The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2941: Danyang fruit to hand

Chapter 2941 Danyang fruit to hand


It seems to be a blue sky.


A killing word, I don’t know where it came from, or it’s coming from under the valley.

All in all, countless people are rushing out under the valley that stretches for dozens of miles.

In the valley, there are moments of killing everywhere.

Deng Yuan and others have long been eccentric.

In the flame battlefield, there are such pictures everywhere.

In order to compete for resources, everyone is desperate.

"Get out!"

When Deng Yuan took the squad, when he rushed down, a man appeared in front of Deng Yuan.

Deng Yuan screamed and screamed, and the four-fold momentum of his body broke out, and he was punching toward the other side.


Two waves of tumbling rolled.

The man’s eyes were condensed and said: “Deng Yuan, you are waiting for me, I will ask you for your life!”

Deng Yuan looked at the other side and fled. He said: "Everyone is careful. This person is a person who is a smoky door. Before, there was a confrontation with our team. I must have competed for Danyang fruit this time. The confrontation is unavoidable."


Deng Yuan urged everyone.

Xu Feng said: "Captain, on our left hand side, there are fewer people there, and it seems that there is Danyang fruit."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

The squad's people are looking over there.

They are all weird.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng’s observation power is so acute.

Everyone only looked at the situation around him, but Xu Feng was able to observe it so far.


Deng Yuan, with the team's people, continued to kill in front.

"The waste of your Black Iron City, you also want to compete for Danyang fruit, it is really self-effacing, looking for death!"

A few figures rushed toward Deng Yuan.

Deng Yuan was the first to take it.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Kun also shot.

The melee began.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed.

"Hey, I might as well use the soul skills to deal with them!"

Xu Feng does not want to show his strength.

At the moment, his eyes are full of horror.

The next moment.

His soul skills are displayed, but it is the sorrow of the spirits.

With the use of Qingyan Demonstration.

His holy soul powers are gathered together.

All formed were horrific attacks, and they attacked the warriors who fought with Deng Yuan.


The warrior who had been fighting Deng Yuan, he suddenly felt that his head seemed to burst.

The violent pain broke out, and his whole person was a shackle, and his footsteps continued to retreat.

"Ah! Who attacked me?"

When he made a roar, he had not had time to react.

Deng Yuanyi bombarded his chest.

Deng Yuan is not forgiving.

Crazy crushed out.


The other person spurted out a blood, and the man who made the four-folded situation was killed by Deng Yuan.

Deng Yuan kills the four weapons of the four generations, and naturally gets a thousand points. His face is full of smiles.

Other people, watching Deng Yuan kill their captain, they all want to escape.

Xu Feng’s mouth was raised, and he stayed up, not far from a man who was a double-edged man.

He watched Xu Feng attack and his face was mocking. "You kid, you are really looking for a dead end."


His words were just finished, and the power of terror invaded his internal organs, causing him to fall to the ground.

Xu Feng won a hundred points.

Deng Yuan’s face was full of joy. He looked at the people behind him and said: “Our luck is good, I don’t know the guy just now, how can I suddenly make mistakes? Otherwise, I want to kill him, I still need to entangle myself. ""

Deng Yuan’s heart is full of smiles. He earns a thousand points and can exchange good treasures.

"Captain, it may be your strength, unconsciously improving, but you have not felt it."

A person next to him said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha..."

Deng Yuan laughed and said: "Go, let's go there and fight for Danyang fruit."

Deng Yuan did not continue to struggle.

As the biggest hero Xu Feng, he did not care.


A burst of gusts of wind swept through.

It contains hot air waves and is accompanied by **** smell.

"Come on, over there!"

Deng Yuan looked at a Danyang fruit, and no one has been fighting for it.

He took the squad and rushed out there.

"Get out of the way, otherwise kill innocent!"

Deng Yuan screamed and screamed, and his body's four-folded momentum broke out, and his eyes exudes fierce light.

"Hey, I want to win the Danyang fruit, we also want Danyang fruit, everyone together!"

They all rushed out to Danyang fruit.

Deng Yuan first killed.

Then, the rest of the team also rushed out.

Zhao Kun came to Xu Feng's side and said: "Xu Feng, we havetened to pick Danyang fruit."


Xu Feng and Zhao Kun rushed out toward Danyang fruit.

Deng Yuan and others are resisting those who came to **** Danyang fruit.

"Brother, I will help you!"

Just at this time.

The kitten standing on the shoulder of Xu Feng, he rushed out.

This little guy is extremely fast.

In the eyes of Zhao Kun surprised.

The kitten picks the Danyang fruit one after another.


Zhao Kun and others found out that the kitten on Xu Feng's shoulder was so abnormal.

Moreover, the speed of the kitten just was so strong that it could not be added.

Just a little while.

The Danyang fruit of a Danyang fruit tree was all picked by Xu Feng.

Those who want to compete for Danyang fruit.

They are also uninterested in fighting.

They quickly left to other places.

Deng Yuan and others are full of excitement, and they say that they also get at least 30 Danyang fruit.

Everyone's spirituality can be improved.


Deng Yuan is not good to say.

That is, Xu Feng's kitten, the most picked Danyang fruit.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "The kitten, how many Danyang fruit you picked, came out to the captain."

The kitten heard the words and smiled and said: "Brother, the Danyang fruit I picked just now is twenty-one. I have picked four before, do you need to take it out?"

The words of the kitten sounded.

Deng Yuan and others were surprised and said: "When did you pick the Danyang fruit?"

The kitten smirked.

Xu Feng knows that the speed of the kitten is extremely fast.

In such a chaos, he just fished in the water and picked a few Danyang fruit.

However, only Xu Feng knows that other people don't know.

"The four Danyang fruit you picked before is your own, you don't have to take it out."

Deng Yuan said.

He believes that everyone has no opinion.

However, their hearts have changed a little on the cat on Xu Feng's shoulder.

"Do you still want to divide Danyang fruit?"

Just at this time.

A burst of sound came.

It was the man who had been in front of the ink door, and he was followed by sixteen or seven people, each of whom was magnificent.

His face sneered with a smile: "Deng Yuan, hand over the Danyang fruit you picked, I can give you a good time."

Wang Yonglong’s eyes are cold and killing.

Between the gods, there is imposing momentum.

"It's ridiculous!"

The momentum of Deng Yuan broke out. He said: "Wang Yonglong, want Danyang fruit, then see if you have this ability."

Deng Yuan has never been a scared person.

He took the initiative to rush out to Wang Yonglong.

"Give me kill!"

Wang Yonglong gave an order.

There were fifteen people around him, and they rushed toward Xu Feng and others.

Xu Feng, they are four people, and the number is not dominant.

the most important is.

Among the people brought by Wang Yonglong, there are six creations, and Dengyuan has only three creations.

Moreover, the other side has two triple peaks.

"Deng Yuan, I am very clear about the strength of your team. Today, you are destined to plant here."

Wang Yonglong’s face is full of arrogance, and the spiritual power of the whole body broke out. The strength of both him and Deng Yuan is half a catty.

He is very clear that Deng Yuan can't kill him.

He can't kill Deng Yuan either.

As long as other people kill the existence of the Dengyuan squad.

At that time, everyone will kill Deng Yuan together.

(End of this chapter)

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