The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2945: Won the small flame list

Chapter 2945 is honored by the small flame list


The people watching around are in a state of silence.

They all reached out and reached their eyes and rubbed their eyes.

They feel that they are not illusory.

However, when I saw Xu Feng still standing there, his face was calm.

However, the opposite of Tanaka, but the face is full of sorrow.

They finally understood that the scene that I saw just now is real, not an illusion.

Tanaka still feels the arm pain, and his heart is shocked. "Damn, who is this kid, how could he break out such a powerful force?"

No one knows more clearly than Tanaka.

The power contained in Xu Feng’s fist is really terrifying.

Deng Yuan and others are wrong.

"Before, Xu Feng also hidden the strength!"

They also understand.

Why, Wen Guhai will come with Xu Feng personally.

Dare to love, Xu Feng is really a peerless genius.

"What is the name of this kid, and with his fist just slamming back into the middle of the field, I feel that this kid is going to be a fire!"

"There is a fire, his strength is fully qualified to be on the small flame list." One person excitedly said: "God, the virtual world has been on the small flame list, it seems that it has not appeared for hundreds of years. ”

"It’s really unprecedented, there’s no one coming!”

The people on the scene are completely boiling.

Xu Feng stared at the opposite Tanaka, faintly said: "Oh, it seems that you were very arrogant, but you are just like that."

"I thought, how strong are you? You dare to call you very powerful, but the strength is not good."

Xu Feng said, shaking his head.

Many people hear Xu Feng’s words, which are simply words and words, which is the biggest humiliation for Tanaka.

Tian Zhongfang vowed to look down on Xu Feng, who knows that Xu Feng’s strength is so powerful.

"Kid, don't be proud, I just want you to smack you, and it will cause you to shake me back."

Tanaka’s tone is awkward, and his spiritual power is moving more quickly and faster.

The knife in his hand is a horrible knife, and it seems to be a torn air.

"I will let you see, my real strength, and the real knife!"

On his body, the field of the knife of the eighth heavenly peak broke out, as if a layer of knives were condensing.

“The eighth is the field of the peak knife?” Many people were shocked. “It seems that Tanaka really has to go all out.”

"I will let you see and see, the power of my streamer knife."

Tanaka’s voice fell.

The spiritual power of the body is surging.

The momentum of his whole body is erupting, and the strong swordsmanship is like a streamer, rolling in layers.

“It’s not the second-order best holy spirit technique, the power is really strong.”

Xu Feng felt the breath of Tanaka.

I heard Xu Feng’s words.

Tanaka’s cold road: "Kid, if you know that you are afraid, now you are on the ground, I can spare you from death."

However, Xu Feng re-exported and said: "However, in my eyes, your knife is really not the same."


A lot of people almost didn't laugh out.

Don't take such teasing people.

Xu Feng is completely, playing Tian Zhong opera.

"Burn the wind!"

On Xu Feng’s body, the moment the flame burned, his veins gathered, and his fist seemed to be a planet with flames.

The violent momentum is really unstoppable.

It seems that even with the void, it is burned.

It seems that the layers of fire are rolling.

"This young man also cultivated the second-order best holy spirit skills?"

Many people were stunned by the Holy Spirit that Xu Feng showed.

"It looks like the power of his second-order superb spirit, no more than Tanaka's streamer knife."

"I feel stronger than the Streamer Knife Code. What kind of metamorphosis is this young man? He is only awkward!"

When many people looked at Xu Feng, they felt that their hearts were subverted.

When is the youth who are imaginary and afflicted, so abnormal.

"What capital is there in front of me?"

Xu Feng said coldly: "Do you think that only you have a second-order supernatural spirit?"

Xu Feng’s voice sounded, and for Tanaka, it was really naked mockery.

Tanaka’s face became ugly.

However, the knife in his hand condensed into a streamer and rushed out toward Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s body, a field of horrible gravity, once again hit.

His field of gravity brings about dramatic fluctuations.

The next moment.

"The tenth day of gravity field!"

Xu Feng’s body of gravity has reached a terrible level.

"Ah! God!"

"Heaven, earth!"

"Is he really a human?"

"The gravity field of the ninth heaven and earth peak!"

Many people can't help but make an exclamation.

Xu Feng condenses the tenth heaven and earth to complete the field of gravity.

However, for everyone.

It is the ninth heaven and earth peak gravity field.

"Where did the black empire go to find the enchanting, so talented, let him come to the flame battlefield to die?"

Many people secretly sigh.

They have no doubts.

This war about Xu Feng and Tanaka spread.

The entire flame battlefield, I am afraid there are countless people, will aim to kill Xu Feng.

Even inside the flame battlefield, someone will come to kill Xu Feng.

The four forces fight each other.

Such a fascinating peerless genius.

Other forces, of course, will not let him grow up safely and threaten his position.

"No! I don't believe this is true!"

Tanaka felt that the momentum of Xu Feng and his attack speed were suppressed.

His eyes are unbelievable and his face is unwilling.

And, followed by.

It is like a fist in Mars.

Xu Feng's cultivation of the second-order superb holy spirit, "burning the wind and punching" has also reached the realm of getting better.

At the moment, a punch came out.

The emptiness of the void broke out.

When the void vibrates, it seems to be a warm air wave, and it is constantly rolling in all directions.


Tanaka’s knife slammed out.

The general knives of streamer are thus devoured by flames and ruthlessly.

The wind is huge, and the fist seems to be a meteorite.


The knife in his hand was suddenly hit and flew out, and the whole person was accompanied by a miserable snoring.

The fist of a huge flame bombarded the chest and flew out a few tens of meters away.

A loud bang came, and many people saw the place where Tanaka fell, as if it were a huge pit.

On the scene, the second time fell into silence.

They all looked at the youth.

I saw that his face was calm. It seems that for him, defeating Tanaka is really not something that is too happy.

They couldn't help but sigh and said: "Really a peerless genius, his stage should not be a flamefield."

"Hey, the people on the flame list are really cruel. This guy is growing up, afraid to sweep the flame list."

(End of this chapter)

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