons came to the Nine Miles Road, the three were stunned.

Their faces have become extraordinarily ugly, especially the figure that stares at the seventh floor.

"It's him?"

The three people said almost in unison.

Both Qiu Cheng and Qiu Hai were shocked. They did not understand why their father knew Xu Feng?

Qiu invincible looked at Qiu Cheng and Qiu Hai, said: "What happened, do you know this young man?"

Qiu Cheng heard the words and nodded. "Father, it is this young man who repays Xiaohai in the ring. He has a good relationship with Chen Youran, the vice president of the Soul Association."


Qiu’s invincible eyes were cold and killing. He stared at Xu Feng’s figure and said: “This son must be killed as soon as possible.”

"Father, do you know him?"

Qiu Cheng asked some curiously.

Qiu nodded innocently and said: "It’s just knowing that this guy was in the falcon’s territory and killed a young man I saw. But he was killed, and he also destroyed one of my souls.”

"I don't think he actually took the initiative to vote for the net. In this case, it seems to be a little embarrassing not to kill him."

The invincible words of Qiu sounded.

Qiu Cheng nodded solemnly and said: "Father, you said it is good, this guy's talent is so bad."

Qiu Hai’s eyes are deep in the eyes.

Qiu Zhi, not far away, also saw his father coming.

He walked toward Qiu invincible and said: "Father!"

Qiu invincible looked at Qiu Zhi, said: "Zhier, the seventh layer of the kid, must be killed."

Qiu Zhi felt that it was definitely Qiu Cheng and Qiu Hai told Xu Feng that he did not think much.

"Father, this kid turned out to be the honorary elder of the Soulist Guild. Before he killed the grandson of the four elders Wu Siyue."

"Wu Si Yue rushed to the nine-nine-day road, he must kill him, but he was limited by the identity token of the elder elders he took out."

"In the end, I can only go down from nine to nine days."

Qiu Zhi said to Qiu invincible.

"The elders of honor of the Soulist Guild?"

The depths of Qiu’s invincible old eyes are all wrong.

He is very clear that the identity of the honorary elders of the Soul Masters Association is not available casually.

"What is going on, why is he getting the honorary elder status of the Souls Guild?" Qiu Invincible was a little surprised.

"Father, this thing, I am afraid that only you personally ask Vice President Jiang." Qiu Cheng said to Qiu invincible.

Qiu Invincible and Jiang Ziling have a very good relationship.

"I don't think there is anything tricky."

Qiu invincible in the depths of the eyes, are killing.

"Father, it is imperative that we need to find a way to make this kid a black iron guard."

"Once he becomes a black iron guard, I am afraid it will be even more difficult to kill him." Qiu Cheng said to Qiu invincible.

Black Iron has a high status in Black Iron City.

As long as Xu Feng becomes a black iron guard, plus the identity of the honorary elders of the Soul Masters Association, it will be even harder to kill him.

Qiu invincible eyes slightly picked up.

"He killed Wu Pre, and Wu Si will not be willing to give up. He wants to be a black iron guard, but it is not a simple matter."

In the invincible voice of Qiu, there is a sense of killing.


Step 7 of the seventh layer of the seventh floor!

Xu Feng appeared in the ninth step ladder, and his body of creation, all of which radiated golden light.

The bursts of light bring about a strong momentum fluctuation, which makes the void filled with air waves.


Inside the body of Xu Feng, the four pillars of the "Kowloon Refining Body" are on the second pillar, and suddenly the golden Buddha light is emitted.

Immediately, the runes of the road, suddenly moved toward Xu Feng’s mind.

Xu Feng hurryed and sat down.

Many people are blindfolded.

"This guy has to break through again?"

They looked at Xu Feng's movements.

Today's nine-nine-nine-day road, everyone's eyes are completely attracted by Xu Feng.

These ancient people are completely supporting the supporting role.

Especially some people are very reluctant.

They used to occupy the yard.

Today, the performance of the nine-ninth road is not bad.

But completely lost attention.

It is really, Xu Feng is too enchanting.

“Refining skills?”

Xu Feng felt the information appearing in his mind. In the depths of his eyes, all the light came out.


The golden light of Xu Feng broke out. Inside his mind, there is a mark of Buddha light, which is extremely terrifying.

Above the imprint, there are strong fluctuations.

In his mind, he constantly feels the change of imprint.

"I can't think of another refining skill."

Xu Feng’s "Invincible Claws", which was cultivated before, is a holy skill of a paw.

The "Bolo Polo" that is now acquired is a holy spiritual skill.

In line with his body of fortune, he believes that whether it is "the dragon's invincible claws" or "Bolo Polo", there is a powerful power.

Xu Feng constantly perceives the spirit of this refining body.

His heart is shocked.

He felt a little pity.

If it weren’t for the public witnessed here, he really couldn’t help it, and he wanted to quickly display this refining spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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