The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2943: Tanaka's request

Chapter 2943, Tanaka’s request

"Are you not very arrogant just now?"

Xu Feng stared at the opposite Wang Yonglong, his mouth slightly raised.

You must know that Wang Yonglong is very arrogant.

Wang Yonglong bit his teeth, and he stared at Xu Feng with a bad look.

If the eyes can kill.

I believe that Xu Feng is really a dead place.

He said coldly: "The kid, I didn't expect Black Iron City, such an eight-order force that is about to collapse, and it is ridiculous to be able to recruit a talented disciple like you!"

"I will give you a piece of advice and advise you to leave Black Iron City earlier. This eight-order power is rotten."

"In these years, Heilongjiang is not a genius who has never been surprised. But unfortunately, it is not killed by other people, or killed by oneself."

The words of Wang Yonglong sounded.

Deng Yuan and others are in silence.

They also know that Wang Yonglong is telling the truth.

Xu Feng said faintly: "Since Black Iron City is rotten, I will let Black Iron City live again."

"Those places that are rotten, I will uproot them, and it will be a brand new Black Iron City."

In Xu Feng’s tone, all that is revealed is strong self-confidence.

Among his eyes, there are flashes of light.

"Really is not self-reliant!"

Wang Yonglong said coldly: "Do you know how complicated it is in the eight-order power?"

"Don't the city owner of Heilongjiang, he doesn't know that Black Iron City is rotten? Why, he is indifferent?"

Wang Yonglong’s words rang, causing Xu Feng to suddenly frown, and said something is also reasonable.

Wang Yonglong looked at Xu Feng's heart, and his heart was all secret: "As long as this kid is in opposition, Deng Yuan and others will die."

He saw it from the battle of Xu Feng just now.

The strength of Xu Feng is even stronger than the triple peak of the creation.

"Oh, although you said it makes sense, but what does it have to do with killing you?"

Xu Feng said: "Everyone started to kill him."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Deng Yuan and others are all relieved.

They are very aware of the strength of Xu Feng.

Once Xu Feng is in the opposite direction, they are probably dead.

However, Deng Yuan thought that he had been ashamed of what he said before Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s strength is so strong, and he needs his protection.


"I can not be reconciled!"

Wang Yonglong was attacked by Xu Feng and others, and blood gushed from his mouth.

The faces on his face are unwilling, and the appearances are all unbelievable.

He did not understand why there was such a strong and vain four-fold youth.

Such a youth.

The place that should appear is the seventh-order power, even the sixth-order power, not the eight-order force on the edge of the lock collar.

"Xu brothers, killing him one thousand points belongs to you." Deng Yuan's words rang, and his people also agreed.

Xu Feng heard the words and said with a smile: "If this is the case, then I will be respectful and I will be rude."

Xu Feng’s current cultivation is still very weak. He wants to reverse the situation in Heitie City and only become stronger.

The nine cave houses in the outer area of ​​the flame battlefield are all good places for him to cultivate.

To enter those caves, you need 10,000 points.

His demand for points is urgent.


A boxing shot of Wang Yonglong.

Xu Feng once again won a thousand points.

On top of his current token, there are already two thousand and one hundred points.

Deng Yuan and others, their faces are happy colors.

They began to sort out the spoils.

The fifteen people brought by Wang Yonglong are also the existence of battles in the flame battlefield for many years.

The spoils on them are really quite a lot.

As the captain of Deng Yuan, he came to distribute the spoils.

Xu Feng took the initiative to say: "You, I don't need other things, these seven soul crystals, and these three second-order best spirits, give it to me, what do you think?"

Originally, Deng Yuan wanted to give Xu Feng Ling Jing, as well as other treasures such as medicinal herbs.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng took the initiative to ask for Soul Crystal, as well as spiritual materials.

He said: "Xu brothers, you have to think clearly, soul crystal and spiritual materials, really precious to the alchemy."

"But these things are in the flames of the battlefield, it is difficult to find the alchemy shot. Therefore, the value will be greatly reduced."

Deng Yuan did not know that Xu Feng was an alchemy teacher.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Thank you for the captain reminding you to distribute other loot."

"The melee is still going on here, everyone is faster." Xu Feng urged them to say.

Xu Feng took out seven pieces of soul crystals, and three second-order supernatural materials, which were included in the storage ring.

Subsequently, the people quickly distributed the spoils.

They have just been assigned.

A man, wearing a light blue dress, his hands are very slender, and his eyebrows are a touch of suffocation.

When I saw this man, Deng Yuan and other people became ugly, and the breath on the other side was very light.


The small flame list ranks ninety-four.

He is a man of the mountain.

"You, I am not interested in killing the spoils of other people, but Danyang fruit is not something you can get."

"I just need Danyang fruit, honestly hand over Danyang fruit, I can spare you not to die!"

Tanaka’s tone is incomparably arrogant, and his eyes are disdainful.

As if, he is the first in the world.

Xu Feng looked at Tanaka and was really upset.

Just when he wants to rush out and fight against Tanaka.

Deng Yuan went forward and smiled and said: "Tianzhong, you are a member of the small flame list, and you will not do it with us."

"Since you want Danyang fruit, we just picked two Danyang fruit, and I will give it to you!"

Deng Yuan took out two Danyang fruit and handed it to Tanaka.

Tanaka heard that his eyes were cold and killing.

"Hey, do you think I am an idiot?" Tian Zhongyu said: "The Danyang fruit tree next to it, at least no less than twenty Danyang fruit, you give me two?"

Tanaka’s tone, from the beginning to the plain, became cold.

Deng Yuan heard that his face was a bit ugly.

They all, fighting hard for so long.

Always need a little Danyang fruit.

"Tanzhong, we have been fighting hard here for so long, can't we return empty-handed?"

Deng Yuan’s slow road.

Tanaka sneered: "You don't want to return empty-handed. Do you want to die all here?"

"I don't want more, you will give us twenty Danyang fruit, and I will not pursue it."

Tanaka’s words seem to give him Danyang fruit.

He does not pursue it, just like a gift.

Zhao Kun’s angry face rushed straight out and said: “Captain, this guy’s famous cruelty, we will not be able to live even if we give him Danyang fruit.”

"In addition, he does not take the initiative to take the shot, but we are many people, he may not be able to kill us."

Zhao Kun said the facts.

There are some taboos in Tanaka, of course not fear.

(End of this chapter)

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