The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2920: Sneak attack from the dark

Chapter 2920 Sneak Attack from the Dark


Xu Feng stood up.

The heartbeat of everyone seems to be beating.

In his eyes, there are flashes of light.

He looked down the nine-nine-day road.

Can't help but give birth to a kind of sensation that will be a top of the mountain.

He turned and moved toward the eighth floor.

"I don't think he can set foot on the eighth floor!"

Wu Siyue’s voice rang again.

However, the sound of beating the face seems to be endless.

Wu Siyue’s analysis was finished.

Xu Feng’s foot has already set foot on the eighth floor, as if it were a leisurely walk.

Wu Siyue’s face became gloomy.

He clenched his fists and his eyes were filled with haze. He felt that Xu Feng must be killed as soon as possible.

The eighth floor of the nine-day nine-day road means that Xu Feng has become the strongest of the destiny, almost the fact that it is determined.

His eyes were slightly picked up, and a figure standing not far away was an old man who was going to die.

His arm was incomparably dry, and he appeared silently around Wu Siyue and did not speak.

Wu Siyue just looked at him faintly.

The old man will lead the gods.

Not far from the hills invincible, he has been watching Wu Siyue silently.

When he saw the old man in black, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Shen Yudao: "Who is the old man in black, why do you look at the back, so familiar?"

However, the face of the old man was blocked.

It seems to be deliberately covering up his identity.

It's just a moment's time.

The old man in black left Wu Siyue's front, and his eyes were full of glory.

His eyes swept over every place behind him and finally stopped at the invincible body.

However, Qiu Invincible saw the moment of the eyes, and his eyes were completely aware.

"Xu Feng is dead!"

Qiu Invincible said with certainty.

The black man knows the identity of the other person.

The killer of Black Iron City.

If he is shot, even if he is a seven-person person, he will be in danger if he is slightly careless.

Qiu Cheng and others are not clear, so they look at their father, do not know why the father is so determined.

Qiu Hai asked: "Father, is it the eighth floor of the nine-day road? Is it dangerous?"

Qiu Hai thought that it was dangerous to be on the eighth floor of the nine-ninth road.

Qiu was invincible but shook his head.

"You can look at it carefully."

Qiu invincible did not say.

Three people are very curious.


"It's him?"

It is located in a pavilion not far from the nine-ninth road.

An old man and a middle-aged man, they all appeared there.

The two were officially silent and smelling the sea.

On the face of the silent old face, there was a strong smile. He said: "I can't think of turning around. He still came to Heilongjiang, just the difference between early and late."

Silence is the great elder of Black Iron City.

Outside the chaotic secrets, he was on the rise and wanted to pick a few talents.

Just happened to find the existence of Xu Feng.

At that time, he ordered to hear the lonely sea to find Xu Feng.

The purpose is to invite Xu Feng to join Hei Iron City to help Xu Feng become a black iron guard and improve his strength.

I know that Wen Guhai was actually mixed up by Xu Feng, and he did not know the existence of the formation.

In the end, Wen Guhai can only return empty-handed, and his heart is still very depressed.

The imperious black iron guard seventh guard is actually played by a psychic existence, which is a shameful shame.

He always wanted to see Xu Feng again, and he had a good lesson to teach this kid.

I kindly chased him, but I didn't expect to be teased.

"Master, this talent is so terrible?"

It’s all shocking to hear the faces of the lonely sea.

At that time, he also spent nine days and nine days, and his height is the sixth floor.

However, his cultivation at that time was a sinister peak.

In other words, Xu Feng is now repaired as a virtual reality.

The silent face is all appreciated.

"If he can join the Black Iron City, and later lock up and lead the four major forces of the test, I also have a talented young genius."

When the sound of the sound is silent, the face of the lonely sea is awkward.

He said: "Master, the disciples live up to your expectations."

It is very clear to hear the lonely sea.

He was a silent disciple, but he could not let the Black Iron City scenery.

"Your talent is good, but the chance is a little worse. In the future, you will catch up with the teacher. It is also a matter of morning and evening. You don't have to be emotional."

Silently, I know very well about the character of my disciple. His eyes are full of light shining.

Some of the talents of Wen Guhai, some decide his upper limit.

"The eighth step is the third step."

After crossing to the eighth layer.

Xu Feng also found that the eighth floor ladder is no longer so good to climb.

The spiritual power in him fluctuated.

Feeling the pressure from the eighth floor, his eyes are barely deep, he wants to break through the ninth floor.


A burst of cool winds hit.

Suddenly between.

Throughout the nine days and nine days, countless faces have suddenly changed.

I saw a dark shadow.

I don't know when it will appear on the nine-day road.

However, in his hand, a swordman broke out.

His breath is completely hidden.

All that is brought is the impact of terror, which makes the whole void, exudes a strong momentum.

That sword is really terrible.

And the speed is so fast that it is staggering.

No one even reacted.

Xu Feng’s face also changed dramatically.

At this moment, he was suppressed by the pressure of nine nine-day roads. The whole person wanted to resist, and he was almost dropped by the impact.

The long sword looked at him and slammed it out toward his chest.


The only reaction of many people at the moment is that Xu Feng is dead.

Qiu Cheng and others are all big eyes.

Qiu invincible smile.

Wu Siyue is even more happy.

Shi Yan and others, worried about their faces.


Just on the occasion of the glory, an old figure did not know when it appeared.

He was wearing a gray-white robes, and the old face was covered with wrinkles.

The moment his arm was lifted, the sword was like this, and he was pinched together by his two fingers.


Everyone is stunned.

This is really too fast.

"The **** killer sword has no shadow?"

The old man who shot was the silentness of the great elders of Heichengcheng, and it was the existence of a half-step desperate.

His old eyes stared at the opposite sword without a shadow, saying: "Can you tell me who will let you kill him?"

Xu Feng’s eyes are also staring at the sword without a shadow.

His face became gloomy and cold.

If it is not, it will appear silently.

He is very clear that he is not dead, and he is afraid to be badly wounded.

When Wu Siyue heard the words, his face changed greatly.

They did not expect it.

Silently, it actually appeared.

"As a killer, either die or live!"

The sword has no cold and cold road.

"Let's die!"

When the palm of the hand is silent, the moment of slamming, stepping out, the spiritual power of the body, as if the wind and waves are rolling.

(End of this chapter)

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