The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2942: Strong Xu Feng

Chapter 2942 Strong Xu Feng

Wang Yonglong is very smart.

His battle with Deng Yuan is always on the verge.

However, the people brought by Deng Yuan are not the opponents of the other side.

"Kid, kill you first, I will kill others!"

Just at this time.

A man of equal importance, he rushed to the opposite side of Xu Feng, the spiritual flow of his body.

The spirit of his head is forty-five.

His eyes are arrogant.

In his opinion.

Xu Feng is nothing but a revival of the four worlds.

It’s not too easy to kill Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at the opposite man. He said faintly: "Why are you trying to find death? Is it not good to live for a while?"

Hearing the words of Xu Feng, the man’s eyes showed a sense of killing.

"The big boy, you are looking for death!"

His footsteps move, and the spiritual power of the whole person is accompanied by the pulse of the moment.

Above his palm, it seems as if the waves of the waves are rolling, and it is attacking Xu Fengyu.

"Xu Feng, be careful!"

Not far from Zhao Kun and others, they all reminded Xu Feng.

"You are all self-sufficient now, don't worry about the lives of others?"

A person who fights with Zhao Kun and others.

The faces are mocking.

"You are really weak, why don't you believe it?" Xu Feng was upset. He looked at the man opposite.

He really does not want to stifle the duality of creation, which is really not a little challenging.

However, the other party has to rush out to fight him.

The so-called gentleman adult beauty.

Since the other party wants to find their own way.

Xu Feng can only choose to complete.


The man screamed, the palms of his hands, the invigorating spurs of the spirits, all brought bursts of screams.


However, Xu Feng kicked out.

Above his fist, the golden light slammed, the power of terror broke out from his fist.

A figure, like a kite that has been broken, just flies backwards toward the back.

Xu Feng appeared in the place where the man fell to the ground and said: "Why don't you trust what I said?"

"I said, you are really weak, but you don't believe it. Is this the initiative to die?"

Xu Feng’s words made the man above the ground shocked, and his look was terrified.

"No... don't kill me... beg you... don't kill me..." the man said with a pleading.

Xu Feng shook his head and said: "I have told you that you are not my opponent. Why don't you believe it?"

The man’s heart is really depressed.

At this moment, he only wants 100,000 grass mud horses to drift.

He secretly mourned in his heart.

"Ghosts know that you are imaginary and ruthless, and the strength is terrible!" His words have not yet come out.

Xu Feng punched his chest.

Xu Feng received another hundred points.

Seeing Xu Feng's easy killing and creation of the two.

The people at the Mosquito Gate are shocked.

Wang Yonglong’s eyes are all condensed, and the cold killing of the look emerges. “Zhong Qi, you kill the kid!”

Zhong Qi is the strongest of the three mid-term peaks in the creation of the realm. The momentum on his body is much stronger than the one who is only talented.

Zhong Qi moves in the footsteps, his speed is rising very fast, cracking his mouth, saying: "Kid, you are dead!"

Zhong Qi does not think that Xu Feng can kill himself.

He is the third-best in the middle of the creation of the realm.

His number of threads is forty-eight.

The most important thing is that he has a second-order Chinese spirit.

The dense palm prints condense from the palm of his hand.

All that was brought was the raging wind, and his hands suddenly took the air waves and swept toward Xu Feng.

It seems that the swell of his palms will tear the whole void, and let the void vibrate.


The body of Xu Feng's creation was displayed, and his Canglong Wang Quan, which was continuously displayed, brought the momentum of the golden dragon.

Zhong Qi suddenly discovered that his own attack was continuously exerted.

However, Xu Feng did not suffer any harm.

On the contrary, it is more than enough.

Before Wu Qi wanted to show his tricks, Xu Feng took the lead: "Nothing will continue to waste time with you. This battle should be over."

The voice just fell.

The spiritual power of Xu Feng surging, above his head, fifty-three spiritual veins, densely spread.

"Fifty-three spirits?"

When Wang Yonglong and Deng Yuan fought, they were all shocked. He almost didn't start to jump.

"The dragon is invincible!"

Xu Feng exhibited the spirit of the Holy Spirit, which matches the body of the Kowloon Refining Body. His arm instantly became a dragon claw.


His footsteps move, and the body is bringing a slap in the air, as if the waves in a circle are fluctuating.

The golden claws, accompanied by the power of the body of the creation, are really a huge dragon claw.

Feel the powerful Holy Spirit of Xu Feng, and Zhong Qi’s eyes are all condensed.

He looked down on Xu Feng from the previous one and became a dignified face.

Xu Feng said faintly: "Oh, what are you doing so nervously, I am a little scared."

Xu Fengsheng sounded.

Zhong Qi bites his teeth. He knows that when he is not in love with his face, he will die here if he is not careful.

Therefore, his eyes stared at Xu Feng.


However, Xu Feng did not want to attack, the golden claws, as if it were dozens of golden light.

In this way, tearing down towards Zhong Qi.


Zhong Qi waved his arm to resist, and his arm squeaked, but the bones shattered.

The whole person has been regressing one after another, his face changed greatly, and said: "Hurry up to help me, this kid is not simple."

With Zhong Qi’s help, the sound came.

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and said: “You want to ask for help, but now it’s too late!”

Xu Feng's speed was raised to the extreme. In an instant, he was killed in front of Zhong Qi and punched out in the head of Zhong Qi.

With a bang, the blood burst.

Xu Feng swept his eyes and said: "Come on, let's get a little more, so that I don't really get used to it."

The person in the ink frost door was so provocative by Xu Feng.

But one by one biting his teeth.

Zhao Kun and others are full of excitement, and their hearts are shocked.

"Since you don't shoot, then I can take the initiative and don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

Xu Feng's tone is calm, his face is cold and killing, bringing with the fluctuations of squally showers.

"You guys started to work together and killed the kid."

However, Xu Feng's strength is strong, and it is fully exposed.

Xu Feng has no hesitation.

He looked at the three people who came from the attack.

The spiritual power in him fluctuated.

He punched out and the opposite person was back and forth.


Xu Feng’s boxing method is really amazing.

He then killed a triple peak of creation.

Not much time.

This is a long time.

The fifteen people brought by Wang Yonglong were killed by Xu Feng and others.

Xu Feng won 500 points, and other points were also obtained by others.

At last.

Only Wang Yonglong was left alone. He was surrounded by Xu Feng and others.

Deng Yuan’s face was mocked and said: “Wang Yonglong, I am afraid you are miscalculated this time.”

Wang Yonglong did not expect that there would be such a perverted ambiguity.

"Want to run?"

Deng Yuan felt that Wang Yonglong gave birth to a retreat.

He suddenly stayed up and directly entangled Wang Yonglong.

Deng Yuan constantly entangled Wang Yonglong, just to give Xu Feng their willingness to create opportunities.

This time, it was Wang Yonglong’s turn to be angry.

Deng Yuan treated his people with his own way.

He is like this, constantly restraining Wang Yonglong


Wang Yonglong, watching Xu Feng’s continually killing him, can only be full of embarrassment and anger.

However, Deng Yuan was able to cleverly entangle him.

(End of this chapter)

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