The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2944: Are you strong?

Chapter 2944 Are you strong?

In the middle of the field, the momentum of the four creations broke out.

In his eyes, what emerged was the killing of Senran.

"Very good, since you think, I can't help you in Tanaka, then don't blame me."

Between Tanaka’s words, inside his hand, a knife suddenly appeared.

Above the blade, there are knives flashing.

It seems to be a slap in the face of horror.

Deng Yuan’s eyes are condensed, and he does not want other people to have casualties.

Now continue to say: "Tanzhong, you and us kill, and in the end will only be both lose."

"It's better, I will give you four Danyang fruit, how?"

Deng Yuan made another compromise.

Tanaka heard the words, his face was full of sorrow, said: "Don't say four Danyang fruit, you will give me ten even now, I will kill you."

Tanaka’s look is a slap in the face.

Above his head, there are fifty-four spirits.

Xu Feng felt the momentum of Tanaka.

His looks are warlike.

"It is worthy of being a member of the small flame list. The strength is really stronger than Deng Yuan."

Xu Feng’s heart is darkly compared.

Fang Yong’s Wang Yonglong and Deng Yuan belong to the four realities of creation and are relatively common.

However, the opposite of Tanaka, apparently in the four re-construction of the creation of the realm, the strength is very good.

Xu Feng thought that the four re-construction of the creation of the realm, the others who rank higher, how strong will it be?

Xu Feng stood there, he was holding a pair of fists, faintly said: "Captain, such a guy who shameless face, in my opinion, directly kill!"

Hearing the words of Xu Feng, Deng Yuan and other people's faces are changing.

They think that Xu Feng may not know the power of the people above the small flame list.

At the moment, Zhao Li whispered around Xu Feng: "Xu Feng, he is the 94th existence of the small flame list, and his strength is very strong."

Zhao Li thinks that Xu Feng is a bit arrogant.

However, I want Xu Feng's talent.

Some arrogance is taken for granted.

Tanaka grabbed the knife in his hand. He lifted the knife slowly, and the other hand gently stroked the blade.

There was a slap in the face on his face.

"I want to come to my field, I don't kill people for a while, so that all the cats and dogs are afraid to scream in front of me."

Tanaka’s words are incomparably arrogant.

The spiritual power of his body came out, and the fifty-four spirits on the top of the head immediately merged into a river.

The momentum on his body gradually rose.

Deng Yuan’s eyes are dignified.

He knows that this battle is inevitable.

He said: "You, since Tanaka is so aggressive, we can't be seen flat."

"Everyone is working with me. We are eleven people. Even if they are killed here, they must let Tanaka eat and walk."

Deng Yuan is also very angry.

He made repeated compromises.

However, Tanaka is so aggressive and does not give a living.

The dogs are eager to jump on the wall, they are all **** men.

"The squad of Black Iron City is afraid of being slaughtered by Tanaka."

"It is a pity that they have just received a lot of Danyang fruit, and they are afraid that it will be unhelpful."

"That is, the husband is not guilty, he is guilty of his crimes, but he wants to compete for so many Danyang fruit."

Many people around are watching this side.

Tanaka is the existence of the ninety-fourth list of the small flames.

His appearance naturally attracts countless eyes.

"Let's go together, let me see, how strong are you?"

Tanaka grabbed the knife in his hand, and his eyes were cold and killing. The body broke out with violent momentum.


At the moment when Tanaka was in the body, he stepped out and landed on both feet, bringing with him strong momentum fluctuations.

The long knife in the hand fell down.

It seems that the void is being torn apart by his knife.

Inside his eyes, there is a shadow of the knife.

"A horrible knife!"

Some people feel that Tanaka shot, can not help but sigh.

The knives gather together, bringing with them a sharp knife shadow.

Deng Yuan and others are full of dignity.

They also displayed their own spiritual skills, and greeted them in the middle of the field.


Knife seems to be able to destroy everything.

At the moment when the gas waves spread toward the surroundings, the pace of the people continued to regress.

The people who have been rebuilt in the realm of cultivation have tempered their blood.

"Come back!"

No one in the middle of the field hesitated, but also a knife. From top to bottom, the shackles fell and the whole void was torn.


This time, someone flew straight out and slammed on the ground, and all of them were wounds of knives.

Tanaka’s face was disdainful and said: “I want to resist my knife with your waste?”

"It’s really hard!"

Tanaka is the existence of the ninety-fourth list of the small flames.

He is holding a knife and his body is arrogant.

Xu Feng’s mouth was raised. He spoke to Deng Yuan and others: “Captain, you all step back and let me deal with him.”


Xu Feng’s words rang, and the whole scene was in utter disappointment.

Young people who are ignorant of the four worlds must fight in the field.

This is really incredible.

Deng Yuan and others are full of mistakes.

Tanaka’s eyes are mocking. He said: “Kid, I am trying to kill you first. I didn’t expect you to come out and die. It seems that you are very self-aware!”

Tanaka’s face is contemptuous.

The ambiguous situation is fourfold, and I dare to come to the flame battlefield. I am really looking for death.

Haven't waited for Deng Yuan to speak.

The spirit of Xu Feng's body, accompanied by the golden light of the body of the creation, above his arm, seems to be a dragon to take off.

"Are you strong?"

Xu Feng's mouth is raised, and a fist is smashed out, which is the last form of Cang Long Wang Quan.

"Long Yue Tian Di!"

As if a dragon, from the heavens and the earth, shocked out, it brought a violent vibration.

The impact of the double fists went out.

"This kid won't be crazy?"

Seeing Xu Feng, he took the initiative to move toward Tanaka. Many people are open-minded and unbelievable.

They are very clear that the strength of the nine-fourth list of the flames is really strong.

Xu Feng took the initiative to take the shot, isn't it equal to taking the initiative to die?

"A good boy, just don't know, his arrogance, is there any capital?"

"Don't tell me, this kid is really amazing. I have seen him before."

Xu Feng and Wen Guhai just came to the flame battlefield.

There has been a very strong melee.

However, some people have seen Xu Feng.

However, the flame battlefield is really too big.

They don't know, the other party is called Xu Feng.


At the moment when Tanaka’s dead word blurted out, his long knife fell toward Xu Feng’s shoulder.


With the formation of the dragon, the collision with the long knife, the ground is full of knives and tears.

However, a scene that made many people stunned appeared.

That is, Xu Feng is safe and sound.

Tanaka, but a few meters back.

(End of this chapter)

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