The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2981: First battle in the internal area

Chapter 2981 Internal Area First Battle

Xu Feng watched Jin Zeyu leave, he took a deep breath, took out some medicinal herbs and swallowed it.

The kitten was invincible by Qiu invincible, and now fell into a coma.

He quickly picked up the kitten, took out some of the medicinal herbs and sent them into the kitten's mouth.

Simply, the kitten swallowed these medicinal herbs.

Xu Feng is relieved.

Xu Feng took the kitten and quickly left.

He is also afraid that if he is invincible and so on, he will be very dangerous.

The whole person is constantly approaching the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield.

It took about half a day.

He saw not far away.

A valley with a good environment.

"You can go to the valley to heal, wait for the injury to recover completely, and then go to the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield."

Xu Feng entered the valley.

Oh la la...

Several low-level flames suddenly came out, bringing a burst of violent winds and waves, and swooped toward Xu Feng.

"Oh, although I was seriously injured, there were a few low-level flames in the district, and it’s not a problem!"

The spiritual power of Xu Feng broke out, and the strong waves of the waves broke open, forming storms.

His fist violently erupted, and his eyes were all condensed when he was working.

Just because he was invaded by Qiu invincible, and his body of creation was greatly damaged.

"Qiu is invincible, you give me a wait, one day, my Xu Feng wants you to pay a painful price!"

Xu Feng bit his teeth, he resisted the pain of his body, and his fists continued to bombard.

Several low-level flames were easily killed by Xu Feng, his internal organs were rolling, and the meridians of the whole body were severely painful.

"Hey, I will let you double the compensation for everything I have received this time." Xu Feng killed the low-level flames.

He runs the "Minghua Ding" in his body, and his body is filled with a momentum of devouring.

The creation of Ding Fu emerged, and swallowed away to a few low-level flames, so that the flames were swallowed into the creation of Ding.

As Xu Feng swallows the flames, it transforms into pure spiritual power.

Chenghua Ding began to repair his body.

He quickly walked to a place not far away, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he took out some spiritual materials.

He simply arranged a lineup and walked toward the formation. He sat cross-legged.

Take out the medicinal herbs, and after swallowing, start practicing.

Time passes by one minute.


Black Iron City.

Qiu invincible quickly found Yin Baofang.

He looked at the opposite Yin Baofang and said: "The city owner, there are some things, I am afraid you need to personally handle it."

Yin Baofang’s eyes are all condensed.

He is naturally well aware of what Hugh’s actions have done over the years.

Something is unpleasant at the moment.

After all, Qiu Invincible actually talked to him in such a tone.

"Qiu is invincible, what?"

Yin Baofang asked invincible against Qiu.

"The city owner, things have to start from a few days ago. When we were in conflict with the elders, we were silent. We wanted to kill us. We had no choice but to kill us. We had to say what happened in the past, that is, we knew it silently. Things of the year."

Yin Baofang’s eyes are all condensed, and his mouth is raised. He said: “You Qiujia promised never to reveal half a word. Are you really good? Why have you been so good for so many years? Do it."

Yin Baofang’s eyes are full of anger.

"The city owner, our Qiu family is also a last resort. This is a very complicated matter. After you kill it silently, I will report it one by one."

Qiu said invincible.

His looks are calm and self-contained.

As if, in front of him is not the strong man of the destiny, it is not the owner of the Black Iron City, but only one of his subordinates.

"Qiu is invincible, are you threatening me?"

On the body of Yin Baofang, a strong momentum broke out, making Qiu invincible almost breathless.

His eyes are full of fear, it seems that at this time, he will remember, the opposite Yin Baofang, is the first strongest in Black Iron City.

"The city owner, we have a glory in the home of the hills and the city, and how can I threaten the city owner?"

Qiu invincible with a smile on his face.

Yin Baofang said: "When you are silent, you can't easily kill. He has a high status in Heicheng."

"It’s very possible to kill him, and it’s very likely to cause a sensation. This matter, I will slowly find opportunities later."

Yin Baofang finished, looking at Qiuqi invincible, said: "Go back to tell Qiu, the things of the year, I repay his kindness, has been a lot. If he continues this way, three times and five times of insatiable words, it will not be big time to break the net."

"I am the owner of the Black Iron City, can you really let the Black Iron City become a nine-order power?"

Qiu's invincible eyes are full of anger.

He did not expect it.

Yin Baofang really did not promise to be silent when he was killed.

And, the entire Black Iron City.

If you can kill when you are silent, only Yin Baofang can do it.

"The city owner, when you are silent, you want to train people to threaten your position. I hope you think twice before you go!"

After that, Qiu invincible turned and left.

He is very clear.

Yin Baofang is very greedy for the location of the black iron city owner.

Even if there is someone in Black Iron City, you can be a good heir.

Yin Baofang will not be willing to surrender the position of the city.

Yin Baofang looked at Qiu's invincible back and frowned slightly. His eyes were wrinkles.

If it weren’t from these wrinkles, I wouldn’t think of how old Yin Baofang’s age was.


In a blink of an eye, for a few days, it passed away.

Xu Feng opened his eyes, and all his eyes were shining.

The spiritual power of the whole body has flowed, and his cultivation is still a virtual state of the six peaks. It is not far from the virtual world.

He stood up and revealed the momentum in the eyebrows.


At this time, a burst of footsteps came.

"It is said that there are third-order top grades in the depths of the valley, and I don't know where?"

"Hey, look at that kid?"

Xu Feng came out from the formation, just to see a few figures not far away, his mouth slightly raised.

Several people walked toward Xu Feng at the same time and said: "Kid, when did you come to this valley?"

Several people feel Xu Feng, just the cultivation of the six peaks of the virtual world.

Therefore, it is completely out of sight.

Xu Feng replied truthfully: "It has been a long time!"

"What, a long time?"

One of the people stared at Xu Feng with both eyes, saying: "Hey, since I have been here for a long time, I am sure to get the spirits and treasures in the valley. Now I will surrender the storage ring, and we will not let you die."

Xu Feng said: "If I said, I didn't get it?"

"Who is a fool, will you get the treasure?"

The man asked Xu Feng to ask.

"Since you all know that I won't say it, you still ask me, are you an idiot?" Xu Feng screamed back.

(End of this chapter)

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